New Video: Planned Parenthood Harvested Brain Of Live Baby

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The Federalist:

A new undercover sting video released today shows testimony of a former StemExpress procurement technician who said Planned Parenthood harvested organs from babies whose hearts were still beating. The video, which was released by the Center for Medical Progress, is the seventh in a series of videos unmasking Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts trafficking scheme.

Holly O’Donnell, a former procurement technician with Planned Parenthood partner StemExpress, described in the video how one abortionist thought it was “kinda cool” to arbitrarily stop and start an unborn baby’s heart during the abortion.

“‘Hey, Holly, come over here. I want you to see something kinda cool. This is kinda neat,’” an abortionist told O’Donnell.

“The moment I see it, I’m just flabbergasted,” O’Donnell said. “This is the most gestated fetus and the closest thing to a baby I’ve seen.”

“[The abortionist] has one of her instruments and she just taps the heart and it starts beating. And I’m sitting here and I’m looking at this fetus and it’s heart is beating, and I don’t know what to think.”

O’Donnell detailed how the abortionist performed the abortion in order to “procure” the baby’s brain. O’Donnell also described how the abortionist made her harvest the baby’s brain by cutting his face open with scissors.

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How far down the proverbial “rabbit hole” this Nation has become when some abortionist uses a phrase, “kinda neat’ while she emulates Igor the butcher with a living ,defenseless human being? Moreover, the more I read this post the sicker I become.

I watched one beheading video, long ago.
I would not like to ever see another one.
As for this latest Planned Parenthood video, I don’t think I’ll watch it.
Images like this get seared into one’s brain and are hard to adjust to having in one’s memory.
I’ll pass.
It does tell me that those who perform these acts have consciences seared as if with a branding iron (1st Timothy 4:2) as the Bible says.
Such a damaged conscience allows its owner to do almost anything.

@Nanny G: Understand–it’s exactly the way I feel about Farm to Fridge–horrific–can’t watch it again.
And yet people need to see these videos–know the truth–seer their souls!.

@Rich Wheeler:

Good God, man. Get off your soap box.

There is no way the destruction of an animal even begins to equate to the slaughter of a human being.

There seems to be no bottom to the liberal depravity pool. Exactly what kind of atrocity would it take to stir umbrage in them?

They make me sick.

“Clumps of cells” today, “people” tomorrow. After all, that’s what people really are, clumps of cells walking around, right?

Those that can brutally slaughter sentient 4 legged beings may find it easier to slaughter sentient 2 legged beings–seems to me– common sense

“The more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty by man” Gandhi

substitute fetus for creature if you like

@Rich Wheeler:

If you were in a boat with a new born child and a new born pig, and that boat capsized, which would you save if you could only save one?

Take away choice, and we’ll be back to hundreds of thousands of illegal abortions each year with all of their attendant dangers. Not that any of you likely care in the least.

@retire05: Pigs are good swimmers and smarter than dogs. I’ll grab the baby and figure the pig will save us both..

As usual you care deeply about some abstract scenario you construct and completely ignore the actual gruesome fact of what is actually happening.


I am not against first trimester abortions, but I am adamantly opposed to them once the baby is viable. I wonder why you support infanticide and not prevention. You’re worried about the harm done by illegal abortions but not at all about the most vulnerable.

@Mully, #11:

As usual you care deeply about some abstract scenario you construct and completely ignore the actual gruesome fact of what is actually happening.

It wasn’t an “abstract scenario” before Roe v. Wade. The low end estimate of the number of illegal abortions performed in the United States annually before Roe v. Wade was 200,000. Women will attempt to exercise sovereign control over their own bodies and their own reproductive function whether conservatives give them permission or not. They always have.

It’s not the business of government to force women who do not wish to continue pregnancies and give birth to do so. It’s hard to imagine a more flagrant violation of an existing person’s privacy and fundamental rights, or a more egregious case of forcing someone else’s religious beliefs on them.


You do know that the Guttmacher Institute is the statistical arm of Planned Parenthood, right? There is not a breath’s separation between them. So it is to their advantage to promote abortion since Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions, including those abortions that are illegal, in the United States.

It is no surprise that you would drag out the old, tired, worn “sovereign control over their own bodies” meme. Of course, you people on the left, who support the killing of an unborn human being simply for the convenience of the mother, will never admit that the “sovereign control” decision was made prior to conception just as a hangover is the result of a decision made prior to the hangover.

Even Guttmacher admits that abortions due to rape/incest are less than one percent. That means that 99% of all abortions are the result of riskly/irresponsible sexual activity on the part of two people, one being the woman.

And what happened when liberals convinced women that irresponsible sex was A-OK and there would be no penalty for poor decisions? Count the number of HIV/AIDS cases among women. That sex came with a cost that cannot be killed, or cut out, by the abortionist’s Metzenbaum scissors.

@retire05, #14:

You do know that the Guttmacher Institute is the statistical arm of Planned Parenthood, right? There is not a breath’s separation between them. So it is to their advantage to promote abortion since Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions, including those abortions that are illegal, in the United States.

Do you have some more reliable source of statistics? Do you have any source at all?

You automatically discredit any source that comes up with any statistics or information that you dislike.

This, from the author of When Abortion was a Crime:

“In Chicago, at Cook Country Hospital, there were about 5,000 women a year coming in with injuries bleeding resulting to illegal abortions, mostly self-induced abortions,” Leslie Reagan, the author of When Abortion Was a Crime, said in an interview. “They had an entire ward dedicated to taking care of people in that situation. Those wards pretty much closed up around the country once abortion was legalized.”

You’d bring those days back. It would probably provide you with some measure of satisfaction knowing that immoral women seeking abortions were getting what they deserve. Fear is also a deterrent from immoral behavior, I suppose. And there wouldn’t be any publicly funded health insurance to help them, either. Nor would there be any public money funding sex education. Certainly not to fund birth control.

Greg when you are done with store front psychiatry,”… not that any of you likely care the least.”. In regards to illegal abortions and the subsequent dangers you are correct that Roe v, wade was a partial answer to that risk by underground abortion places. Many on the Right see that issue and notice the historical pain afflicted upon women who were trapped into this process. However, the issue is the video showing the abhorrent lack of humanity, the cavalier attitude displayed against the most vulnerable gifts from God, a baby, by starting and stopping a heart during the abortion is beyond sickening.

Greg, just tell me: yes or no that this video and /or the reading of the post makes you queasy, at least.

@mike191, #16:

Of course it made me queasy, but the objective observer in me quickly noted that it’s a professionally mounted video production that was designed to do exactly that, to the extent that ominous background music was added at certain points to enhance emotional impact. It’s not really presenting a rational argument. It’s not actually reality, strictly speaking.

What the video didn’t reveal were the most important details, such as the number of weeks at which the procedures being described were conducted. Until the point is reached where there’s conscience, we’re not actually talking about a baby, which is the term the video constantly misuses. We’re talking about a developing fetus that only has the potential of becoming a baby.

In my opinion, surreptitiously obtained footage is being skillfully woven together with emotional testimony to create a highly misleading impression. It’s effective because most people tend not to analyze video presentation very critically. They simply go with what they experience. Half of the audience might not even be fully aware of the presence of a musical soundtrack that’s being utilized to manipulate their impressions.


Do you have some more reliable source of statistics? Do you have any source at all?

Of course.

You automatically discredit any source that comes up with any statistics or information that you dislike.

You mean like how you automatically discredit any source that comes up with any statistics or information about the radical left wing that you dislike?

Leslie Reagan, the author of When Abortion Was a Crime

A radical left wing professor of Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois. Isn’t it odd that we women managed to understand our gender long before idiots like her started teaching us about our gender? “Women’s Studies” is another one of those useless degrees much like Nigerian Basket Weaving.

The low end estimate of the number of illegal abortions performed in the United States annually before Roe v. Wade was 200,000.

Actually, that is a misleading number. Only two years prior to the enactment of Roe V. Wade did the abortion number exceed 200,000. Seems your researcher (if you can call her that) wants to make you think otherwise, thought.

It would probably provide you with some measure of satisfaction knowing that immoral women seeking abortions were getting what they deserve. Fear is also a deterrent from immoral behavior, I suppose

I would hope that self respect, not fear, would cause women to hold themselves in higher esteem than to give their bodies away to any smooth talking man who wanted it. I would hope that women would value them selves instead of buying into the myth that free love comes without cost.


And there wouldn’t be any publicly funded health insurance to help them, either.

Why should health insurance be publically funded any more than water or electricity? Those are all commodities, to be worked for and purchased with the results of that work. You are not entitled to the services of others simply because you are breathing.

Nor would there be any public money funding sex education. Certainly not to fund birth control.

Sex education is not the purview of the Department of Education. It is a parental responsibility, but then again, you left wing radicals do not believe in responsibility.

You have the same attitude as any other left wing, irresponsible male that Roe V. Wade provided a get-out-of-jail-free card to. 57,000,000 dead babies, Greggie Goebbels. Many of those babies torn, limb by limb, from the safety and security of their mother’s womb. How you can live with yourself is beyond comprehension.

@Greg: The low end estimate of the number of illegal abortions performed in the United States annually before Roe v. Wade was 200,000.

While that might be a true number you seem to have a cracked view of who and how those illegal abortions were performed.
When we first moved to So Cal (mid 1950’s) my mom took a job in the front office at a doctor’s office.
One doctor.
He had women in all the time making an after-hours appointment for an abortion.
He was breaking the law (which was why my mom left that job).
In a small town (with dairies and goat farms, a pond full of frogs, and only one elementary school) he probably did at least two abortions a day, five days a week.
He begged my mom to stay, partly by telling her all private doctors around the area were doing the same thing.
She switched to different doctors a few times before agreeing that he was correct, abortions, after hours were very common in So Cal.
So, yes, they were ”illegal” but no, they were no more dangerous than abortions today.
Difference is, back then, a woman’s own doctor did her abortion, not some stranger who was looking for parts for his other job as a researcher.

@retire05, #18:

Sex education is not the purview of the Department of Education. It is a parental responsibility, but then again, you left wing radicals do not believe in responsibility.

Why should public education not include providing young people with essential information about human sexuality? This is an area where ignorance can get young people—who are more in need of accurate information than anyone else—into a great deal of trouble early on. A lot of parents seem to make an extremely poor job of informing their children, if the incidences of teen pregnancy and STDs are any indication.

It might be worth noting that teen pregnancy and STD rates tend to be higher in red states than blue states.

57,000,000 dead babies, Greggie Goebbels. Many of those babies torn, limb by limb, from the safety and security of their mother’s womb.

Terminated pregnancies are not the moral equivalent of murdered babies. Fifteen to twenty of every 100 pregnancies naturally ends in a spontaneous abortion—otherwise known as a miscarriage—most often before the mother even knows that she was pregnant. Does that fact make God a murderer of unborn babies?

You’re not presently happy with the amount of public money spent to provide nutritional assistance, housing aid, and medical care to the children of the poor. What would you have thought about an additional 57 million unwanted children? (I’m not even going to question where you came up with that figure.)


“In Chicago, at Cook Country Hospital, there were about 5,000 women a year coming in with injuries bleeding resulting to illegal abortions, mostly self-induced abortions,” Leslie Reagan, the author of When Abortion Was a Crime, said in an interview.

1969: A group of young women in Chicago starts “Jane,” an underground system that helps women find safe and affordable illegal abortions. Eventually they learn to perform the procedures themselves, completing nearly 12,000 abortions from 1969 to 1973

What county is Chicago located in, Greggie Goebbels? And those 12,000 abortions? They were not performed by certified gynecological physicians, they were being done by women who claimed to be “trained” in abortion procedures. Instead, the members of Jane botched many abortions but because they were a clandestine group operating illegally, women who wound up in the ERs due to the Jane members lack of real medical training, were told to tell the hospital that the abortions was “self induced.”

Why should public education not include providing young people with essential information about human sexuality?

Did you, someone who is past your prime, have to be taught about sex in school, Greggie? Or did you manage to learn how to be sexually active all on your own since you must have had irresponsible parents, especially a father, who never had the “birds and bees” conversation with you?

A lot of parents seem to make an extremely poor job of informing their children, if the incidences of teen pregnancy and STDs are any indication.

But the fact remains that those children do not belong to you and you, and your leftist Marxist ilk, have no right to tell those parents how to educate their children. If you on the left had not created a culture where fathers are nothing more than a monthly child support check, or someone who has to assume no responsibility for the children he helped create because the government will pay for those kids for him, we would not have such poor quality parents.

The social engineering started by LBJ has been a total failure.


Terminated pregnancies are not the moral equivalent of murdered babies. Fifteen to twenty of every 100 pregnancies naturally ends in a spontaneous abortion—otherwise known as a miscarriage—most often before the mother even knows that she was pregnant. Does that fact make God a murderer of unborn babies?

So that makes your “200,000 every year” number even more bogus because it would include not only willful terminations but also miscarriages referred to as an “abortion.”

Thanks for admitting that.

Greg, being that you are an “objective observer” , and have seen many stages of fetal development, via sonograms, what say you if this “baby” was at 20 weeks?

To your point of” conscience” and/or consciousness that babies in a womb react to touch, song and noise.

Spontaneous abortion is usually the result of a fatal flaw in the fetus.
Those pregnancies would never have led to live births.
OTOH, a medically induced abortion might have otherwise led to a genius.
And as for having ”57 million” unwanted children……this is from between 1967 and now.
Therefore tons of them, most of those who were never born would be taxpaying citizens of the USA by now.
A small portion of them would be 48 years old this year.
All of them lost before 1997 would have been over 18.
In 1950 there were 16.5 workers paying in for every retiree getting Social Security.
By 1980 it was only 3.2 workers to retirees.
But 2010 that number dropped to 2.9 workers to retirees.
57,000,000 more Americans – all under age 48 – would have been a good thing.