He told them he was in contact with Mexican cartel members at the time, too. But he promised them — cross his heart and hope to die — that he would help them with their imbecilic gunrunning operation if they let him go. Which they did. And of course, they never heard from him again.
If that sounds insane to you, I’d gently suggest that perhaps you need a bit morebrainwashing.
An ATF “Report of Investigation” obtained by CBS News shows Border Patrol agents stopped [Manuel] Acosta’s truck on May 29, 2010. Inspectors said they found illegal materials including an “AK type, high capacity drum magazine loaded with 74 rounds of 7.62 ammunition underneath the spare tire.” They also noted ledgers including a “list of firearms such as an AR15 short and a Bushmaster” and a “reference about money given to ‘killer.’”…
ATF knew even more about Acosta’s alleged illegal activities than what he described in the interview. ATF trace records showed “a large number of the weapons purchase by the Acosta organization are AK type rifles or FN Herstal pistols” which Acosta referred to as “cop killers” and said were preferred by drug cartels.
Instead of pursuing charges, Agent MacAllister asked Acosta if he’d be willing to cooperate with federal agents. He agreed and was released. Apparently, the promised cooperation never materialized. The report notes that 17 days after Acosta was let loose, he still had “not initiated any contact with Special Agent MacAllister.”…
Before releasing Acosta, MacAllister wrote her contact information on a $10 bill at Acosta’s request, gave it to him, then warned him “not to participate in any illegal activity unless under her direction.”
That final bit is the surreal essence of Fast & Furious distilled to one unforgettable phrase.
Technical note about the FN pistol- standard ammo will not penetrate level IIIA armor. For that you need the armor piercing ammo NOT sold to the U.S. public.
Demoncrats are so gullible, you can tell them anything and they will believe you. As long as your one of them. If not they will just blame you for everything. In this case the idea that this guy would be believable is laughable. Come over to San Diego and try that and the same thing will happen.