NBC: Giuliani, Gingrich, Priebus “plotting an intervention” with Trump

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Ed Morrissey:

Can Donald Trump be convinced to impose some discipline on his campaign — and himself — now that the general election has begun? NBC News reports that the question has become so urgent that two key allies of Trump have started working on an “intervention” to right the Republican presidential campaign ship. Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani, two of Trump’s most loyal surrogates, reportedly will lead the charge:

Key Republicans close to Donald Trump’s orbit are plotting an intervention with the candidate after a disastrous 48 hours led some influential voices in the party to question whether Trump can stay at the top of the Republican ticket without catastrophic consequences for his campaign and the GOP at large.

Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are among the Trump endorsers hoping to talk the real estate mogul into a dramatic reset of his campaign in the coming days, sources tell NBC News.

The group of GOP heavyweights hopes to enlist the help of Trump’s children – who compromise [sic] much of his innermost circle of influential advisers – to aid in the attempt to rescue his candidacy. Trump’s family is considered to have by far the most influence over the candidate’s thinking at what could be a make-or-break moment for his campaign.

This part is especially delicious:

The idea is in its early stages, and there’s no guarantee that Trump’s team would entertain a conversation requiring such comprehensive changes for a candidate who has resisted calls to moderate his tone or reel in his most outlandish political positions.

It’s in its “early stages”? Why? Trump’s erratic campaign style has been evident for months. The problem now is that the race has become binary, all due respect to Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, and there are few other distractions to divert media attention from the mess Trump’s making in the opening week of the general-election campaign.

Still, if an intervention would succeed at all, it would have to include Gingrich and Giuliani, perhaps the only two senior GOP figures that Trump might respect. Even then, NBC’s Chuck Todd and Hallie Jackson note that they have to work through the Trump family to gain their support for the effort.

Gingrich made his concerns public this morning already. He told Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Channel that Trump’s behavior is “very self-destructive,” and that Trump needs to stop throwing interceptions and get back to being Joe Montana:

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transparency and political correctness marches hierocracy to higher levels known to man.
so who is going to hold the terrorist pres accountable for giving iran $400 million under the table, blame the Russians

Everyone should know by now the liberal leftists news media including the Lying peacock are all for the demac-RATS in every election after all its becuase of leftists journalists like the infamous Walter Duranty who lied about stalins crimes against the Ukraine and Castro was a leader of cuba and the New York Slimes and All the Sludge that’s Fit to Print

I think this is an excellent idea. Conservatives and Republicans need to remember that Trump, as a candidate is a complete novice to the campaign traps and mudslinging games played by experienced politicians and the corrupt Democrat propaganda ministry leftist press. The Donald doesn’t realize that he is being continually baited and purposely quoted out of context in order to elicite a reaction that can be used against him. His experienced politician friends need to teach him how properly deflect and use the oppositions slings and arrows to his benefit.

@MOS #8541, #1:

The $400 million was Iranian money paid to the United States by the Shah of Iran for jet aircraft that we never delivered. We took their money, kept it, and never delivered what they purchased.

Returning to Iran funds that were already theirs was part of the nuclear deal. Of course you wouldn’t want any annoying facts to get in the way of a good propaganda pitch.

That $400 Million Secret Payment to Iran Isn’t Quite What You Think It Is

Getting back to the topic of the thread, I think the republican intervention with Donald might rate its own reality television episode. We could have top GOP officials make a surprise visit, along with all of Trump’s family members. The audience ratings would be HUGE. Perhaps a series of three televised parts would work. It could be offered instead of one-on-one presidential debates with Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s erratic campaign style has been evident for months. The problem now is that the race has become binary

While his erratic campaign style secured him something like 13 million votes to win the nomination, it’s going to take something like 65 million to win the WH.

He’s not building his base. Intervention? I don’t think he can be disaplined. And if he can, that in itself will sour a good many of those 13 million that thought he was superman.

As I’ve said before, concede this con man and take your lumps, regroup and come back and fight another day. Otherwise the Frankenstien will destroy the party.

General Allen (retired) is with Trump today in FLA.
He spoke of this mythical intervention.
Apparently it was made up of whole cloth by un-named sources.
However, Trump spoke this AM in Daytona Beach to over 5,000 with thousands outside.
Then he went to Jacksonville and had over 13,000 in an arena with more outside.

He still talked about current events.
The ransom payment on foreign currency from Obama (our money) to Iran was one topic.
In Jacksonville he met with 6 Gold Star families, one father gave him a large political contribution as a thank you for his policy positions and promises to our military and our vets.

Meantime, Hillary, in CO, went to a dry cleaning establishment and spoke to about 10 people there.
She went to a high school in Colorado and mis-spoke to about 300 people about how she promises to raise taxes on the Middle Class……or maybe it was the truth.

@Nanny G: I love the “mis-spoke”. I think Hillary invented the word. I don’t recall, to my best recollection, that I ever heard the word used before Hillary said it herself.

Hillary like most all liberal demacrats favors higher taxes on the middle class bigger goverment more regulations and red tape and a totaly disarmed public Just like what the Useless Nations wants and traitors like John Kerry and his fellow demac-RATS