The Veterans Affairs scandal engulfing the Obama administration has spread into Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, but only ABC’s Good Morning America on Wednesday found time to cover the latest developments. GMA news reader Amy Robach revealed, “We’re learning those secret waiting lists were also kept at ten facilities in these four Midwestern western states with nearly 100 veterans waiting more than three months for treatment.”
Despite the eight hours of air time available to the three network morning shows, CBS and NBC avoided the story. ABC allowed 21 seconds. Obviously, the prisoner swap involving a U.S. soldier and five Taliban terrorists has rightly dominated the news. However, The four-hour-long Today show still found time to devote five minutes and 13 seconds on the subject of “six months to six pack” abs. CBS This Morning offered three minutes and 50 seconds to the phenomenon of “urban farming.” Clearly, time was available.
The Associated Press offered more details:
The problems with delayed care and unauthorized wait lists that caused a furor at a Veterans Affairs health care campus in Arizona existed at several facilities in the Midwest, but in much smaller numbers, VA officials said in letters to two U.S. senators.
The Department of Veterans Affairs maintained 10 such “secret waiting lists” of military veterans in need of care at facilities in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, the letters said. They also said at least 96 veterans waited more than 90 days for treatment at seven facilities in those states, including 26 in St. Louis and 19 in Columbia, Missouri.
I liked the comment that asked:
Which scandal should the lame stream media high lite now, in order to tampen down past ongoing ….. scandals ?
It’s a good question.
Obama is pulling his classic, ”look over here!,” diversion tactic.
So which scandal should be on the front page?
They all have one thing in common: Obama is the boss of every one of them!
Come on.
It is the job of the Marxist Media to make the President look good.
That is why we have a free press. They are free to lionize, free to issue panegyrics, and free to propagandize.
Telling the truth, however, is forbidden.
“Truth” means that the Won is the One. The greatest ever. He told us he was.
So don’t expect honesty, fairness, or facts. The Marxist Media is about feelings, and they luuuuv the One.
Remember: Solzhenitsyn went to prison for observing that Stalin had a big nose (this was a State Secret).
So you, too, can go to Guantanamo. Just point out that the Dear Leader has big ears.