New Romney ad slams Obama over Soptic attack

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Ed Morrissey @ Hot Air:

It didn’t take long for Team Romney to go on offense over the despicable attack ad from Priorities USA Action that strongly implied that Mitt Romney was responsible for the death of a spouse laid off by GST — several years before her diagnosis, and long after Romney left Bain Capital’s active management.  Today the Romney campaign released a new TV-ready ad that attacks Barack Obama for “scraping bottom” and asks, “What does it say about a president’s character that tries to use the tragedy of a woman’s death for political gain?”

The ad title is “America Deserves Better,” but it could be just as easily called “The Death of Hope and Change”:


There is actually another question asked in this ad: “What does it say about a president’s character when he had his campaign raise money for the ad then stood by as his top aides were caught lying about it?”

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