he liberal media were so enamored with President Obama when he gave the order that ultimately resulted in the death of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden; to the point of almost treating it as though he was the one to pull the actual trigger. But with news breaking late Saturday night that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi met the same fate, the Sunday morning newscasts were awash with anti-Trump journalists whining about President Trump using it a victory for his Middle East policies.
During NBC’s Sunday Today, chief White House correspondent Hallie Jackson noted that “Trump has repeatedly celebrated what he calls the defeat of ISIS,” but recalled, “He has not talked much personally about al-Baghdadi by name.” The tone and juxtaposition of those points were meant to suggest she was catching Trump in a contradiction.
“The President’s speech this morning will be a commander-in-chief moment for him, but consider the backdrop here, Willie. It comes at a time when critics have really raise questions about his policy in Syria,” she cautioned, to dump some cold water on the President.
Host Willie Geist then brought on couple leftist partisans in Obama-era CIA official Jeremy Bash and NBC political director Chuck Todd.
Bash recognized that al-Baghdadi was an important person to eliminate, but doubted if Trump’s decision would be of any military importance given his decision to leave Syria:
So, I think this is symbolically very important, whether it’s militarily important really depends, because last week or in the last two weeks, President Trump made a decision that really took the foot off the neck of ISIS by taking the ground forces that was containing them, the Kurds, and abandoning them.
Todd worried that the President would use this massive win as evidence to prove his instincts on pulling out of Syria, and America’s capabilities were accurate. He even claimed Trump’s address to the nation later that morning would be his “mission accomplished” moment.
CHUCK TODD: Well, I think it is going to be a battle of I told you so’s in some ways in, frankly, the President’s own circles. I think you are going to have some who have warned the President “be careful we should not pull back our presence,” are going to say, “see our presence there, our ability to work with the Kurds, get the intelligence, that’s how we got Baghdadi and we’re going to have to be there and stay there and remain there to make sure ISIS does not reform.” And I think President Trump is going to look at this and say, “see? I can shrink the footprint and do this.”
I’ll be curious to see his posture this morning. But it very much might have a “mission accomplished” feel to it on this. And I think rhetorically, the President is going to feel as if he has a chip to play here that is – in this basically he’s debating having with his own party, and in some cases, with his own national security team, to say, “Hey, I think I can win the political argument on this one. We got al Baghdadi.”
It is going to be likely that President Trump is going to take a victory lap and likely argue, ‘look, this is a sign that my Middle East foreign policy is working and, frankly, that my America’s first foreign policy is working to draw down troops from these foreign entanglements,’” warned White House correspondent Kristen Welker, admitting she was echoing Todd.
Meanwhile, over on ABC’s Good Morning America, co-Anchor Eva Pilgrim wasn’t sure if Al-Baghdadi’s elimination was actually a good thing for the President.
Pelosi, the weathered idiot, after much delay (no doubt trying to find something to criticize or use for impeachment) finally issues a statement complaining that they weren’t notified. Well, of course not; they can’t be trusted. They are too busy trying to prop up their hollow and evidence-free case for impeachment to even BE briefed; Nancy the Nag would probably get mad and stomp out of the plan of the attack was not released to the public.
If Schitt had known about it, he would have leaked it. If Biden had heard about it, he would have insisted Hunter get a consultant’s fee.
Another criticism (totally unwarranted, as I watched the announcement again) is that Trump thanked Russia before he thanked military personnel. No… WRONG. Within the first two minutes, he praised and acknowledged the bravery and expertise of the military forces involved (not naming them like idiot Democrats did to doom numerous Seal Team 6 to terrorist attacks).
Basically, Trump is smart, Democrats are stupid.
Just Dem Pravda pissing on a sunny day.
The Russian take on the kill https://www.rt.com/news/471978-russia-turkey-iraq-helped-kill-baghdadi/
Impossible at this point to believe anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth.
@Marie Butoni: Ok the raid never happened…WHAT EVER.
I’ve seen the lefty-media also say, “this doesn’t mean ISIS is totally defeated.”
Well, right they are.
But President Trump was smart to keep his cards close to his vest considering all the leaking out of the Left.
We have Israel’s defanging Hamas years ago as a pattern in going after ISIS.
Israel took out Hamas leader Yassem while he was transferring (in a wheelchair) between his car and the street. Their missile had no warhead. It simply killed him via direct hit while people around him were fine.
So, Hamas looked for a new leader.
Someone stepped up and was also killed by Israel soon after being identified as Hamas’ new leader.
Then Hamas named a “leader” who hid in several safe houses and went by at least three names.
Not much of a “leader.”
(This weakened Hamas lasted for years.)
ISIS needs to be forced back into the background in just the same manner.
Obama never would.
But Pres Trump will.
He is already on the right track.
If a “leader” emerges in ISIS, he is painting a target on his back.
@Marie Butoni: Why? Because you want to believe left wing lies so desperately? You would rather believe the people that told you for three years they had definite proof Trump colluded with the Russians to win in 2016 only to be proven to be complete liars? Yes, I guess you would.
I remember when OBL got his. The lefties were here real fast leaping heaps of praise on Obama essentially giving him the main credit instead of the SEALs. Notice how none of them are here today? Frauds who believe in party over country. Kudos to those who made it happen. This should be a great day for the country but obviously for some it isn’t. As for them, them being the MSM, the demokrats, and the little bitches who follow them- pound sand. You are unworthy of those who risked their lives to make this happen.
@another vet: I also recall that the praise for Obama getting bin Laden was universal; none of this crap of trying to find anything at all to criticize about it, as the left and liberal media is doing. The difference between adults and children, I guess.
@Deplorable Me:
Even Ted “Killer” Kennedy congratulated GWB when Saddam was captured.
Very young children at that.
@Marie Butoni: Good thing those facts about his many successes are both verifiable, and true.
The Lying Peacock News who still watches them anymore?
@another vet: Biden was even so transparent that he revealed where the unit was stationed and many were eventually killed in an ambush by the Taliban. Biden could not keep his mouth shut and SEALs died.
@Randy: And Pelosi wonders why she wasn’t told in advance. I think soldiers being sent off on these extremely dangerous missions appreciate a C in C that does not talk about their mission with people that have a renown reputation for leaking sensitive secrets to promote their own careers.