MSNBC: Leaning Left for 15 Long Years – A Video Retrospective

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Tonight MSNBC’s cast and crew will gather in Washington D.C. to celebrate their network being on the air for 15 long years. In that time its hosts, reporters and guests have attacked conservatives and Republicans on everything from impeaching Bill Clinton and conducting a war on terrorism, up to the fight over public unions. All the while some of its reporters and hosts have been thrilled by the likes of Mikhail Gorbachev and Barack Obama.

For that entire 15 years MRC analysts have been dutifully watching and noting these often outrageous outbursts of leftism from NBC News’ cable outlet.

The following collection of the worst MSNBC quotes, year-by-year, is just a sampling of the Lean Forward network’s decade-and-a-half long devotion to advancing the cause of liberalism under the guise of journalism.

(video compilation after the jump)


“Lou, I know you feel as if Reagan had few, if any, character flaws. But let me ask you this. When one sidesteps, or refuses to acknowledge the consequences of their policies or actions, why shouldn’t that be viewed as a character flaw? Or when one lies. For example, let me roll a clip and then we’ll come back. This one deals with Iran-Contra.”

— Bryant Gumbel to reporter Lou Cannon, October 10 MSNBC InterNight.


“But isn’t that going to only exacerbate the feeling, especially in the cities in this country, that there is a growing schism between the haves and the have nots because we’re going to mandate welfare reform. We’re going to mandate a lot of immigration reform but there’s going to be no money that comes in behind it.”

— NBC anchor Tom Brokaw on welfare and immigration reform, to New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, March 3 MSNBC InterNight.

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