New Study: Obamacare Will Actually INCREASE the Number of Uninsured

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Kevin Boyd:

A new study was released which shows that Obamacare will both increase the cost of health insurance and increase the number of uninsured.

Stephen Parente from the University of Minnesota did an analysis of Obamacare and its projected effect on the number of uninsured over the next ten years. He found that the number of uninsured will go up starting in 2017, due to the declining purchasing power of the government subsidies.

Parente also found that health insurance costs will increase by nearly $1400 for those individuals with “silver” plans and $4200 for families with “silver” plans.

From Conservative Hideout:

Nationally, we estimate an initial decrease in the uninsured with greater use of the private health insurance subsidies, but over time health plan prices are likely to increase faster than the value of the insurance subsidy. As a result of the declining purchasing power of the insurance subsidy, the implementation of the qualified health plan requirements and the end of the reinsurance and risk corridor programs we estimate a significant reduction in the private insurance market in 2017 with steady declines continuing for the rest of the decade.

A few other important notes in the Parente study.

Arkansas residents can expect:

  • $1,277  Cost increase of an individual exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
  • $4,186 Cost increase of a family exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
  • 30,300 Increase in the uninsured within 5 years (2019)

Iowa residents can expect:

  • $ 1,306 Cost increase of an individual exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
  • $4,417 Cost increase of a family exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
  • 94,600 Increase in the uninsured within 5 years (2019)

Louisiana residents can expect:

  • $1,385 Cost increase of an individual exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
  • $4,000 Cost increase of a family exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
  • 81,100 Increase in the uninsured within 5 years (2019)

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Plus he adds the numbers for North Carolina and Oregon.
Then he adds the clincher:

All of these states have Senate seats that are currently held by Democrats and are up for election this year. And guess what? All of them voted for Obamacare.

Obama is doing everything he can to delay the next round of hurt from ObamaCare until AFTER these midterm elections this November.
Hopefully the voters of these states will see beyond their noses this Nov. and vote out all these Senators.

Maybe this helps to explain the 28% approval rate.

I find it kinda funny to see those clingers of death panel types still scratching for nonsensical arguments. Like, uh, insurance premiums would not go up had it not been for ACA? Or, something along that line of abject stupidity? Or maybe that more people would have had access to health care had it not been for ACA?

Of course the moon howling will always be heard from the bither and flat earther crowd I suppose.

Over here in the real world, looks like the GOP’s gonna have to throw in the towel on the Obamacare smears as many eyes are on KY. Poor ole Mitch doesn’t know which way to turn considering his “appeal Obamacare root and branch” would mean kicking 420,000 Kentuckians out of health insurance.

You see, that’s a huge chunk of voters. That’s 420,000 in one state alone with one swoop of the pen verses your argument of 95,000 in the entire USA over a 5 year period. And that 420K doesn’t include those 18yr-26yr olds on their parent’s policies or the return of preexisting condition denials.

Your argument once again rings hollow. And from a voting perspective, I don’t think people are gonna buy it.

@Ronald J. Ward:

I find it kinda funny to see those clingers of death panel types still scratching for nonsensical arguments.

When bureaucrats, and those that work for the bureaucrats, deny medical treatment for any reason, that is, in fact, de facto “death” panels. See the VA.

insurance premiums would not go up had it not been for ACA?

Oh, I see; requiring insurance companies to insure 26 year old slackers on their parents insurance doesn’t cost anything? And those costs are not distributed all across the spectrum of the insured? Or when the government requires more than basic insurance to handle more than the patient really needed, that doesn’t cause costs to go up?

Do you ever get tired of being a parrot for the Obama administration and the DNC?

@Ronald J. Ward: You dense lefties always fail to understand that when a population has no choices, then that creates a monopoly. When the government has a monopoly, then there is no competition to minimize costs. When a non medical group of people deny life saving drugs or care to an individual, then they are condemning that person to an early death. That is what the government is doing with the veterans and under Obama care. Please give us another name for that group of people who are condemning people to death by not providing them life saving drugs and care if you do not want to use the term death panel? I do not think that life giving group is a good description.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Remember Ronald, as you and I together have repeatedly established; you’re an idiot.

I find it kinda funny to see those clingers of death panel types still scratching for nonsensical arguments. Like, uh, insurance premiums would not go up had it not been for ACA? Or, something along that line of abject stupidity?

Or that premiums would go down by $2500 per year.

Or maybe that more people would have had access to health care had it not been for ACA?

Or that people who had insurance plans could keep them, and their doctors. Period.

Or that we wouldn’t be funding health care for illegal aliens through ObamaCare.

You know, the exact opposite of what’s actually happening.

Honestly, did you even read the story above, or did you just see the word ObamaCare and rush to comment?

And from a voting perspective, I don’t think people are gonna buy it.

Again, that’s because as has been firmly established; you’re an idiot.

A recent study conducted by Cheech and Chong says the exact opposite.

I want to see the hat that Parente & Ramlet pulled their numbers from. Just to see if it’s as good as the global climate change computer models.

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a Professor of Health Finance. These guys work in the Medical Industry Leadership Institute’s Medical Industry Valuation Laboratory. I’m imagining cages of white mice, microscopes, computer terminals, and scientists in white lab coats working Magic 8 Balls. But I could be wrong.

@Ronald J. Ward: “Like, uh, insurance premiums would not go up had it not been for ACA?” Probably true, but rates would not have gone up as much, 6 million (so far) would not have been kicked off their insurance and it would not cost us $2 trillion to accomplish all this AND more people uninsured.

Death panels. Nothing to see here.


A recent study conducted by Cheech and Chong says the exact opposite.


What leftists deliberately ignore when they make their sneering, haughty excuses for the increases in costs since obamacare has started is that Obama repeatedly promised his socialist plan would DECREASE the cost of the average health insurance premium by $2500/yr, AND that his plan “would bend the cost curve down”. As predicted by those of us with any actual experience in health care, obamacare has not only NOT bent the cost curve down or decreased the cost of health insurance, it has increased the cost of health care, and in fact the rate increases are higher than they were prior to passing obamacare.

So the sneering from leftists acting like it is no big deal that costs are going up under obamacare reveals the complete ignorance and dishonesty of obamacare supporters.

Furthermore, the ridiculous denials of the existence of the obamacare death panel, when even the socialist Howard Dean admitted the IPAB was a de facto death panel, shows clearly the contemptible dishonesty typical of leftists.

Obamacare delenda est.

@retire05: Do you ever get tired of being a parrot for the Obama administration and the DNC?

Remember Smokey?

Smokey NEVER got tired of saying, “Obama. Yes we can.”

@Kraken: Actually, Cheech and Chong has been
providing the left with critical information since the 60s. How else do you explain the replies we get!


You certainly have a point.