During her confirmation hearings, Elena Kagan — then solicitor-general for the United States — stated that she had virtually no role in crafting the PPACA (Obamacare) Act nor in advising the Democrat Party on a legal strategy for it.
COBURN: Thank you. And my — I have two final questions. One, was there at any time — and I’m not asking what you expressed or anything else — was there at any time you were asked in your present position to express an opinion on the merits of the health care bill?
KAGAN: There was not.
Newly released emails prove that this was untrue. From cheerleading the passage of the bill, to helping to coordinate the response, to shushing those who had begun to leave a paper trail of her involvement, Kagan was intimately involved in every aspect of the legal strategy.
Thanks to Judicial Watch, we now have more evidence that Kagan fibbed during her sworn testimony.
• An October 13, 2009, exchange between Kagan and former Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal. Katyal informs Kagan, “We just got Snowe on health care,” referring to Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME). (The bulk of the email exchange reflects a discussion about Kagan, and also provides instructions regarding a hiring decision within the agency, although the nature of the position is unclear. When Katyal asks if Kagan wants to handle the hire via email or in person meeting, Kagan responds, “In person. I’ll call a meeting when I return.”)
• A March 21, 2010, email from Kagan to then-Senior Counselor for Access to Justice Laurence Tribe: “I hear they have the votes Larry!! Simply amazing…” Tribe responds, “So healthcare is basically done! Remarkable.”
• A March 16, 2010, email from Kagan to David Barron, then-acting head of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, asked if he had seen an article by Michael McConnell published in the Wall Street Journal that discussed a strategy by Democrats to “‘deem’ ObamaCare into Law without voting.” “Did you seee [sic] Michael McConnell’s piece in the wsj?” Kagan writes in an email with the subject line “Health care q.” “YES, HE IS GETTING THIS GOING,” replied Barron.
Furthermore, these recently released documents had been stonewalled by the Holder Justice Department prior to the Kagan confirmation hearings.
She didn’t fib, she outright lied. Why do we need to be so nice, call it like it is; she’s a liar and an Obama Stooge.
Anyone who denies she was lying is a liar as well.
So what do we do about it? The list of transgressions and thuggery keeps growing and we still do nothing about it…
Sadly, it’s going to take a Congress with a spine to get all the mouse droppings out of our government. THEN you’ll hear screaming from the Left of Witch Hunts and the LSM will be livid. I can hardly wait.
Judges can be empeached for known and recognized malfeasance, a pending empeachment process could force the judge to step aside from further judicial activity until the matter is resolved. The Constitution was written by Madison according to recognized universal human natures, “whereas if men were angels there would be no need for a Constitution; but, whereas,angels are not men a Constitution of laws is required.”
Congress, regardless of which party is in the majority, will do absolutely nothing to stop the abuse of power that is going on because they are all part of it; each and every one of them.
We have allowed self-serving careerist politicians to corrupt our form of gov’t to the point where it is a mere shadow of what it was meant to be.
They allow the abuses because they all gain from them sooner or later; whether it is insider trading, sweetheart loans, or their unwillingness to deal with our exploding national debt.
To put a stop to it would be picking their own pocket and they didn’t put in the time/resources to see that happen on their watch.
This beotch should be impeached. The republicans need to grow a pair and start the proceedings.
As I recall, Clinton laughed at his impeachment and threw a party for it on the White House lawn. And nothing came of it. They all lie; there are no consequences…and it makes me want to puke.
Of course she lied!!! That is how she got into the SC! That, and the Republicans didn’t have the stones to tell Obama to find someone else. She is in the whole HC debate up to her silly eyeballs, and no one will get her impeached for lying, or get her recused. What kind of hold does the Illegal resident of WH have on people, anyway???!
Could it be fear? @Frances?
I remember that movie where the guy wake up with the head of his favorite horse under his sheet,
after refusing to comply
he got scare and agree to take a certain singer in his movie,
@ilovebeeswarzone: That was “The Godfather”.
thank you for that name