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Nevada ‘fraud’: 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ‘multiple times,’ RV camps as ‘homes’

By Paul Bedard

The Trump campaign on Wednesday unveiled a tranche of information it plans to present to a Nevada state court Thursday that suggests there were thousands of fraudulent votes cast — possibly enough to overturn Joe Biden’s win there by 33,569 votes.

Officials said that among the evidence and expert testimony to be presented in Carson City are indications that over 1,500 ballots were cast by dead voters, that 42,248 people voted “multiple times,” data on a huge spike in incomplete voter registrations, and home addresses in temporary RV camps and casinos.

They also plan to present polling that 1% of Nevada voters shown to have voted never did and 2% of those shown to have voted by mail never got a ballot.

The legal team was quick to note that it has just begun to collect information and that fraud cases can sometimes take months to years to investigate.

Officials also added that they have been stonewalled by U.S. Postal Service and state and county officials in their efforts to review votes and registrations.

Their focus has been in Democratic-heavy Clark County, where Biden won by 90,922 votes. Biden won 521,852 to President Trump’s 430,930. By contrast, in 2016, Trump won 511,319 votes and lost it to Hillary Rodham Clinton by just 26,434 votes.

One of the leaders of the effort, American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, told Secrets, “In my years of experience in politics, I have never seen the amount of illegal voting like we have documented in Clark County, Nevada. It is a level of corruption I didn’t think could happen in a modern, free country.”

Schlapp said that if bad votes are thrown out, the president would be the winner. “I can’t predict what a judge will do, but any fair-minded American would come to the same conclusion: Trump won Nevada by thousands of votes if illegal ballots are remedied.”

The campaign and surrogate groups have made similar claims in several states. Unlike many of those, the Nevada effort won a green light to continue.

Schlapp said that the problems his group has found in just a few weeks in Nevada are likely in other states

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