NASA Finally Admits It’s Going to Get Colder

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Martin Armstrong:

NASA has actually admitted that there may be a link between the solar climate and the earth climate. “[In] recent years, researchers have considered the possibility that the sun plays a role in global warming. After all, the sun is the main source of heat for our planet,” Nasa confirmed. Despite the constant stories of how recent years have been the hottest, historically, NASA has estimated that four of the 10 hottest years in the U.S. were actually during the 1930s, with 1934 the hottest of all. This was the Dust Bowl; the combination of vast dust storms created by drought and hot weather.


The branch of research looking at the ice core samples to document climate for thousands of years has established the major solar cycle of about 300 years. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), which has the ice core data back 800,000 years, is being shut down as of September 2017 (800,000-year Ice-Core Records of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2)).

800000 carbon

The data clearly establishes that there has always been a cycle to CO2 long before man’s industrial age. This is data government wants to hide. As along as they can pretend CO2 has never risen in the past before 1950, then they can tax the air and pretend it’s to prevent climate change. Moreover, while we can clean the air with regulation as we have done, under global warming, they allow “credits” to pollute as long as you pay the government. It is the ultimate scam where they get to tax pollution and people cheer rather than clean up anything.

NASA has reported: “Indeed, the sun could be on the threshold of a mini-Maunder event right now.  Ongoing Solar Cycle 24 is the weakest in more than 50 years.  Moreover, there is (controversial) evidence of a long-term weakening trend in the magnetic field strength of sunspots. Matt Penn and William Livingston of the National Solar Observatory predict that by the time Solar Cycle 25 arrives, magnetic fields on the sun will be so weak that few if any sunspots will be formed. Independent lines of research involving helioseismology and surface polar fields tend to support their conclusion. (Note: Penn and Livingston were not participants at the NRC workshop.)

If the sun really is entering an unfamiliar phase of the solar cycle, then we must redouble our efforts to understand the sun-climate link…”

Additionally, the pretense of global warming prevents us from preparing for a sharp decline in cold weather that will be dangerous to society to say the least. This winter is colder than last year and last year was colder than the previous. It has snowed in Japan down to Athens. Even Corsica where winter highs are typically in the mid-50s, lows around 40, saw snow. We need to pay attention to Climate Change but stop blaming man. Something far more significant is developing and handing academics $100 billion to prove global warming is an absolute joke.

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Like liberal gun control is not about public safety, so global warming hysteria is not about protecting the planet. They are both about ceding control to the left.

NASA has actually admitted that there may be a link between the solar climate and the earth climate.

That’s a totally bullshit statement. NASA scientists have never argued that there isn’t a link between solar activity and global climate.

Planetary climate variations related to variations in solar radiation output are a given. A warming tendency related to atmospheric changes resulting from human activity is a separate process that operates in conjunction with various other natural processes, such as variations in solar output, volcanic activity, and possibly even variations in the density of cosmic dust particles the solar system encounters as it travels through space. All of those things must be taken together.

Variations in solar output clearly cannot be blamed for the current warming trend, because solar output and the warming trend are presently moving in opposite directions. That is, the planetary temperature has been trending upward at the same time solar energy output is trending downward.

@Greg: I believe that NASA employees who have been appeasing the President are now concerned that they can be fired due to falsifying data. Actually Greg, when someone claims that CO2 is the primary reason for global warming, they are discounting the contributions of the sun. I you knew anything about science you would know this. Maybe you should move over to the Huffing Post so you can try to fool other idiots.

Was that last paragraph too difficult?


If man is to blame for it getting warmer, will the loony lefties blame man for making it colder?

@July 4th American: No, they’ll try to tax coats and gloves.

Like here in California our idiot govenor Moonbeam Brown is bound and determened to push this Global Warming/climate change upon us all while he is very unlikly to want to give up any of his luxeries this Global Warming/Climate Change is the biggist hoax in the history of the world and all the sinster plans of the Useless Nations the CFR and other sinster powers lead by the NWO and the One World under thee Useless Nations

@Greg: greg, if you look at that chart above, you will see that the highest peak for CO2 was about 310 thousand years ago. Could you inform us as to what man made activities might have caused that. Do you think it might have been all those coal burning power plants? I’m relatively sure it wasn’t gasoline powered automobiles. Since you are such a strong defender of the message of the libs, especially Algore, I’m quite sure you will have an instant answer ready for this question. So let us in on the big secret.

The thing of concern is the Yellowstone Caldera, If that blows it will send the planet into a mini ice age at best. Pumping loads of carbon into the atmosphere, its over due, the bread basket of America buried under tons of volcanic ash.
But the one thats rumbling is
There are 7 super volcanoes on this planet perhaps its time we start sacrificing, chuck a few thousand liberals in them, can we start with climate alarmists.

@RedTeam, #8:

The CO2 spikes plotted on the graph are most likely related to volcanic activity.

Fossil carbon released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities will be in addition to whatever natural cycles occur. Adding just a few additional degrees to the global temperature can result in dramatic changes.


The CO2 spikes plotted on the graph are most likely related to volcanic activity.

not according to liberal propaganda, volcanos are not caused by humans and therefore could not effect CO2. Liberal doctrine: only humans are bad actors for environment.
There has to have been some cavemen riding around in gas guzzlers and lots of coal burning power plants. Or are you saying that spike 250 thou years ago and the one 110 thou years ago and the current one might have been associated with sun activity and such things as volcanos and not related to humans at all. Is that what you are saying. You might get disbarred from Liberal organizations for saying something like that.
So let’s be sure we understand you. for a million years there has been spikes about every hundred thou years, BUT only the last one was caused by humans, all the rest were nature. Well, geez, I guess if you use lib logic, it certainly makes sense.

@Greg: would you point out the spikes that were caused by humans adding a few degrees and how you can distinguish it from the other spikes.


The CO2 spikes plotted on the graph are most likely related to volcanic activity.

Now, that’s science!! Let’s base a trillion dollar agenda on a flippant assumption!

@Bill- Deplorable Me:

Now this:

Mainstream Media Ignores New Study: Present Sea Surface Temperatures “Indistinguishable” From Those During Last Interglacial…

Science recently published Hoffman, et al. (2017) Regional and global sea-surface temperatures during the last interglaciation. Not too surprisingly, the study has been ignored by the mainstream media. Why? As Science writes in their summary (my boldface):

Sea surface temperatures of the past

Understanding how warm intervals affected sea level in the past is vital for projecting how human activities will affect it in the future. Hoffman et al. compiled estimates of sea surface temperatures during the last interglacial period, which lasted from about 129,000 to 116,000 years ago. The global mean annual values were ∼0.5°C warmer than they were 150 years ago and indistinguishable from the 1995–2014 mean. This is a sobering point, because sea levels during the last interglacial period were 6 to 9 m higher than they are now.

Of course, in very basic terms, that suggests today’s sea surface temperatures are still within the range of natural variability, contradicting climate model-based nonsense about current values, while sea levels still have a ways to go to catch up to the past.

The Abstract for Hoffman, et al. (2017) reads:

The last interglaciation (LIG, 129 to 116 thousand years ago) was the most recent time in Earth’s history when global mean sea level was substantially higher than it is at present. However, reconstructions of LIG global temperature remain uncertain, with estimates ranging from no significant difference to nearly 2°C warmer than present-day temperatures. Here we use a network of sea-surface temperature (SST) records to reconstruct spatiotemporal variability in regional and global SSTs during the LIG. Our results indicate that peak LIG global mean annual SSTs were 0.5 ± 0.3°C warmer than the climatological mean from 1870 to 1889 and indistinguishable from the 1995 to 2014 mean. LIG warming in the extratropical latitudes occurred in response to boreal insolation and the bipolar seesaw, whereas tropical SSTs were slightly cooler than the 1870 to 1889 mean in response to reduced mean annual insolation.

And as EurekaAlert! also notes about Hoffman, et al. (2017) in their article Sea-surface temps during last interglacial period like modern temps:

…Their analysis reveals that, at the onset of the LIG 129,000 years ago, the global ocean SST was already similar to the 1870-1889 average. However, by 125,000 years ago, the global SST increased by 0.5° ± 0.3°Celcius, reaching a temperature indistinguishable from the 1995-2014 average. These results suggest that LIG global mean annual SSTs simulated with most global climate models are too low…

The article exhibits data they left out of their climate models, over sampling mans effect, on purpose, volcanoes, sun ect, now the gravy train seems to be coming to and end, no more government cash cow funding pseudo science. We have to redouble our efforts code for more tax dollars we will skew it any way you want. Just tell us the results we can do it, please dont stop the funding. You hate ranchers…cow farts are causing it, you hate the auto industry, its Chevy trucks. We will give you the data to shake down who ever you want! As long as the fines and penalties get funneled back to us.

@Greg: Only because your data reference is not supported by the past position of NASA. You are providing false information here again.

@Randy: did you not see….NASA admitted to falsifying their info by omitting that which did not support their premise.

@PRZHM: Aww, they wouldn’t do that. Would they?