Newt’s Victory in South Carolina a Defeat for the Liberal Media

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Newt Gingrich won South Carolina because he refused to succumb to assaults by the liberal media, and because conservatives are just as fed up as he is.

Speaker Gingrich hit a nerve dead-on by pushing back on ABC’s blatant character assassination and standing up to John King’s first debate question. He tapped into the anger and frustration of not only South Carolina voters, but of the rest of the country. The left-wing media have tried to manipulate this campaign cycle through the systematic character assassination of every conservative in the race. The public has had it.

By the same token, they’ve watched the same leftists in the so-called ‘news’ media cheerlead a radical community organizer to victory and are sick and tired of the free passes they continually grant to The Chosen One, who has wreaked havoc on our country.

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Newt’s Victory in South Carolina a Defeat for the Liberal Media….and another loss for Americans in general.

Ivan, I’m going to address this one comment of yours, and only this one, as it seems the rest of the people here on FA aren’t wasting their time with you.

Now, you state “and another loss for Americans in general.” To do so presupposes that there was either another choice to be made in SC for the GOP nominee, or, that you believe Obama is the right choice. I say this because if you believe there wasn’t a good choice for Americans to make there, or, if you don’t believe Obama is a better choice, then there wasn’t anything to lose by this particular choice, was there? Unless, of course, your word choice was in error and you meant something else.

I’m gone from FA for nearly 4 months and I come back to see you making the same comments over and over and over and over. I still have not seen any comment from you, either prior to my absence, or since I’ve started posting again, about any support for any candidate, anywhere. Not for anyone still in the race. Not for anyone who has dropped out. And not for anyone who did not enter the race. Tell us, without your criticism of the choices, who, exactly, you wanted to see in the race. Just one positive comment.

If the obama liberals really wanted to run against Newt, they would be bashing him and leaving Romney alone.  They want to run against Romney, simple as that.  They fear Newt the most out of all the candidates because their empty suit Obama will be shown for the fool he is in debates.  Note how Newt wins every debate with Romney.  If it were one on one with Romney, he would wipe the floor with this liberal trying to play conservative.  I am beginning to believe that Ann Coulter wants to see Obama because she makes millions when Obama is in office and Christie might want to see a defeat by the GOP in 2012 to open the door for him to be the savior in 2016.  They are almost in total fear of letting the people make up their minds and vote for the nominee of their choice.  And they are playing a very dangerous game.  If the people who support the non Romney choice unite, it would be a major force for a third party.  Either let us vote for whom we want or lose us forever.

Newt’s win in  South Carolina is comparable the Romney winning in New Hampshire.

What is up with Coulter?  Didn’t think she was part of Beltway Cocktail Crowd.  Man – they are in complete melt down with the establishment’s guy not winning. 

I don’t get it.  Let the candidates debate it out.  It should be a healthy process.  But has taken a turn of ugly.  This mud throwing serves no one but the Democrats and Obama.  We handed them campaign fodder.  You know how many sound bites the Dems have now.  Just wait.  Do our candidates understand that?  Do they care?

Had Romney shown up to the debates, he would have had a better showing in SC.  He shows up with only platitudes; crap we’ve heard a thousand times before.  Generalities.  Memes that the base do not identify with.  “I will restore America, America can be great again, Obama this, Obama that, etc, etc.”  Yada, yada.  That’s great.  But how’re you going to do it Mitt? 

Beating Obama will require the candidate to identify and articulate Obama’s failures.  It will require them to explain in detail how their policies will get the economy going again.  Obama is set to lie this election cycle and these lies will need to be thoroughly decontructed and explained.  Alternatives will need to proposed and the populace will need to understand them clearly and precisely.  Technocrat-speak will not accomplish this, as Obama has a keen ability to obfuscate the message. 

Perception: It also apears Mitt is soft on Obama and hard on Newt.  That’s not winning him favorability either.