NBC “News:” Biden Was Meticulously Engaged in Drone Strike Planning, Even Inquiring What Kind of Building Materials the House Was Made Of…The Strike Was So Absolutely Flawless No One Else in House Was Disturbed

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by Ace

This article was written by several people including Deep State Stenographer “Fusion Ken” Dilanian.
I believe all this.
If the Deep State told me I was a frog, I’d ask, “Where’s the nearest pond? I must Eat All The Bugs.”

NBC News
NEW: Details emerge on how President Biden came to authorize a strike on Al Qaeda leader and 9/11 plotter Ayman al-Zawahiri.
U.S. intel officials knew al-Zawahiri’s family first moved to a Taliban-sponsored safe house before he followed. They proceeded to do months of pattern-of-life observations, going so far as to make a model of his house.
Biden was shown the model in the situation room on July 1. He asked what materials the safe house was made of and wanted to know potential conditions for the strike like weather and lighting. He pressed officials on how they could be confident al-Zawahiri was at the safe house.
Finally, Biden was concerned about how the strike would affect the U.S. relationship with the Taliban and the ability to relocate Afghans who had helped the U.S. Biden’s entire national security team recommended the strike.
Al-Zawahiri was killed on Friday night shortly before 10p ET by two hellfire missiles from a CIA drone. The strike was so precise that it killed Zawahiri on a balcony without harming family members elsewhere in the house, according to a senior Biden administration official.

According to rumor, al-Zawahiri died due to natural causes, possibly asthma, in October of 2020.
Maybe that was a lie but… why would I believe a hostile intelligence service that has been running psyops against the American public since 2015? Why would any American take the CIA’s word for anything, at this point?

Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS BombU.S. officials said a Reaper drone followed a car for hours and then fired based on evidence it was carrying explosives. But in-depth video analysis and interviews at the site cast doubt on that account.
How a U.S. Drone Strike Killed the Wrong Person
A week after a New York Times visual investigation, the U.S. military admitted to a tragic mistake in an Aug. 29 drone strike in Kabul that killed 10 civilians, including an aid worker and seven children.

Published Sept. 10, 2021
Updated Jan. 5, 2022
KABUL, Afghanistan — It was the last known missile fired by the United States in its 20-year war in Afghanistan, and the military called it a “righteous strike” — a drone attack after hours of surveillance on Aug. 29 against a vehicle that American officials thought contained an ISIS bomb and posed an imminent threat to troops at Kabul’s airport.
But a New York Times investigation of video evidence, along with interviews with more than a dozen of the driver’s co-workers and family members in Kabul, raises doubts about the U.S. version of events, including whether explosives were present in the vehicle, whether the driver had a connection to ISIS, and whether there was a second explosion after the missile struck the car.
Military officials said they did not know the identity of the car’s driver when the drone fired, but deemed him suspicious because of how they interpreted his activities that day, saying that he possibly visited an ISIS safe house and, at one point, loaded what they thought could be explosives into the car.
Times reporting has identified the driver as Zemari Ahmadi, a longtime worker for a U.S. aid group. The evidence suggests that his travels that day actually involved transporting colleagues to and from work. And an analysis of video feeds showed that what the military may have seen was Mr. Ahmadi and a colleague loading canisters of water into his trunk to bring home to his family.
While the U.S. military said the drone strike might have killed three civilians, Times reporting shows that it killed 10, including seven children, in a dense residential block.

As Biden waits for confirmation of the recession, I think I’ll wait for confirmation of this newest supposedly “righteous strike.”
I don’t ask much by way of proof.
I just want a foot. Not even with all of the toes. Three out of five will suffice.
Is that too much to ask?

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Just wait for the gushing and mushy stuff from the M.S. Media like a after Bin Laden was taken out the M.S. Media Pinheads gave Credit to Obama like they always do with Democrats

I miss the days when we had a real President.

May those days come again.

The GOP has many, many strong candidates for President…even if Trump doesn’t run.

But if he does? The only way the Left could pretend to beat Trump is to release a man-made virus from a Communist Country (one we can NEVER fully investigate) then rig the election, and even conduct a CIA-style false flag coup (like we did in Ukraine and other countries) to simply accuse Trump of doing what the Left just did in plain sight.

That’s the only way that I think they could “beat” Trump.

But then you’d have over half the country against you, and you’d be eventually jailed or ejected from the Republic for treason.

Another 180′ by joe?
Remember 2012?
During a speech in Jan 2012, VP Biden told House Democrats that he had advised President Barack Obama against launching the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
Later, when President Trump was able to kill Solimani, the terrorist was referred to as a pious cleric.
NOW, joe needs a boost so, he’s acting all tough, (MAYBE) ordering the killing of an has-been 71 year old.
He probably did the Taliban a favor because they are leaning toward Taliban leader, al Sadr, over an al Qaeda has been.

I do not believe it. I saw many precise attacks in Iraq and there is never any noncombatants not killed. Also, I do not think Biden is capable of asking those questions.

GPS guidance can mark a target location with 6.6 foot accuracy over 95% of the time.
The drone-launched R9X missile is then guided the rest of the way by laser targeting. Its warhead doesn’t create a massive explosion. Detonation at the target releases an expanding burst of whirling blades that cover a relatively small area. They caught al Zawahiri standing on his balcony.

Putin’s location is constantly protected by Russian GPS jamming devices that surround his location with a bubble of deceptive GPS coordinates.

The report says that Hellfire missiles were used.

This platform is incapable of such accuracy, so either they are lying about the collateral damage, or they used some other method.

Either way, they are lying.

I hope Biden is being protected by such technology as Putin, as they both inhabit that same kind of dangerous position all despots do

Any would-be assassins know, however, that Biden won’t be awake past 3:00pm most days.

No one is asking why we are actively invading the sovereign territory of the nation of Afghanistan and executing people?

The Left is struggling to counter Trump’s masterful, and bold, move to take out an actual threat to this nation, Solemani.

Killing a retired 72 year old D list terrorist when they think the war is over (because it is) isn’t an achievement.

The R9X Ninja is a recent drone- or heliocopter-launched Hellfire variant with a small casualty radius and very precise targeting capabilities. It was specifically developed as an assassination weapon.

al-Zawahiri was not a “D list” terrorist. His war on “Jews and Crusaders” was anything but “over.”

His war on “Jews and Crusaders” was anything but “over.”

I see you and he have a lot in common, then.

It’s most likely the rx-9 ninja wasn’t used at all, the only pointy thing being used is a pen on paper to publish the usual propaganda.

They will use this to pretend Biden has achieved something, in November.

Trump was tough on terrorists, and our real enemies, the Iranians.

Biden has merely armed them to the teet.

“It’s most likely the rx-9 ninja wasn’t used at all…”

It’s most likely that one was. The precise targeting and highly localized damages support that conclusion.

The precise targeting and highly localized damages support that conclusion.

You went to the attack site to verify this? Since you didn’t go visit the site and verify the damages, you don’t know anything.

You can’t believe everything you hear, greg.

Stop being so gullible.

If you haven’t personally seen it, it can’t be real” is an absurd proposition.

You went to the attack site to verify this? Since you didn’t go visit the site and verify the damages, you don’t know anything.

Unfortunately, I believe that a supersonic laser-guided rocket with whirling sword blades bouncing around a room for a fraction of a second before disintegration is more than a technological possibility.

OH, you mean these are the sword missiles used by Trump to kill A-list enemies of the United States?

That’s why Democrats are making a big deal..so they can pretend this is something new and was unique to Biden.

Biden…asleep and 100 steps behind Trump, as always.

“If you haven’t personally seen it, it can’t be real” is an absurd proposition.

No, it’s what rational people think about before posting things as facts.

We know you believe the regime, because it’s your identity.

We don’t.

It’s unlikely this “kill” was actually made. Democrats love theater, instead of getting real results. Biden’s record on botching military operations and causing Wars is being recorded into history as we speak.

Just wondering how a drone strike on a guy reported dead in 2020 just so nice and quiet that it didnt disturb any one else in the luxury building. Did they hand out earplugs? I saw some mini assassination drone in the original movie Dune.