Mr. Obama, maybe folks are mad because you’re a liar

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Matt Walsh:

Dear Mr. Obama,

Congratulations on getting 7.1 million people enrolled in Obamacare before the March 31st deadline!

Not to muddy the festivities by harping on technicalities, but I thought I’d pass along just a few corrections, in case you plan on giving anymore speeches or anything:

Alright, by ‘March 31st’ you mean ‘sometime in April,’ and by ‘deadline’ you mean ‘suggestion which is subject to change.’

And, obviously, by ‘enrolled’ you mean ‘people who have filled some information out on a website.’

And by ’7.1 million’ you mean ‘probably like 858 thousand or something.’ 

In your speech on Tuesday, when you said that Obamacare is ‘the law’ and ‘it’s here to stay,’ you really meant that Obamacare is ‘a fluid and constantly adjusted set of unconstitutional decrees, which can be imposed or withdrawn by the Executive Branch at any point, for any reason, up to 21 times and counting.’And by ‘here to stay,’ you actually meant to say that ‘most of it is neither here nor staying, because you don’t want America to feel the full brunt of it until after the midterm elections.’

You claimed that ‘more than 3 million young adults have gained insurance’ by staying on their parents’ plan. Even if that were true, it seems to take for granted that there’s anything remotely positive about the government forcing insurance companies to treat 25-year-old men and women like children. But, more importantly, it isn’t.

Indeed, when you said ‘more than 3 million,’ you really meant ‘extrapolations based on faulty estimates conjured up by Health and Human Services almost two years ago have brought us to the dubious conclusion that we can claim 3 million, because nobody will understand how we arrived at that figure, and most everyone will be too lazy to even attempt to check our numbers.’

You appeared to venture into the vicinity of truth when you stated that Obamacare is ‘doing what it’s supposed to do,‘ but then you forgot to stipulate what, precisely, that happens to be.

It has not, nor was it meant to, make insurance cheaper and more accessible – but it has stripped away choice and freedom, and made more people dependent on the government.

It has forced single men and elderly couples and nuns to pay for maternity care and birth control. Likewise, it has compelled everyone to purchase coverage for psychiatric illness and drug addiction treatment, even if we aren’t necessarily psychiatrically ill or addicted to drugs (though, with your help, the pharmaceutical industry will soon get us all under one or both of those umbrellas).

And, while you spiked the football in the Rose Garden, you still failed to indicate how many people have purchased and paid for a plan, as opposed to just checking some boxes. And you forgot to tell us how many of the Obamacare ’enrollees’ were only inclined to enroll in Obamacare because your law forced them off of their original plans.

You celebrated a ‘law’ that will supposedly ’insure the uninsurable,’ even though most of the people now insured by Obamacare aren’t actually yet insured, but they were insured before Obamacare made them uninsured under their original insurance.

Of course, this is all after you famously told us we can ‘keep our plans’ if we ‘like them,’ while omitting that by ‘keep’ you meant ‘watch as it is demolished in front of our eyes,’ and when you said ‘like’ you didn’t include the disclaimer that we’d all be legally obligated to adjust our affections in the direction of the type of plan you think we should like.

Whew. My head is spinning.

You’re a slippery one, Mr. Obama.

I feel like I’m beginning to learn your language, although I haven’t deciphered the entire code. I do know that, essentially, when you say a certain thing, what you really mean is anything but the thing you just said.

Honestly, I’m starting to think that you’re doing this on purpose.

I’m starting to think that you’re… lying.

You’re a liar.

Yes, that explains it. You’re either enormously inaccurate and oblivious in ways that just so happen to suit your political goals, or you’re a scheming, conniving liar.

I’m going with the latter. You lie. That’s all you do. You’re a liar.

I know, in this day and age of ‘civil discourse,’ we aren’t allowed use words like ‘liar’ anymore. It’s such a harsh and startling term. It upsets people. It makes them sad. It makes them feel all icky inside. But, Lord forgive me, I’d rather call a spade a spade and a liar a liar — as opposed to your strategy, which is to call a spade a tortoise, or an apple, or a three toed sloth, or anything but a spade.

I would label you pathological — as deception seems to drip like putrid sewage from every single word and phrase that escapes your lips — but I know your lies are calculated, not compulsive. You can’t be a pathological liar for the same reason that an effective diamond thief can’t be a kleptomaniac. Your lie, like his heist, requires careful planning and plotting. You’re very aware of the truth, which is what makes you so adept at avoiding it.

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Oh, Matt, you are in such big trouble. Remember Solzhenitsyn, who went to the Gulag for writing that Stalin had a big nose. [I am serious; you could look it up.] You are such a slave to facts. What is your problem? Don’t you heart the glorious leader? All of these changes, now–they are for the greater good. The elites will decide for us how we are to live. You needn’t ask who an elite is; they self-identify.
As Stalin once said, “you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.”
So a few million Americans have to die. At the end we will be a glorious Socialist State. Doesn’t that thrill your soul?
I guess not, because before then you will be dead, as will all of the readers of this blog site.
Remember: truth is variable. Truth consists of what must be said at each moment to move the campaign forward. Yesterday’s truth is no longer applicable. And what remains true is that Socialism is the wave of the future. It has always worked so well in the past. Just ask the hundred million plus who died for Socialism in Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, and elsewhere.
Socialism has never worked and cannot work. So get over yourself and believe. Don’t let pesky facts get in your way. “Hope. Change.” See. There’s the spirit.

A few, a very few, Obama supporters are being mugged by reality:

I naively believed the president that this was going to be something that saves money for me and that’s what it looked like at first,”Shannon Wendt explained. “We thought we’d qualify for a subsidy and get a plan that was pretty similar and had a little bit better coverage and that we’d be paying the same price. And then, lo and behold, we actually don’t qualify for a subsidy at all, and the premium is astronomical.”

The Wendts were paying $221 a month to cover their family of seven. They are now paying a monthly premium of $381 under a temporary stop-gap plan that will be canceled next year, when the family is forced by law to register for an Obamacare plan.

Under this new plan, the family will be forced to pay around $24,000 a year, nearly double the cost of the $12,000 they pay under their current plan, Wendt said.

“Now it’s four times the premium we were paying last year and the out of pocket liability is double,” Wendt said.

Obama lied so people like the Wendts would vote for him.
They did.
Now she is getting hate mail simply for admitting the truth that O’Care hurts her family.
But she’s in for a surprise.
Over the next 3 years Obama has left she will probably also be under scrutiny of IRS, EPA, OSHA and any other agencies Obama can use to terrorize ”his enemies.”