Muslim Day parade in NYC- complete with assault weapons, hanging and caged women

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New York City’s Muslim day parade doesn’t seem to have any restrictions. You can pretend to hang women, are keep them caged, and still be allowed to roll down the street in Communist De Blasio’s NYC. You also can have assault weapons, banned by New York’s ‘SAFE’ Act. The Muslims must have gotten a special exemption to tote these guns around from either Cuomo or De Blasio Check out some pictures below of how women are treated by Muslims (in New York.)

More at Fire Andrea Mitchell

Can’t wait to see Kerry apologize for this

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More pictures at the inside link.
This one might have gone over the heads of most of us (infidels.)
It is of some self-appointed ”morality police,” (muttawa) with their sticks that are the koran-approved length and width for BEATING WOMEN on the streets for showing hair or ankle.
Remember this Egyptian example?
Yeah, fully half of all muttawa are females.

Are the guns shown real weapons? They do not look familiar to me.

They are replicas and NYPD took them away at the end of the parade.
Apparently Muslims got permission to carry them ONLY inside the parade route, not after.


The kind that get kids expelled from school

@drjohn: Yeah, where are the orange ends? I guess if a Muslim is wielding one, no one should feel threatened?

No doubt, the left will excuse the hanging woman or women in cages as mere symbols of oppression and not to be confused with anything anyone would actually do to a woman. Yet, they accused Palin of wanting to kill Democrats because she had target symbols on an election map.

I can’t WAIT to hear the left wing rationalization of why no one should become upset over this. It should be a convoluted as a Coen brothers movie.


Yet, they accused Palin of wanting to kill Democrats because she had target symbols on an election map.

Corrections are in order here — Palins map had surveyours tagets — the originaly crosshairs on target maps was by Bob Beckle — fat pig demo-COMMUNIST


I can’t WAIT to hear the left wing rationalization of why no one should become upset over this. It should be a convoluted as a Coen brothers movie.

And will be presented as very clever and artistic and the idiotic American LIV’s will lap that up!

Why do we need these people in America?

@Skookum: We do NOT – I am beginning to wonder about New York! Even after 9-11 and the Boston bomber >> I wonder where is the “Osama Bin Ladin can kiss my royal Irish a$$” guy? Will have to check the Irish bars in Rockaway

@Skookum: Because without them we would have never been able to make it to the moon and back.

Looks like the NY City police band was on the march in supporting Muslim extremist’s war on women.

No Republicans politicians there at all.

Only crickets from NOW.