Netanyahu to Biden’s Demand for a Ceasefire: Drop Dead

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by Ace

Well he didn’t say that, but he did say no.

He also said he wasn’t going to allow fuel deliveries to Gaza — which Biden is desperate to make — until they release the hostages they are holding and sometimes executing.

The Times of Israel:

In a brief televised statement before the start of Shabbat, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has told visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that he rejects any temporary halt to the fight against Hamas that does not include “the release of our hostages. He also says Israel “will not enable the entry of fuel to Gaza.”Netanyahu begins by promising that victory will be “sharp and clear” and will “resonate for generations.”

He says Israel’s enemies aim to destroy the country and will fail. “We won’t stop until victory,” he says, specifying that this means “to destroy Hamas, [and attain the] return of the hostages and the restoration of security for our citizens and children.”

No American news channel reported Hamas’s declaration that they would conduct 10/7 slaughters forever — “10/7, 10/10, 10/one million,” Hamas’s spokesterrorist promised — until Israel was “annihilated.”

Except for NBC, unbelievably, which made a fleeting reference to it.

NBC actually bothered to ask Hamas a question about this:

. When Bradley asks, “How can you ask for a cease-fire — how can you ask Israel to stop their aggression — when you go on television in Lebanon, here last week, and say that you will continue your aggression, you will continue to do October 7 again and again?””What do you want us to do,” Hamad responds angrily, “stop?”

Well, yes, actually. Video at the link.

Hamas insists they have a legal right to commit terrorism, under international law. And given the mutants who use international law as a weapon against any western country, they may have a point.

In his interview with NBC, Hamad was challenged to clarify that statement about repeating the October 7 massacre. He largely deflected, bringing up the massive number of Gazan civilians who have been killed since the start of the war. He said that the people of Gaza have been suffering for 17 years and it is the legal right of Palestinians to “fight against the occupation.”He furthered his point by bringing up the plight of Jews in Nazi Europe. “It is according to international law,” Hamad said. “According to all of the regulations and the law. In Europe, you [fight] against the Nazis.”

You are the Nazis.

Hey, by the way, about that: The left used to tell us that we should all “Punch Nazis” and that Punching Nazis was no crime, but a service to humanity.

Does the left still believe that? Shall we descend upon college campuses and take the advice of the left and start Punching (actual) Nazis?

Or nah?

Nah, I think, because the Democrat Party is the party of Nazis. Democrats are rushing to take pro-Nazi positions as their base demands.

You may have already seen Dick Durbin demanding a ceasefire, with no preconditions and no demand that Hamas release its hostages. If not, that video is at the link.

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Imagine someone with a knife jumps you. You are fighting this guy for your life and someone standing there, watching and videoing your struggle, says to you, “Hey, your shirttail is out.” Do you stop and tuck your shirt in?

Israel right now is not worried about how they “look”. They are in a real existential fight. They are fighting for their very lives, in the most literal sense imaginable. But Hamas and Iran are counting on Israel to worry about world opinion, stop and do some PR while they resupply their rockets, mortars, ammunition and sharpen their machetes. Israel ain’t falling for it this time.