New Black Panthers: ‘Kill All White Men, Women, Babies, Cripples, Faggots, & Old Crackers’

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Benny Johnson @ The Blaze:

After news broke Wednesday of the New Black Panthers calling for the killing of white babies (see that here), more shocking audio from the group’s radio program has now surfaced. In the organization’s radio opening for August 13, they play a shocking segment from Khalid Muhammad, a former spokesman for Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. In it, he advocates extreme violence against white people in general, and specifically gays, lesbians, babies, and women:

We give them 24 hours in South Africa to get out of town by sundown. I say, if they don’t get out of town, we kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple, we kill the crazy, we kill the fa**ots, we kill the lesbians, I say god dammit we kill them all.

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These are Holder’s people; he claimed them, he owns them. These are the people he refuses to prosecute. These are the people who have political immunity from the Justice Department. You independents, are you having second thoughts or are you looking forward for the killers to come for you and your family?

Jon Corzine is not white, he will not be prosecuted. AG Holder is not an Attorney General for the American People but rather a legal blockade to all calls for Justice. Unless it advances the cause of “his people.” Damn cowards!


Great article on AT. Don’t confuse me with facts.

The sound on this is hard to hear so it may be the same as Curt’s link. Hopefully someone will have the courage to put this stuff out en masse since our PC media won’t do it. Holder and his boss need to be put on the spot publicly over this since they are always quick to interject race.

I cannot understand why these hate filled threats are tolerated. I, for one, and afraid for my life and will be forced to defend myself upon any visual contant with a member of the new black panthers.

I have to wonder if Obozo and Holdout are actually afraid of these guys…seems they appease them a lot?

I don’t want to see anyone harmed or killed….BUT…If they want to go to Africa by all means GO!! Seriously, what’s stopping them?


Seriously, what’s stopping them?


What do we have here, another call for genocide? Those are becoming rather popular in the post-partisan era of His Chicagoship, Light-worker and Lord of the Drones.

Common sense,Oh hell yes.May I join you?

The NBP seem to be operating under the illusion that when they come down the street, waving their guns and shooting at white people, that said white people will just stand there and let them shoot.
In other words, they expect white people to “die stupid”.

I am not going to get all macho here, I really don’t want to kill anyone, but I refuse to die stupid.
And anyone – skin color be damned – who wants to take refuge at my home if race war breaks out, c’mon over. Bring supplies if you have any, but come regardless.

@wildbill208 and Common Sense:

Yes they are racist vermin, but must you use racist slurs too?

It is traditional to have bad names for the enemy. What do you think the NBP calls white people and gays?: As an aside, I have more ammunition than there are new black panthers. That would not be relevant save for the fact I am a very good shot. Kaiser Wilhelm was visiting Switzerland before WW1. As a demonstration of Swiss marksmanship, a large group of Swiss military put on a shooting demonstration. Each man hitting his target with one shot. The Kaiser stated he could send twice as many troops as the Swiss had. The Swiss leader replied his men could reload very quickly. The result? Switzerland was not invaded during the first or second world war. You come marching down my street, you might not be welcomed.