Morgan Freeman: Tea Party Racist Because It Opposes Obama

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(Politico) — Morgan Freeman says that the Obama presidency has made racism in the U.S. more apparent.

During an interview that airs Friday, CNN’s Piers Morgan asked the actor, “Has Obama helped the process of eradicating racism or has it, in a strange way, made it worse?”

“Made it worse. Made it worse,” Freeman replied. “The tea partiers who are controlling the Republican party . . . their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What underlines that? Screw the country, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man out of here.”

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Morgan Freeman was OK in “The Shawshank Redemption” and other movies. But that does not make him a political expert. Sadly, liberals (progressives?) will see his remarks and conclude that he does know about what he speaks. All we conservatives (such as Curt) can do is continue “the good fight.”

Morgan Freeman is an excellent actor, but why liberals always have to make everything about race is not only sad, but tragic. Their efforts like class warfare, Obi is disliked because of his skin color, etcc.. will only continue to increase racism. Obi is losing for the simple fact that he has been a horrible president, just like Carter. But they could not use that excuse for Carter. At the time we remember our liberal friends telling us that Carter was just to far ahead of his time. Yeah, right. It’s not working for Obi either and its 35 years later.

Does that mean if I don’t like a movie Morgan Freeman stars, I am racist ? These stupid actors and a lot never even graduated high school need to stick to acting. Mr freeman, I am opposed to Barry because he is trying to change all our colors to RED!

I liked Morgan Freeman’s opinion when he did this interview:

If TEA Partiers are racist for opposing Obama, does that make liberals racist for opposing Bush? Seriously – is the bar set so low for racism that an incompetent black man can’t be opposed?

I agree with Wordsmith about the 60 Minutes interview; Mr Freeman just lost me with this.

Another leftard added to my Hollywood Movie boycott list. Grow some principles and do not support these reverse racists.They love the color of money, and the color of their one term mystery man community rabble rouser.

Morgan Freeman is a racist because he supports Obama because he is a black man. So much for judging a man by the content of his character.

Sad.. everything is racist now. It’s getting to the point that that epithet doesn’t mean much anymore.

Where is there any evidence “Tea Party” stands for “Whites Only”….
“They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values…..
“Black Republicans find themselves always having to prove who they are. Because the assumption is the Republican Party is for whites and the Democratic Party is for blacks,” he said.
Johnson and other black conservatives say they were drawn to the tea party movement because of what they consider its commonsense fiscal values of controlled spending, less taxes and smaller government. The fact that they’re black — or that most tea partyers are white — should have nothing to do with it, they say.

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Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it Mr Freeman! By the way I have added you to my now lengthy list of “Do not support this Actor/Actress in any way, shape, or form” I will donate what you would have received to the Wounded Warrior Foundation instead, I deem they are much much, MUCH more deserving of My “Racist” Money then you Mr Ignoramus…

I encourage others to do the same….

Others are making a list, Faith!
Here it is:

Morgan Freeman is in the 7th block of names down.
(And Hollyweird wonders why ticket sales are down!)