‘Nightmare!’ See why this possible reason for Eric Holder resigning has people terrified

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What would be a nightmare scenario? Oh, just this:

.@jasian12345 Holder might be a great guy, but I’m glad he’s leaving. Just hope he’s not Obama’s nomination to SCOTUS.

— Rob Frankel (@brandingexpert) September 25, 2014

Um, “great guy” nonsense aside … OMG the horror! Sshh! Don’t even joke about that.

That Twitter user wasn’t alone.

Seriously have a bad stomach pit about Supreme Court Justice Eric Holder.. Not even kidding.

— S.M (@redsteeze) September 25, 2014

Rush Limbaugh floated the horrifying idea as well.

And Rush just went there…. #SCOTUS #Holder

— S.M (@redsteeze) September 25, 2014

@pambesteder Rush Limbaugh planted an ugly idea–Holder to take SCOTUS vacancy. Ugggh—what a nightmare that would be!

— Mama Loie (@mamaloie) September 25, 2014

Rush confirms my nightmare scenario: http://t.co/TLajjjkK9I

— Richard L. Isaacs (@richisaacs) September 25, 2014

NIGHTMARE SCENARIO➡: Limbaugh: Holder May Be Resigning So Obama Can Nominate Him For Supreme Court http://t.co/7f4ZCbtXjM via @DailyCaller

— Jeni Anderson (@JustJeniA) September 25, 2014

Citizens on Twitter had been fearing such a nightmare scenario since the resignation news broke.

OMG. Just had a mini-nightmare. Please tell me Eric Holder couldn’t end up on the Supreme Court!

— Jane Pierotti (@JanePierotti) September 25, 2014

Nightmare Scenario: Wanna bet Holder ends up as the replacement for Ginsberg on the Supreme Court? @NahBabyNah @matsmilehigh

— Viv (@SaysViv) September 25, 2014

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Can one of you lawyer types tell me if there is any reason Obama couldn’t have nominated the s umbag Holder to a SCOTUS opening even if he was still AG? I am no legal expert, but I can’t recall any constitutional prohibition against an AG being nominated – so this seems like a lot of misplaced angst and hullabaloo over his resignation.

Honestly, I cannot see Holder getting through the confirmation process, unless it is AFTER the midterms, the dems lose control of the next Senate, AND Reid uses the nuclear option for a SCOTUS nominee.

Such a series of political moves by Obama would seriously poison any attempts at bipartisanship for the remainder of his term. Holder’s perjury before Congress on his Fast and Furious testimony, which resulted in a contempt of Congress charge, coupled with his shutting down the Philadelphia Black Panther voter intimidation case, should have resulted in his removal from office and disbarment, much less give him a shot at a SCOTUS seat. The pattern of criminality of this administration makes me believe something else is happening, rather than a launchpad effort setting him up for a SCOTUS appointment.

I sincerely hope I am not wrong. Putting Holder on SCOTUS would be every bit as bad as putting David Duke, or al Zawahiri on SCOTUS.


Honestly, I cannot see Holder getting through the confirmation process, unless it is AFTER the midterms, the dems lose control of the next Senate, AND Reid uses the nuclear option for a SCOTUS nominee.

If the Democrats lose in November, Harry Reid may well try to ram through a nominee for AG, as well as a SCOTUS nominee. But this time, any AG nominee is going to have a harder time than Holder did. With Sessions, Cruz, Cornyn, Graham and Mike Lee on the Senate Judiciary Committee, they will put so much presser on Orin Hatch and Jeff Flake it won’t be funny. Even Tricky Dicky Durbin can’t fight that kind of power.

Cornyn voted against Holder, and he will not accept another one like Holder if he ever wants to set foot in Texas again.


True, regarding the GOP members on the judiciary committee.

The left has been pressuring Ginsberg to step down while Obama can still pick another extreme leftist, but she has shown no signs of doing so. Leftists do not give up positions of power without a beneficial reason, or to avoid a pending difficulty. I am no legal expert, as I said, but I don’t see how Holder resigning as AG improves any chance for him to be nominated to SCOTUS. What am I missing here?

@Pete: #1
I think I remember reading somewhere that a person doesn’t have to be a lawyer to be a Supreme Court judge. If not, then anybody can be nominated.


Such a series of political moves by Obama would seriously poison any attempts at bipartisanship for the remainder of his term.

That is poisoned, dead and buried. Unless there is something both sides unanimously agree on, it ain’t going anywhere.

Holder’s perjury before Congress on his Fast and Furious testimony, which resulted in a contempt of Congress charge, coupled with his shutting down the Philadelphia Black Panther voter intimidation case, should have resulted in his removal from office and disbarment, much less give him a shot at a SCOTUS seat.

I would imagine the contempt charge itself would, unless resolved, hold up any thoughts of a nomination. But, being as this administration, covered by the MSM (see Todd, above) never seems to worry too much about optics or following the law, anything is possible.


Even if Ginsberg stepped down, which I doubt (she loves the power) Obama would only be replacing another radical left winger. Remember, Ginsberg quoted foreign law as a basis for one of her rulings, a total no-no, and has ruled on other cases using penumbras.

So it would be replacing one radical jurist with another. Thomas, Scalia, Alito and (sometimes Roberts) are strict Constitutionalists who are going nowhere unless they can be assured another strict Constitutionalist would be appointed. Kennedy, always the swing vote, will remain.


If Congress has any smarts at all (which I doubt) they will continue to go after Holder. Just because he resigns, he is not absolved from any criminal wrongdoing as AG. As a matter of fact, once he is gone, he no longer has the protection of the Oval Office.

He’s pulling the sympathy card.
2nd best to the race card.
Seems way back in Feb he had a spell of faintness with shortness of breath.
NOW, how many months later?, his gynecologist wife is insisting he quit because of that spell.
Feb, Mr, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sept.
8 months went by when she wasn’t worried enough to insist he quit.
This dog don’t hunt.


The Daily Mail, Nan?

That’s like quoting the National Inquirer.

@retire05: If the documents about to be released show him complicit in Fast and Furious and lying to Congress, you can bet they will go after him. If the Republicans acquire the majority in both chambers, you can bet they will finally get to the bottom of it. Only once Reid is gone will justice finally be served.


Oh, make no mistake; Holder was complicit in Fast and Furious. It was a policy gone bad. He, and his boss, thought if they could show that lax gun sales were responsible for the trafficking across the southern border they would get strong anti-2nd Amendment laws. But they were too stupid to know that once those weapons, that they forced dealers to sell, were across the border they could no longer track them.

@retire05: CNN has reported it, too.
Also Georgia Newsday:
Washington Post:

Another factor in Holder’s departure, said people who have spoken with him, emerged when he was taken to a Washington hospital in February after a health scare involving lightheadedness and shortness of breath. The incident, the people said, made Holder reevaluate his life and his priorities going forward.

It is all part of the plot, laid on not too thick, lest he pop up again as a Supreme Court pick.


I’m not buying that snake oil. But…………………………..

if true, then his health is too delicate to become a nominee for SCOTUS as Cruz, Sessions and Lee would turn Holder inside out.

I don’t place any credence in a theory of Holder being nominated for SCOTUS.

No, I think that with F&F being forced out in the open thanks to Judicial Watch and the IRS soon to follow due to another Judicial Watch case, Holder had to resign now for his own protection and so that Harry Reid could ram-rod a new Obama-agenda replacement through the now simple majority Senate approval process, prior to the November Elections, so that the radical “progressive” (fascist-socialist) Democratic elite would have yet another political activist AG in office – able to cause trouble during and after the November Elections.