New Poll Shows Trump Won’t Get A Fair Jury Trial From D.C. Residents Who’ve Already Decided He’s Guilty

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Americans are constitutionally entitled to a trial by an impartial jury of their peers in criminal trials. But a new poll out Monday suggests former President Donald Trump can’t get a fair trial in Washington, D.C. in the case his 2024 rival’s Justice Department is pursuing against him over his objections to the last presidential election.

According to an Emerson College survey, a majority of Washington D.C. residents, 64 percent, said they would vote in favor of a conviction over the former president’s objections to the 2020 election results. Only 8 percent said they would find Trump innocent, and another 28 percent were unsure.

District residents were also divided on their desire to serve on the jury. More than half, 55 percent, said they would want to sit on the trial jury while 45 percent reported they would not.

Emerson College Polling Executive Director Spencer Kimball said the survey results showed “those who are more impartial about the trial are less likely to want to serve on the jury.”

“Those who want to serve find Trump guilty rather than innocent 68% to 9% with 23% unsure, while those who don’t want to serve think Trump is guilty 60% to 6%, with 34% unsure,” Kimball said.

The former president cited D.C.’s far-left voting record last month as a reason to move the trial, which pertains to the events of Jan. 6, 2021, out of the Beltway bubble. The district overwhelmingly voted to deliver its three electoral votes to President Joe Biden in the last election, 92 to 5 percent.

The federal judge overseeing the case, however, has a record of bias that only casts further doubt on the former president’s prospects of a fair trial — and she is unlikely to approve the defendant’s request that she recuse herself.

U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan is an Obama appointee who developed a reputation in recent years as a “tough punisher of Capitol rioters,” according to the Associated Press. Chutkan repeatedly denied requests to move Jan. 6 riot cases outside of D.C. and handed down severe sentences to 38 defendants.

“Other judges typically have handed down sentences that are more lenient than those requested by prosecutors,” the AP reported. “Chutkan, however, has matched or exceeded prosecutors’ recommendations in 19 of her 38 sentences. In four of those cases, prosecutors weren’t seeking any jail time at all.”

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Trump is guaranteed a trial by a jury of his peers. Those would be people who love this country, love the Constitution and respect the rule of law. That would exclude those who, no even knowing why, hate Trump because they have been indoctrinated through leftist propaganda, already believe Trump is guilty of these charges as well as every other false charge that has been made in the past 7 years.

But the thing is, getting a conviction that will stand up to appeal is not the point. The point is to tie Trump up in legal gobbledygook, keep him occupied fighting leftist lawfare and knock him out of the campaign. It is inconceivable that even if a conviction is attained, it would hold up to appeal, given all the hanky-panky involved in securing the indictments and the violations of numerous defendants’ rights, but all that would be resolved far too late.

Democrats are lying, thieving, corrupt, anti-American, anti-Constitutional scum.

What you want is a jury of Trump supporters who believe there shouldn’t even be a trial.

Trump is guaranteed a trial by a jury of his peers.

A jury that will render a verdict based on credible evidence and sworn testimony will suffice.

If your evidence is so overwhelming, that would be the perfect jury. Convince them and there is no question. A guilty verdict by a judge and jury that has already, based on leftist propaganda, made up its mind? Why bother?

That’s why the defense has the power to question prospective jurors and have them removed from consideration.

That’s why the defense has the power to question prospective jurors and have them removed from consideration.

So according to FA’s self proclaimed legal expert, Comrade Greggie, it’s just that simple.

Trump’s fundamental problem isn’t biased juries. It’s that he has done a lot of things that are crimes, and a lot of things that result in civil liabilities. He’s through lawyers like disposable Dixie cups.

…He GOES THROUGH lawyers like disposable Dixie cups.

Trump’s fundamental problem isn’t biased juries. It’s that he has done a lot of things that are crimes, and a lot of things that result in civil liabilities.

Well, since you are so learned in the law, why don’t you provide us the “a lot of things that are crimes, and a lot of things that result in civil liabilities” along with the applicable federal/state statute? Or do you intend to do what you always do; run and hide and refuse to back up your claims?

 …He GOES THROUGH lawyers like disposable Dixie cups.

You can thank your radicalized left winger who run The 65 Project.

You’re a liar that has no moral standards.

Given your disregard of both Trump’s unethical behavior and the GOP’s total failure to hold him accountable, you’re no judge of that.

You’re a liar that has no moral standards.

Given your disregard of both Trump’s unethical behavior and the GOP’s total failure to hold him accountable, you’re no judge of that.

Back it up, sh!thead. Provide my quotes that gives you the right to say those things.

You have no room to criticize me, cowardly widdle wabbit. I asked you to put your money where your mouth is and you are avoiding backing up your claims like straight men avoided Obama.

How about I just ignore you entirely, and let you bark at the moon?

How about I just ignore you entirely, and let you bark at the moon?

So says the clown who can’t back up anything he says.

It will give you more time to choke your chicken.

WHAT unethical behavior? You have never proved it and you have no evidence of it. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, not Trump, uses aliases and takes bribes from foreign countries and businesses. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, not Trump, has offshore bank accounts and 20 shell companies to shift money around.

The lawfare Democrats keep calling them as witnesses and violating attorney/client confidentiality.

Republicans have been continuously using their investigative powers as a political weapon for the past 30 years.

A number of Trump’s attorney associates were actually COMPLICIT in illegal actions taken to steal an election. That’s how they became co-defendants. From Justia:

“The attorney-client privilege does not cover statements made by a client to their lawyer if the statements are meant to further or conceal a crime. For this exception to apply, the client must have been in the process of committing a crime or planning to commit a crime.”

The lawfare Democrats keep calling them as witnesses and violating attorney/client confidentiality.

Republicans have been continuously using their investigative powers as a political weapon for the past 30 years.

Prove it.

The dumb bastards who turned a president’s private sexual indiscretion into a national scandal while conducting adulterous affairs of their own have never let up. I don’t have to prove squat. Their hypocrisy has never been out of the spotlight since then, and the stupidity of it all has increased with every passing year.

How many Benghazi investigations have to come up empty before they accept the findings of their own damn investigative committees? They resort to this crap whenever they need distraction from their own sins or have no legitimate agenda to offer—which these days has become ALL THE TIME.

No proof can be offered when their base has become a herd of hypnotized social-media sheep, ready to believe any false news or conspiracy theory bullshit they’re fed often enough.

Randy Clinton had numerous accusations of sexual assault against him. He shouldn’t have lied about it or tried to obstruct justice by arranging a job for Monica.

While no one was held accountable, we found out the truth about Benghazi: Obama and Hillary were totally incompetent and failed in their duties. They had intelligence indicating an attack would happen and the anniversary of 9/11 is a no-brainer. But, politics dictated that Obama and Hillary pretend al Qaeda was defeated, so the left the consulate undefended. Then they sat around with their thumbs up their asses while brave men were killed.

Now, compare that to 2 years of just searching for a crime Trump might have committed and, of course, coming up completely empty handed. Now we have 4 indictments of hollowed out charges that only further destroys Democrat, DOJ and FBI’s credibility.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is corrupt, PROVEN corrupt, a traitor and a pedophile. He has NO redeeming qualities, is incompetent and a failure. Yet, you support and worship that shit. Disgusting.


But forget about climate change, when temperature records were broken all over the country week after week and you could smell the smoke all the way from Canada. Never mind that Republicans are getting ready to cut Social Security to further enrich the richest, when 8 people already own more personal wealth than 3.8 billion of the poorest humans, and the US is the only of the 22 wealthiest nations that doesn’t provide its workers with basic paid sick leave. Never mind that Trump is trying to regain control of the government after attempting to steal it, or that his followers have an odd liking for a Russian son-of-a-bitch who’s attempting to steal an entire country by way of mass murder. Forget their assertions that we can solve all our problems by unleashing the nation’s fossil fuels held captive by Biden, when we’re presently pumping more oil and producing more gas that at any other time in the nation’s history.

I’m becoming disgusted by gullibility, and by liars that turn reality on its head.

Did someone provide you that litany of stupid lies or is that your own concoction? What a load of typical leftist bullshit, accusing Republicans of what they themselves are actively engaged in.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is corrupt, PROVEN corrupt, a traitor and a pedophile. He has NO redeeming qualities, is incompetent and a failure. Yet, you support and worship that shit. Disgusting.

I don’t have to prove squat.

You’re absolutely right, Comrade Greggie. You are free to lie your ass off. Your First Amendments rights guarantee your right to lie your ass off.

But I also have a right to point out that anyone who refuses to back up their own statements should ALWAYS be thought to be a liar, and a coward.

Republicans have been continuously using their investigative powers to investigate corrupt Democrats for the past 30 years.

There, fixed it.

Since there has been no crime, how can the attorney and client be discussing a crime?

But they only get a limited number they can reject. The trial simply should not be in DC and Bragg’s should not be in NYC. Democrats have too much of a history of abusing the legal system.

Both locations being too close to the scene of the crime?

Trump has been warned repeatedly that his bullshit rhetoric is tainting the jury pool. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass. He’d destroy the criminal justice system to save his own butt. If it’s a choice between him and the rule of law, I choose the rule of law.

Both locations totally infected and stained with anti-American, anti-Constitutional hatred of Trump. It’s not Trump’s rhetoric that infects their minds, it’s the left’s lying propaganda.

We call it District of Crinimal’s for a good Reason they all belong in Prison for Treason