Next Up in the Thunderdome: Islamists Versus Leftists

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AP Photo/Heri Juanda, File


Ah, anti-Semitism. It’s a hatred that, quite unlike any other, can bring together bigots from across the spectrum. You’ll find your run-of-the-mill Islamists, your intersectional types, for whom a successful minority is blasphemy, your black “reverends” whose consistent message is one of spite and envy rather than Christian love, and your climate change activists who almost uniformly side against Israel because … who knows? Must be all those Israeli loggers and coal miners.

The pro-terrorist, pro-genocide rallies we’ve seen this past month are an example of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” in real time. Both Islamists and leftists hate the West more than they hate each other and they thus ally almost effortlessly in a common cause, much like Hitler and Stalin did against Poland. But we’re rapidly approaching the point in America where the alliance’s enemy, the right (metaphorical Poland), is all but vanquished, and the two opposing totalitarian ideologies of Islamism and leftism will have nobody left to fight but each other.

And, yes, I mean it when I say the right is all but vanquished. In terms of battlefield performance, our side is pathetic, absolutely pathetic. We can’t even win an election in Kentucky. Our debate “moderators,” having been handpicked by the RNC, are simply leftist activists who bathe. With a few clicks on social media, the left can rally its Antifa brownshirts to form an insta-mob to descend anywhere at any time to do anything they want, while we on the right stand around dumbfounded.   We’ve lost the schools, the universities, the media, the bureaucracy, big business, the military, and many of the churches. And if we lose in 2024 to that drooling sock puppet, it will be because the Only Trump and the Never Trump wings of our party can’t unite, even temporarily, to defeat the common enemy the way our adversaries do. All of our wounds are self-inflicted.

But once the right is out of the way, the Islamists and leftists will have to contend with each other’s opposing viewpoints. And so far as I can tell, only the Islamists have thought that far ahead.

Take, for instance, the UK transgender activist who showed up at the pro-Palestinian rally trying to recruit support for puberty blockers for children. He was aghast — aghast, I tell you — to discover that not only did the attending Muslims disagree with him, but they openly mocked him for wearing black nail polish. And these weren’t the old, bearded, ayatollah-type Muslims. These were the young, hip, edgy Muslims, raised and immersed in Western society, the ones who in other cultures might be expected to go a little more Kevin Bacon in Footloose against the uppity religious elders.  But not so.

Or consider city council meetings in majority-Muslim areas in Maryland and Michigan, where leftists say they’ve been betrayed. Muslims vote against pride flags at city hall and against their first graders being forced to participate in public school indoctrination sessions supporting transgenderism and LGBTQ issues.

Not that the leftists were able to competently assess the root of the disagreement. For the Muslims, it’s pretty straightforward. The Koran considers homosexuality a sin, and the Muslims at the city hall meetings were crystal clear in their assertion that LGBTQ advocacy violates their religion. But for the Left, for whom intersectionality theory dictates that no victimized minorities can legitimately oppress each other, the culprit was clear: the sinister, omnipresent hand of “white supremacy” and “right-wing agitators.”

Indeed, our malevolent influence crosses national borders. Justin Trudeau blames the “American right wing” for Canadian Muslims who oppose gender ideology propaganda being peddled in their schools. We white supremacists can’t win elections in Virginia against candidates who openly push this exact same propaganda onto our own schoolchildren, but we’re insidious enough to hoodwink brown Muslims in Canada into doing our lynching for us. Dastardly.

This bizarre leftist tactic of blaming white conservatives for the behavior of brown Muslims is part projection, part Stockholm Syndrome, and part sheer cowardice. Whatever the technical name for that is, it’s nonetheless enjoyable to watch. Because the left knows that if they’re unable to successfully co-opt Islamists, and soon, then the internal contradictions of their temporary alliance will necessarily cause the chimera to evaporate. And when that happens, the left knows it’s done for. A street-fought civil war or low-level terror campaign between Muslims and leftists? It wouldn’t even be close.

Why? Here are a few of the many reasons:

1. Leftists alter their victim matrix every ten minutes. As gays and the working class learned the hard way, yesterday’s martyr is today’s oppressor. Their constant game of musical chairs may have the same overall goal of the acquisition of total power, but the winners and losers are in constant uncertain flux. Islamists don’t have this problem. Their endgame concludes, and has always concluded, with a single winner: Muslims. This has remained unchanged since the 7th Century.

2. Islamists know both themselves and their enemy. They are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses (as they understand them) and those of their leftist “allies.” Average leftists aren’t even sure of their own gender. Their moral compass is encapsulated by the pursuit of immediate gratification, be it psychological or physical. They have no discipline, hence the demands for everything, right now, from 40-year-old children who can’t wait until after dinner for their ice cream cones. Islamists have plenty of discipline, having plotted patiently for 1,400 years, and without batting an eye, they will plot another 1,400 years if need be.

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The left is too stupid to realize if these heathens succeed, it will be them that will be sacrificed first.

He was aghast — aghast, I tell you — to discover that not only did the attending Muslims disagree with him, but they openly mocked him for wearing black nail polish.

I doubt it happened, but this guy should have had a great awakening moment. Because, if/when these radical Islamists turn on the LGBTQXYZ$&# etc, etc, etc group, NO ONE is going to take up for them and if anyone does, the radical Islamists aren’t going to be shamed into pulling back. No, they will just ramp up their attacks, just as they do in Israel. I only hope more of these mentally ill trans supporters make the attempt to befriend these radical nuts; it will take NUMEROUS examples before they understand that, if only they had kept their degenerate mouths shut, they had it pretty good when conservatives had power.

But, if these radical Islamists get enough power, the gay/trans people won’t just be shunned; they’ll be killed. And no one will step up and put themselves between the beheaders and the gays, because, surprise! your “pals” never cared too much about you and your gay lifestyle, anyway. You were just a prop that voted for the same issues they did.

Then, because everyone has been disarmed, the woke leftists will be all alone.

Other than the Sunni/Shia divide, their single-minded purpose is expansion of, and domination by, Islam. 

While people like Israelis spend their time making a better life and a better place to live, these lunatics spend their entire lives hating Jews and plotting ways to kill them. That’s why they live in abject poverty; it’s not the Israeli’s fault.

your black “reverends” whose consistent message is one of spite and envy rather than Christian love

There’s not a lot of Christian love coming from the MAGA wing of our citizenry. If a lack of Christian love is a problem, perhaps you guys should look inward—assuming you consider yourselves to be Christians, of course.

Last edited 10 months ago by Michael

There’s not a lot of Christian love coming from the MAGA wing of our citizenry.

How about backing up that statement, Groomer? Or are you just going to do what you always do; ignore questions that are difficult for you to answer?

If a lack of Christian love is a problem, perhaps you guys should look inward

Why? It is your side of the aisle that professes to support peace but is doing its damdest to get us involved in a foreign war. But I’m sure that when that happens, you will be the first one to visit the recruiting office for one of our military branches, right?

Do you consider yourself a Christian?

What would Jesus do, well maybe grab a whip and turn over some tables, Mike you know nothing of something you dont even believe in, now you annoying little snot-nosed groomer go F yourself.
Years of failing test scores because you taught SEL and not the basics.
Pathetic failure after failure.

Do you consider yourself a Christian?

comment image

It’s the work of the devil to ask you whether you’re a Christian?

Go play on the tracks kiddo
This is what your ilk have done,
comment image

Do you consider yourself a Christian?

What does that have to do with the discussion?

Are you anti-Christian? How about anti-Jewish or anti-Muslim?

Or maybe, just maybe, you lack the intellect to answer my questions so you respond with a pointless question that has nothing to do with my post.

I cannot fathom that you are allowed near children, much less claim to be a teacher.

What does that have to do with the discussion?

The topic of Christian love is part of the original post. Perhaps you haven’t read it yet. You seem to be consumed by hatred, so I wondered whether you see yourself as a Christian.

I honestly don’t blame you for being reluctant to answer.

Are you anti-Christian? How about anti-Jewish or anti-Muslim?

I’m anti religion.

Last edited 10 months ago by Michael

What does that have to do with the discussion?

The topic of Christian love is part of the original post. 

And what does my personal religious beliefs have to do with that? Are you saying that only a believer can comment on “Christian love?”

I’m anti religion.

Surprise, surprise. You admit the obvious.

Last edited 10 months ago by retire05

Are you saying that only a believer can comment on “Christian love?”

That’s a foolish question, seeing as how I’ve told you that I’m a non-believer and I’m clearly commenting on the topic of Christian love.

Simply annoying 14 year old maturity.

That’s a foolish question, seeing as how I’ve told you that I’m a non-believer and I’m clearly commenting on the topic of Christian love.

So as a non-believer, you have the arrogance to try to discuss a subject from a predetermined position.

Typical arrogant leftist attitude.

Interesting. You’re neither Russian nor Ukrainian, yet you have an array of loudmouth “predetermined positions” on that topic. You’re not a Democrat, yet you vomit endless opinions on that topic, all from a “predetermined position.”

You’re neither Russian nor Ukrainian, yet you have an array of loudmouth “predetermined positions” on that topic.

Really? Like what? And be sure to quote me verbatim.

You’re not a Democrat, yet you vomit endless opinions on that topic, all from a “predetermined position.

Again, like what? Verbatim, remember?

You’re a child, groomer. An irreligious, pompous, arrogant, ill informed, unintelligent child who dives into subjects that you are totally ignorant on.

Now, go dream up something else to try to look intelligent over. No matter what it is, you will experience a major fail.

We’re already starting to see the effete Leftist progressives being attacked by Muslims all over the world.
Atheists are a prime target for Muslims.
Black liberation theologists and their congregants are also targets for Muslims.
Feminists are targets for Muslims.
The lbgt+++ crowd are all targets for Muslims.
And all non-muslims are targets for Muslims.

These “victim” groups all think that, because Muslims oppose secular rule and the rulers and supporters of that, they will side with themselves in other areas.
But that overlap disappears and Muslims attack targets of convenience from among all the groups they hate.

When a Muslim with a gun comes at you, and you’re not a 50-year old ex-MMA fighter, you likely won’t have time to tell him you’re on his side. Even if you did, he’d probably kill you anyway.

Romans 12:9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.

John 15:18 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.

Matthew 10:22 And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

These “victim” groups all think that, because Muslims oppose secular rule and the rulers and supporters of that, they will side with themselves in other areas.

Wait; are you under the impression that the groups you mentioned oppose the idea of secular government?

Just their so-called allies in Islam.
Just for the sake of gaining Paradise despite their “sins,” Muslims can be induced to kill even the most meek soy boy.