New Video of George Zimmerman Arrest Casts Doubt on ABC Report

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ABC News has proclaimed that video of George Zimmerman at the Sanford, FL police station on the night of Trayvon Martin’s shooting showed no signs of blood or bruises from a fight with Martin before Zimmerman shot and killed him. We called the video reckless and irresponsible and inconclusive at best.

Now, new video has emerged making ABC’s contention look even more doubtful. As with the first video, an officer can clearly be seen looking at the back of Zimmerman’s head, as though he were inspecting an injury.

In addition, in the newly released six-minute video below, it appears as though there may have been tape across George Zimmerman’s nose throughout a significant portion of the video. That would have been the case were his nose injured or broken by a punch from Martin, as has been claimed. It would make his story entirely consistent.

The two possible injuries shown in the police video could match up with Zimmerman’s entire version of events.

Read more…see also:

Did ABC News Purposely Use Unnecessary Chyron to Cover Up Zimmerman’s Head Bruise?

Compare the placement of the ABC News Exclusive chyron on the 2 videos

Side by side: Look at where the ‘ABC Exclusive’ is in comparison to the ‘ABC News’ Logo on the far right of both screen grabs. That’s Zimmerman’s head directly underneath the chyron

Why would the ‘ABC News Exclusive’ in the photo on the right be placed so high that it obscures the view of George Zimmerman’s head in their Exclusive video


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Good catch.
I was wondering to myself why the ABC logo was right where we would have liked to have seen.
Now, it appears they did it on purpose to help ”fit the narrative.”
Shame on them.

oh sheeesh, i wondered why that was so high when i first watched it
it made no sense at the time

oh, and the likely answer to this will be “it was a mistake” but if FNC had done something like this it would be intentional
the hypocrisy of the left still astounds me

This video provides NO evidence one way or another. To hear the cracker haters make this seem like some evidence to support their racist position is BS!! Not surprised thought that they act this way.

This one is minus the chyron. Watch George Zimmerman’s face at exactly :07 of the video.

Every little bit of visual truth that comes out can help to undo the initial propaganda value of the first photos of both Zimmerman and Martin.

Think of it.
What if neither early photo had come out in public?
Public opinion might have gone in a completely different direction.

AP is even pointing this out…..
Trayvon Martin was not the baby-faced boy in the photo that has been on front pages across the country. And George Zimmerman wasn’t the beefy-looking figure in the widely published mugshot.

“When you have such a lopsided visual comparison, it just stands to reason that people would rush to judgment,” said Kenny Irby, who teaches visual journalism at the Poynter Institute, a journalism think tank in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Betsi Grabe, a professor at Indiana University-Bloomington who has studied the effect of news images on public opinion, said photos that gain the most traction play into the desires of both journalists and the public for a story with a distinct victim and aggressor.


The most widely seen picture of Martin, released by his family, was evidently taken a few years ago and shows a smiling, round-cheeked youngster in a red T-shirt. But at his death, Martin was 17 years old, around 6 feet tall and, according to his family’s attorney, about 140 pounds.


Zimmerman, 28, is best known from a 7-year-old booking photo of an apparently heavyset figure with an imposing stare, pierced ear and facial hair, the orange collar of his jail uniform visible. The picture, released by police following the deadly shooting, was taken after Zimmerman’s 2005 arrest on an assault-on-an-officer charge that was eventually dropped.

In a police video made public this week of Zimmerman being brought in for questioning a half-hour after the shooting, the 5-foot-9 man appears much slimmer.

@Nan G:

Here’s another picture of Trayvon. This was made two weeks before he was shot to death.


There should be doubts cast on everything the MSM has pushed so far. If this case had merited further scrutiny, the states attorneys would have supplied that scrutiny. This whole campaign was organized and timed by Martins’ lawyers. They pushed this into the national arena with selected images and statements to shape the issue and influence the public who, for the most part will accept the first impression they are given and never challenge the veracity of the story they are fed. There has been some really outstanding work by Rene Stutzman at the Orlando Sentinel. As many of you are doing here the facts are being brought out and shared. The greatest shame is that far too much of the minority population will always see this case through the blinders of their racism and perceived victimization.

@Aye: said “Here’s another picture of Trayvon. This was made two weeks before he was shot to death.”

No it wasn’t. A year or two, but not two weeks. Compare this pic to his twitter pics. He’s much younger looking in this pic.


No it wasn’t. A year or two, but not two weeks. Compare this pic to his twitter pics. He’s much younger looking in this pic.

Sorry, but you’re speaking from a position of ignorance.

The photograph was taken on Feb 17th, nine days prior to Martin’s death at a family gathering where they celebrated his mother’s birthday.

Perhaps I should have said a week rather than two weeks. That would have been more precise.

Twanna Brawley anyone?