Although the far-left CNN buried its big news under 15 paragraphs of excuse-making for the latest anti-gay scribblingsthat surfaced on MSNBC anchor Joy Reid’s old blog, what more does anyone need to know than the following: “The Library of Congress … contains the disputed posts and lists them as having been archived on January 12, 2006.”
But-but-but I was told the Wayback machine was hacked in an attempt to frame Anti-Trump Resistance Leader Joy Reid as a homophobe?
But-but-but I was told the screencaps had been altered as a means to frame Anti-Trump Resistance Leader Joy Reid as a homophobe?
Well, now we know (and CNN’s attempt to bury the news is the best proof it is true) that the posts in question from Joy Reid’s now-shuttered blog, The Reid Report, were archived all the way back in January of 2006. Which is another way of saying that Reid’s claim she was hacked makes absolutely no sense.
Why in the world would anyone want to frame Joy Reid as a homophobe in 2006?
Why would someone go to all this trouble to frame a relative unknown who would not arrive on the national scene until the middle of the following decade?
What’s more, Reid copped to publishing homophobic attacks about Florida’s then-Republican governor Charlie Crist — from 2007 to 2009 — and apologized for that offense just a few months ago.
In other words, we are supposed to believe that sometime prior to 2006, some hacker added a bunch of anti-gay material to a site that Reid then curated for many more years, admittedly publishing even more anti-gay material later, and did so because… because… because… why?
What could the hacker’s motive possibly be? Even if the hacker’s motive was to destroy Reid, why wait until 2018? Why wait 12 freakin’ years? According to Wikipedia, in 2006 Reid co-hosted a morning talk show and wrote a column for the Miami Herald. Wasn’t that the time to spring this nefarious trap?
None of this makes a lick of sense.
Something else that makes no sense is that Reid now says she learned of the hack in December. Huh? Her homophobic attacks on Crist were discovered on November 30. Reid apologized on December 3. Why did she keep this hack a secret? Why didn’t she disclose the hack at the time?
You want to know what does make sense? Reid’s motivation to lie.
The first round of anti-gay posts that surfaced were attacks on Crist, who was then a Republican and someone Democrats feared would challenge President Obama in 2012. Reid could safely own those acts of bigotry because the media is willing to forgive any kind bigotry hurled at a Rethuglican, especially if it meant protecting The One.
These newly-discovered writings, however, come from a whole different place.
These writings are not aimed at a Republican. Rather, among other things, they traffic in stereotypes about homosexuals being attracted to underage boys.
Though we see it here every day through the posts liberals make trying to defend this liberal failure or that, it is still surprising how stupid liberals think people are and what they will believe. If this was a hack, why is it just now being discovered? I suppose it is a sad commentary (on Reid’s part) on how popular her little opinion blog actually was.
Look, MSNBC, you are speaking to liberals. Just say, “it never happened” and move on. You’re followers will believe it… or at least accept it.
Actually, this is not “anti-gay”; it is fact. It is actually an accurate observation by Reid. However, in liberal-think, anything that is not a resounding endorsement of anything and everything gay, it is considered “anti-gay”. Pleasant to see these hypocritical liberals scrambling to cover their stupid asses.
Again the Peacock lies NBC is just like the rest of the Main-Stream news media Lies Lies Lies