wrapping up a report on the government shutdown for Thursday’s NBC Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander eagerly promoted negative political fallout for Republicans: “Both parties are taking a hit in their approval ratings as a result these days. But the damage to the Republican brand appears to be proving to be much worse. A new Gallup poll…shows only 28% of Americans say they have a favorable view of the Republican Party, that’s the lowest number since they began asking that question twenty-one years ago.”
What Alexander didn’t bother to mention was an Associated Press poll that showed President Obama’s approval rating having dropped to 37%, with disapproval at 53%. Following Alexander’s report, co-host Matt Lauer made a feeble attempt to provide balance to the slanted coverage: “No picnic in that [Gallup] poll for the Democratic Party either, but the Republicans seem to be taking the bigger hit at the moment.” Again, no mention of Obama’s low approval rating.
Fellow co-host Savannah Guthrie chimed in: “Then I saw a poll recently that Congress’s approval rating is now at 5%. Which makes you wonder, who is that 5%?” Lauer added: “Yeah, all-time low.”
While NBC censored news of Obama’s approval rating slipping to 37%, when an AP poll found George W. Bush’s approval hit the same number in March of 2006, anchor Brian Williams led NBC Nightly News with it.
In addition to selectively reporting the poll data, Alexander also derided congressional Republicans who accurately pointed out that not raising the nation’s debt limit wouldn’t necessarily result in a default:
That’s because 37% is only one of several recent national poll results, and lowest of the lot. Obama’s poll average currently stands at 44. 1%.
If we’re going to be selective, maybe we should choose the highest. Surprisingly, that happens to be conservative-leaning Rasmussen at the moment. The Rasmussen presidential job approval rating has been going up. It presently stands at 51%. If anyone has a theory about that, I’d like to hear it. Rasmussen’s presidential job approval poll results have always been among the the lowest. I can’t imagine what explains the reversal, with over one-half of all respondents now taking a positive view of Obama.
I can well understand and appreciate the delight over Obama’s popularity numbers but there’s still a major problem. You need to realize and understand that Obama won’t be running again. Come Jan 2017, he’s done.
Gallup tells us Cruz dropped 16 points, Mike Lee 20, McConnell 12, and Boehner 14. Several sources make good arguments how the GOP could lose control of the House. Americans are turning on republicans in a fast and scary way.
Obama’s not runnig. He’ll be laying back collecting that guvmint pension and free guvmint security that follows him around to make his $250K speeches. Obama doesn’t need voters anymore. But these so-called conservative lunatics that are intentionally sabotaging our country do. And Americans have had enough.
And you seem to forget the GOP rating is the lowest…ever. And the Tea Bagger party even lower.
No failed in the government and litter in the media. Tramps, whores and thieves, how simple does it get
@This one: wow this one was at a tea bagger party …was at at mans country….did you say hello to rahm…did the preezy rsvp
Polls can be purposely misleading and the general populace won’t know the difference.
@Mully, #6:
The criticism PJ Tatler posted is itself misleading. The poll question doesn’t ask if the poll respondent works for federal, state, city or county government; it asks if the respondent or a family member living in the same household does. The average size household in the U.S. now consists of 2.55 persons.
@Greg: The Repubs. resemble a circular firing squad. Today Peter King R.NY a moderate and accused RINO called Cruz a RINO, saying Cruz was not a real Repub.and was badly hurting the Party with his intransigence.The Party is cracking. The American people are blaming them for the shut down.They can read the polls.
Cruz wants to stand and fight, Bring down Obama Care. Moderate Repbs want to cut a deal to re-open the Gov. and raise the debt ceiling. This will not end well for The Grand Old Party—24% approval today. Lock and Load.
You can say that all you want.
But reality is there are extremely few swing districts, so the balance in the House is not really in play.
And, although the media is saying this is a game-changer, look at all the supposed game changers they have touted which turned out not to be:
The fiscal cliff.
IRS scandal.
Heck, that shutdown by Dems over abortion during a Dem Pres didn’t destroy the Dem party.
Well, there’s a Soros group that tries to make sure all Dems are pro-all abortions, but that’s hardly destroyed the party.
Only a few Dems quit over it.
It appears you are misled. The statement is fair and the poll over-sampled Democrats which skews the results as well.
@Nan G:The “game changers” you mentioned were different. This is an internecine struggle within the Republican Party. Can Cruz afford to back down now? Will moderate Repubs. allow a continued shut down? The Cruz wing Tea Party is about defunding Obama Care NOW. Fund selectively. IMO a dangerous gamble backed by less than 25% of the populace. The moderate Repubs. see the polls– 24% approval of the Party. They also fear Tea Party retribution if they “fold” to Obama.
We see the struggle here at F.A. The Right backing Cruz and screaming Rhino at Mac, Graham and King. Boehner is in a tough spot. I’ll be interested to see which way he goes in the next few days.
BTW It was mentioned Obama at a dismal 37-45% depending on your poll of choice. But he’s not running again.
yes it could change if OBAMA’S GUY IS CALLING HIM,
@This one:
Ole “this one” sure is hung up on Tea Bagging, with whom do you practice?
polls and publicity about the polls are media events which are under the domain of Dimocrats. They make up and publish whatever they are directed to by their handlers. Anyone that believes in media polls has probably already bought up all the oceanfront property in Arizona. So when asked a question such as “Obama is up to 51% in the ‘who is the best dictator in the world’ poll”, how do you account for that? All you have to say is, ‘it’s a made for consumption media event’ . Just ask yourself this simple question, if you are a Dimocrat and you want to make Obama look good for the news consumption, what is one way to do that.? Uhhhh, I might say, “wow, Rasmussen, who loves Republicans has Obama up to 51%, how do you explain that”? Gee, I don’t know, maybe it’s a created event, or something.
SO, there is nothing to be disapointed about some of those polls,
it’s not written in concrete, the most people don’t even know who is the HOUSE AND WHO ARE THE TENANT OF THAT HOUSE,
@Redteam: Since you were one of the few to correctly forecast BHO’s 2012 win, how bout some final numbers for House and Senate in 2014. Thanks
Bees#15 You ever thought about doing stand-up? You’re a natural.
@Richard Wheeler: RW, I’ve been putting together a comment on that, I’ll publish it after you tell us who the person was that McCarthy accused that was not actually guilty. No one else seems to be able to find the name, but I’m sure you have it on the tip of your tongue.
@Redteam:Person? What is that a joke? He accused hundreds indiscriminately. Read again the definition of McCarthyism. Twenty-two of his fellow Republican Senators voted to censure him for his many false accusations.Why defend this guy? He left the Senate in shame and died a drunk. He may deserve pity but not credibility.
@Richard Wheeler:
That description fits many. I guess you’re a Weiner fan.
And you can’t find even one that was proven to be not involved. Just one. wow. So you admit that hundreds were.
@Redteam: true
RW, where do you find that Sen McCarthy died a drunk(assume you mean died as a result of drinking). I find where he was a heavy drinker but that he died from hepatitis, most likely not linked to drinking. Medical evidence is that all heavy drinkers do not die from hepatitis or even get hepatitis. If heavy drinking ’causes’ hepatitis then all alcoholics would get hepatitis. On the other hand, illness’s such as Weiner’s seem to be willful.
@Redteam: Weiner was not a Senator and I’m not a fan. Are vou? I ‘ll agree with the 22 Repub. and 45 Dem. Senators who at the time, through CENSURE, said MAC had falsely accused American citizens of being Communists. You wanna call em all liars go ahead. Nuf said
BTW “Proven not to be involved”? That’s backwards RT
How bought your predictions for 2014 House and Senate?
RE MAC He died from hepatitis and he was a heavy drinker er drunk–how’s that.
RW, you said:
The official record indicates:
It appears that the censure was not related to his activities concerning him accusing persons of being communist but only for not co-operating with a committee on Privileges and Elections.
So, are you man enough to admit, that since you are guilty of ‘falsely accusing’ a former US Senator of being censured for something that he ‘clearly was not censured for’ that you are prepared to admit that it may likely be that McCarthy was also falsely accused?
@Richard Wheeler: You still haven’t named a person that was falsely accused.
@Richard Wheeler: wow nuff said just cuz you say so?….arrogant asshole …read some of the books on Mccarthy and how right he was …. you do know fdr’s administration was full of communists right
@Richard Wheeler:
Oh, it’s ok to be a Dimocrat scumbag in the House? Would you say Weiner’s actions are better or worse than McCarthy?
@Richard Wheeler: It’s slowly getting to the point where absolutely nothing you’ve said about McCarthy was true. Everyone he accused of being communists were proven to be. He was NOT censured for accusing anyone of anything. He did not die a drunk, he died from Hepatitis. You are getting one hell of a reputation for not knowing the subject you’re expounding on.
@Redteam: He was censured for conduct unbecoming a Senator and bringing dishonor to his state. Weiner is a scumbag, McCarthy a boldfaced liar.
“Everyone he accused of being a Communist proved to be” Thats a ridiculous comment, Name all the people he accused of being Communists and the ones that proved to be.
@Richard Wheeler:
Let’s see if we can make it grammatically correct enough for you. Name one person that McCarthy accused of being a communist that history has exonerated. Can you interpret that ok? This is strange, hundreds accused, not one has been exonerated, not a single one. Pretty remarkable record, I’d say.
@Richard Wheeler:you say:
I quoted:
Want to bet on which one is correct?
@Richard Wheeler:
So, which one is better? Uh, I know what Weiner did, it was in the news. Don’t know what McCarthy did, hard to get the truth out of anyone. You don’t seem to know anything other than ‘what you’ve heard’, which has been pretty much destroyed.
You can just bet with our liberal press, anything Dimocrat Weiner did was very understated, and anything Republican McCarthy did was greatly overstated. That’s just the way the Lib media works.
@Redteam: RT I’m waiting for you to give evidence that” everyone he claimed to be a Communist proved to be” An absolutely ridiculous statement even by your standards. You wanna stand behind this guy how bout the list and “the proof” Doesn’t really surprise me you’d stand behind a discredited witch hunt.
McCarthyism ” The practice of making false accusations of disloyalty subversion or treason without regard for evidence.” Your guy
RT I’ve been meaning to give you ONE lol person falsely accused by McCarthy in Senate hearings,
Annie Lee Moss an elderly African American government employee falsely accused by Mac. She lost her job but was exonerated and re-instated.
Now just because you picked BHO in 2012 doesn’t mean you can correctly pick 2014 Congressional results. Give it a shot.
@Richard Wheeler: Annie Lee Moss: hmmm, let’s just do a casual Google search:
I do have to consider I may not be communicating with a ‘reasonable person’. Lots more available proof, you do know about Google search?
RW, you do remember that the object is for you to supply one name of one person falsely accused by McCarthy, don’t you?
@Redteam: My google search
Moss and her attorney appeared before McCarthy’s committee on March 11 1954. Mac and his attorney Cohen claimed Moss was handling and decoding confidential top secret messages.This was INCORRECT as the Army pointed out.Moss handled only unreadable,uncrypted messages and had no access to Pentagon code room
She denied all charges saying “Never at any time have i been a member of the Communist Party and I have never seen a Communist Party card,and I DIDN’T SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY WORKER and wouldn’t pay for it.
Senator Mc CLELLAN REBUKED MAC for alluding to evidence he was not presenting, “It’s not sworn testimony. Mc Carthy is convicting people by rumor and hearsay and innuendo.”
Moss was not convicted but certainly damaged.
Mac accused innocent people without presenting evidence.He was censured. He was a dangerous right wing ideologue and most people saw him that way.
the citizens could use a McCARTHY NOW, HE MUST BE ROLLING IN HIS TOMB,