In an otherwise slow news-cycle, the mainstream media has somehow failed to report on an undercover exposé by Project Veritas in which a senior Google employee admits that the company is manipulating its algorithms ahead of the 2020 election in order to prevent the “next Trump situation.”
“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again,” said longtime Google employee and head of “Responsible Innovation,” Jen Gennai, in the undercover Veritas sting.
“We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?” she added.
Google Exec Jen Gennai: "We all got screwed over in 2016. It wasn't just us, it was like people got screwed over. The news media got screwed over, like everybody got screwed over…" FULL VIDEO:
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) June 25, 2019
As noted by Infowars‘ Jamie White, “CNN, WaPo, CNBC, HuffPost, The New York Times, Vox, Vice, Newsweek, Politico, and even The Daily Beast haven’t written a single piece on the devastating evidence.”
Meanwhile, YouTube parent Google has scrubbed the video from its video sharing platform (also ignored by the MSM).
Well, since the liberal media does the same thing, they aren’t likely to denounce it and it is embarrassing to publicly praise trampling the 1st Amendment when that is supposed to be your business.
In socialist states, what the public hears and can say is strictly controlled.
Senator Cruz, 7.31 minutes
Google sends a person who cant prepare before a senate hearing, bad form Google, very bad form, what next a janitor?
then there is MSM
If veritas would have uncovered this, “its our job to tell people what to think”, except they are quite up front on it. Think as we tell you to or you are a _________________(fill in the blank but it must begin with the word White)
October 21, 2020 – Facebook: Russian trolls are back. And they’re here to meddle with 2020
@Greg: Democrats have been caught running bot operations and setting them up to appear to be run by Russians.
Democrats run Russian bot operation against Roy Moore and the media supports it
Democrats are desperate to draw attention away from Ukraine. Very soon we will be finding out exactly why that is.
@Deplorable Me, #4:
Actually, Jonathon Morgan, CEO of the social media research firm New Knowledge, set up a small bot operation based on the Russian model as an experiment to study their methodology’s effectiveness. The reason you know about it is because Morgan then went public by telling the Washington Post what had been done.
Morgan clearly demonstrated the very real vulnerability of our election process to carefully targeted social media manipulation. If he helped to knock Roy Moore off his silly little horse in the process, consider that collateral damage.
In spite of the demonstration, and in spite of the same conclusions by our nation’s own intelligence community and House and Senate investigations, people still refuse to acknowledge that Russian election meddling had anything at all to do with the outcome of the 2016 election. We’re being left open for the same sort of attack in 2020.
@Greg: The reason we know is he got caught. Also noteworthy was that Obama ordered the shutdown of government efforts to block suspected Russian interference. Perhaps this was because the threat was coming from a different direction?
Bottom line is, we can’t trust Democrats or their propaganda arm, which CNN and WaPo are major contributors.
@Deplorable Me, #6:
His test Facebook page was suspended by Facebook along with a number of other pages. Facebook didn’t reveal the page owners’ names. Morgan himself revealed that his was among them, and explained what he had done in detail. What he said is summarized in the article below. His firm also produced an in depth report on the Russian election meddling operation which was presented to the U.S. Senate, a link to which is provided in the article.
December 23, 2018 – Jonathon Morgan: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
The right, of course, is trying to stand the story on its head as part of their effort to discredit the idea that Russian election meddling even occurred. This has become a standard disinformation tactic that they are using constantly in an effort to keep afloat the Trump administration, which is taking on water faster than their media tools can bail it out. The sooner it goes under, the better.
Today Trump has been making references to the “phony emoluments clause”. There’s nothing the least bit phony about it. It can be found in Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8 of the U.S. Constitution.