By Matt Keener
Who knew that rapper Nicki Minaj would emerge as a champion for free speech and an outspoken critic of censorship? Even stranger — Minaj found herself retweeting Tucker Carlson while Carlson championed her on his nightly show.
Strange times indeed — but alas “adversity makes strange bedfellows.”
Minaj just learned rule number one of the modern illiberal party — there is zero room for liberty of thought.
Her critical error was having the audacity to question the vaccine narrative and encouraging people to make their own decisions.
It started with admittedly one of the funnier tweets or claims from Minaj:“My cousin in Trinidad won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it & became impotent. His testicles became swollen… His friend was weeks away from getting married, now the girl called off the wedding. So just pray on it & make sure you’re comfortable with ur decision, not bullied”
MSNBC’s Joy Reid pounced and shamed Minaj.
“People like Nicki Minaj I have to say this — you have a platform sister that is 22 million followers… for you to use your platform to encourage OUR community to not protect themselves and save their lives. My god sister you can do better than that… For you to use your platform to put people in a position of dying from a disease they don’t have to die from…. Oh my god. As a fan…. I am so sad you did that sister.”
I do not know about the validity to the story Minaj told about her “cousin in Trinidad.” I do know encouraging people to make decisions they are comfortable with, rather than peer pressured into, is sound advice.
While Reid implied that Minaj is putting people in the position to die for making a decision for themselves — she ought to google or refresh her knowledge of the Tuskegee Experiment, in which black prisoners were infected with syphilis for 40 years prior to feigning her astonishment at the hesitancy.
Twitter trended a special article to dispel the idea that the vaccines could impact an individual’s fertility.
Rather than back down or cower, Minaj persisted and called out Reid pointing to a Reid tweet where she herself expressed hesitancy about the vaccine and the government saying “will anyone… anyone at all… ever fully trust the CDC?”
Tucker Carlson noticed the Minaj controversy and it was one of the top stories on his nightly show.“Who knew — who could have guessed that rapper Nicki Minaj would turn out to be one of the bravest people in the United States — she merely said as an adult and as an American she should decide whether to take the vaccine — pray about it she said. Don’t be bullied. Things blew up from there. No praying about it. You must submit to being bullied. Those are the new rules. Nicki Minaj wasn’t aware of that and she’s resisted and she’s still resisting.”
Things got worse when Minaj retweeted a Tucker Carlson clip with a bullseye as if to say Carlson nailed it where Carlson defended her by saying:
“It’s the last part of the tweet that enrages them. The part that says pray on it. Make the decision for yourself. Like a free human being and “don’t be bullied… So our media and public health officials didn’t like this because they make their living bullying people. So they couldn’t let it stand.”
As if speaking her own mind was not enough — retweeting Carlson further enraged the left.
Left-wing commentator Hasan Piker tried to dissuade Minaj’s tweeting by saying Carlson is a white nationalist — a phrase that is supposed to be an insult.
“Right. I can’t speak to, agree with, even look at someone from a particular political party. Ppl aren’t human anymore,” Minaj said. “If you’re black & a Democrat tells u to shove marbles up ur ass, you simply have to. If another party tells u to look out for that bus, stand there & get hit.”
Minaj learned the lesson other black celebrities and politicians have in recent months — the media and Democrats will disparage you or even question your “blackness” if you step out of line or think for yourself.
Black Republican Larry Elder was labeled the “black face of white supremacy” — in just an absurdly racist article by the L.A. Times for daring to be black and conservative while campaigning to recall Gavin Newsom.
We saw similar racist tactics months prior during the presidential election.
No one is of any use to the left unless they join in unison parroting the same leftist mantra. Many blacks are more than happy to submit to the left’s ideological slavery… like Joy.
Democrats never stopped using African Americans as slaves.
Trump got a historic and epic 15% of the black vote.
Dems know they are losing.
Reproductive issues with the mRNA jab are not uncommon, just not reported.
New England Journal of Medicine posted a correction last week and now admits the COVID vaccine may not be safe for pregnant women.
The study was updated after it found that 104 of 827 pregnant participants experienced a spontaneous abortion after receiving the COVID vaccine. That is roughly 1 of 8 pregnant women losing their baby after getting the vaccine.
I wondered why this happened and sought an explanation.
Women who were vaccinated with the COVID shot had rising antibodies to a placental protein over the time of a clinical study.
Antibodies that fight a woman’s ability to create and maintain a placenta!!!
Pregnant women are at lower risk of COVID, and the COVID virus is not known to cross the placenta.
If the mother does get sick with COVID there are treatments that doctors have been using for years. They don’t need to take the risk of an experimental shot that could cause a miscarriage in one out of 8 pregnancies.
Normally, we don’t put pregnant women in that kind of risk situation.
Not since Thalidomide.
So what about all this hiding of the studies and their conclusions about the high risks from “the jab?”
Whatever happened to the right of a patient to “seek a 2nd opinion?”
It’s all been politicized and demonized.
As if medical freedom had suddenly been eroded away.
The shot pushers have dosed themselves into a corner. The CDC says if you got your second shot in June or earlier you aren’t “protected” anymore. But if you are under 65, no booster for you.
Leaving tens of millions unprotected and winter is coming. And every month millions more become “unprotected”.
All dressed up in spike proteins and nowhere to go…
The dumb bastards who refused vaccination have guaranteed a pool for variants to develop as acquired immunity fades.
Its the vaccinated spreading the variants and dying from them.
the vaxx is a scam.
greggie, your ignorance is only amplified by your arrogance. That is typical of those with little knowledge but they blow hard!
The stupid, irresponsible bullshit you’re selling here is toxic to the well-being of the American people.
Vaccinations do not work
Masks do not work
Lockdowns do not work
You’re either an effin’ idiot or a Russian disinformation troll. Whichever, believing what you say damages our nation.
September 20, 2021 – 675,000 Americans have now died of COVID-19.