Narrative Failure: After Optimistically Slotting In the Massage Parlor Shooter As the One White Anti-Asian Thug, Media Is Disappointed to Learn He’s a Sex Addict Who Was Shooting Up the Sex Parlors Because He Blames Them For His Addiction

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by Ace

The media will now simply adapt this into a general Gun Control Narrative.

Jim Sciutto @jimsciuttoNew: Atlanta shooting suspect told police he had “sexual addiction,” “indicators now may not be” racially motivated, says Cherokee Cty Sheriff Frank Reynolds.

More: Mayor Keisha Lances Bottoms says suspect was “on his way to Florida”, possibly “to carry out additional shootings”.

Police say suspect’s family recognized him in security video and helped ID him to authorities.

But the Bluetick racists and civil war accelerationists aren’t letting this one go yet:

@ConceptualJames’ timeline is filled with Woke Blueticks cumming all over themselves at the spotting of a White Asian Shooter Inspired by Trump.

(BTW, while I’m not certain, I think he’s talking about a one-way ratchet. With the idea that the ratchet can only go in one direction — towards woke anti-white racism– no matter what facts emerge.)

The below tweets are great. The NY Times’ top racist, Nikole-Hannah Jones or whatever her racist name is, previously denied Asians had experienced racism in the US, because, you know, the Wokies are all about “BIPOC” — black and indigenous persons of colors. In other words, blacks and Hispanics descended from Indians (“indigenous”).

In other other words: NOT ASIANS.

They call Asians “white adjacent.” Or even just “White,” now.

So, prior to the shooting, she wasted a lot of pixels denying that Asians were victims of past discrimination.

But now she opportunistically lunges at the chance to bash whitey and welcomes her Asian brothers and sisters into the struggle.

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Oh, you better believe the NYT pounced on this like a dog on a piece of steak fat dropped on the floor and blamed Trump. One gal cited Trump calling the China virus the “China flu” as the motivation for this shooting. When I pointed out that it actually IS the China virus; made in China and released by China, the racists went wild, calling ME a racist, even though, as I pointed out, China is a country, not a race.

But, they would have none of it and we exchanged comments (over 100) even as the news conference with Georgia PD and the riot-inciting mayor of Atlanta would not call this a hate crime and revealed the evidence that this nut was not getting his nut and was driven to a shooting spree (sadly, for the exploiters of tragedies, NOT using an AR-15).

Once the news began to get around that not only did it not appear Asians were this perv’s target (he shot two white people), the argument died out. Can’t be linked to Trump or racism, can’t be exploited to push more gun control, not interested.

@Greg: Your link is about graffitti . This perp is a psycho who like many blames everyone but himself for his actions. Unfortunate the parlors traffic Asian women, law enforcement should look into if these women are paying off a trip to America.

@Greg: How about the PROPER narrative?

The left blames “white supremacy” for attacks on Asian-Americans…


Has it been established that the “massage parlors” aren’t actually legitimate businesses? Some crazy man murders 8 people, and the victims are automatically under suspicion?

March 18, 2021 – Hardworking business owner, Army veteran, woman on a date: The victims of the deadly rampage through 3 spas in Georgia

@Deplorable Me, #4:

The left blames “white supremacy” for attacks on Asian-Americans…

The left blames white supremacists for what they should be blamed for. It’s part of the right’s delusional thinking that the left is blind to the hatred and racism that exists elsewhere. Michelle Malkin, for example, has her own affliction. She’s an anti-Muslim bigot. She also has an affinity for white nationalists, and has promoted antisemitic conspiracy theories.


The left blames white supremacists for what they should be blamed for.

Well, no. WRONG. You blame EVERYTHING on white supremacy, even the riots committed by BLM/ANTIFA. You IGNORE the terrorism and violence of BLM/ANTIFA and blame the Proud Boys, calling THEM “white supremacists” when they are multi-racial and a cross section of society.

She also has an affinity for white nationalists, and has promoted antisemitic conspiracy theories.

She’s ASIAN. You whiny leftists nowadays blame EVERYTHING you can’t explain on racism and white supremaicsts, like the leaders of the Proud Boys, who are black and Hispanic.

You on the left are in reality the proud owners of the racism being spread in the nation. You exploit every tragedy to spread your racist hate.

@Deplorable Me, #7:

She’s ASIAN.

Michelle Malkin is an individual. Individuals are bigots or racist. Their racism or bigotry isn’t a result of the race or religion they happen to be. White supremacists aren’t racist because they’re white. They’re a a group of racist individuals who happen to be white.

I have no use for racists or bigots. I don’t care what color they are, what religion they claim, what their sexual identity might be, or what country they’re from. It’s the racism, bigotry, and hatred that are the problem.


Individuals are bigots or racist.

Not according to your party.

Racism is merely the new “scarlet letter” that requires zero substantiation, or even definition.

Like having WaPo and the like publish OUTRIGHT F*CKING LIES about what Trump said.

The goal is propaganda and influence, facts be damned.

I have no use for racists or bigots.

Good. You live in the one of the least racist, most racially harmonious nations in the history of humanity (assuming you’re an American and not an agent of the CCP, which I don’t).

The false manufacturing of racists and racism is just more Blue Anon garbage, that seems to work on under-worked, over-educated whites.

Democrats can be shown easily to support and spread racism and anti-semitism.

Republicans, as a group, cannot.

It’s not 1983 anymore, stupid.

“Poor kids are as smart as black kids.”

“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”.

He actually said this, and crickets from the Left.

“Very fine people…”

Trump said this, very clearly about good people who believe what they believe, while denouncing white supremacy. Clearly. To suggest he supported white supremacists is beyond moronic.

When you compare these two sides, it’s clear who has a form of 20th Century racism built into their entire political platform, which would see blacks continue on in poverty as voting cattle:


Why worry? There’s a solution coming to all of our problems.

March 18, 2021 – Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity

The end of humankind? It may be coming sooner than we think, thanks to hormone-disrupting chemicals that are decimating fertility at an alarming rate around the globe. A new book called Countdown, by Shanna Swan, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, finds that sperm counts have dropped almost 60% since 1973. Following the trajectory we are on, Swan’s research suggests sperm counts could reach zero by 2045. Zero. Let that sink in. That would mean no babies. No reproduction. No more humans. Forgive me for asking: why isn’t the UN calling an emergency meeting on this right now?

The chemicals to blame for this crisis are found in everything from plastic containers and food wrapping, to waterproof clothes and fragrances in cleaning products, to soaps and shampoos, to electronics and carpeting. Some of them, called PFAS, are known as “forever chemicals”, because they don’t breakdown in the environment or the human body. They just accumulate and accumulate – doing more and more damage, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Now, it seems, humanity is reaching a breaking point.

@Greg: How many triilions in taxes will that cause? Always fear mongering, pathetic seriously.


Michelle Malkin is an individual. Individuals are bigots or racist.

She’s ASIAN and she’s actually RESEARCHED the issue instead of just parroting talking points provided by racists promoting a racist agenda, as you are doing.

White supremacists aren’t racist because they’re white. They’re a a group of racist individuals who happen to be white.

HOOOOOLD ON THAR, Baba Looey! What would they be if they weren’t white? Fact is, before Democrats needed a boogie man to try and draw attention away from the REAL racist terrorists, BLM/ANTIFA, who were committing the violence and destruction, white supremacists were few in number and almost invisible. The left NEEDS them, so they invent them and insert them into issues where they will serve to draw attention away from leftist failure.

I have no use for racists or bigots.

Well, THAT’S bullshit. The idiot Biden is a racist and you voted for him. Your party is FILTHY with racists; AOC, Omar, Rashid, Booker, Harris, Obama, Lynch, Holder, Hillary, Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Swalwell… the list goes on and on. You have GREAT use for racists and bigots because they ARE your party, the party of racism, slavery, prejudice, bigotry and Jim Crow.


Why worry? There’s a solution coming to all of our problems.

Yes. Genocide is the only “solution” people like you can offer.

Abortion and gynocentrism are responsible for lowered birthrates.

More black babies are aborted than born.

Fertility is just fine for those opting to get pregnant when the female human body is supposed to, around 23. For those future-spinsters trying to have kids at 40, well…that’s an issure.

You and your handlers show your hand, though. You want less people. That’s your play.

@Greg: More exploitation of tragedy to try and justify more police state actions. Why doesn’t the media reveal that most of the attacks on Asians are perpetrated by blacks?

I suppose they don’t want to pander to yet another of the right’s racist narratives.

@Greg: Such as?

Refer to the “Kung Flu” narrative.

@Greg: “Kung Flu” is racist? Really? So, martial arts is racist? Against whom? ASIANS? You want to stick with that? How about declaring that being white is being racist? See anything racist there?

@Deplorable Me: Greg hates the reminders of the monks rounded up and murdered or “reeducated” by the vicious communist regime. The monk in the tv series was always the good guy.

@Greg: End the thread, the sex addict expert has spoken.

@kitt: He doesn’t hate the reminders; he is happy to see a police state in operation and longs for his Democrats to finally get theirs in full operation. He only hates the exposure and criticism.