Morgan Freeman Free To Marry Step-Granddaughter

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Morgan Freeman’s divorce from his second wife of 26 years, Myrna Colley-Lee, is official. And now that he’s a single man, rumors are circulating (thanks to the trusty old, National Enquirer) that he’s getting ready to marry again…to his 27-year-old step-granddaughter, E’Dina Hines! Folks, we couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried! Morgan Freeman To Impregnate Step-Granddaughter

Adding fuel to the fire: The official reason behind the divorce is being kept quiet, as the terms of the split are now sealed with the divorce records. Plus, in a released statement to the press, divorce lawyers from Freeman’s camp only said: “It was done without a trial. Everybody is glad it’s over.”

Anyone else wondering if Morgan paid off his now ex-wife, so he could quietly marry his step-granddaughter?

According to the Enquirer, Freeman cheated on his now ex-wife with a number of women—E’Dina being one of them—and Freeman and E’Dina’s affair began when when she was just a teenager (and we thought this whole incestual relationship couldn’t get any worse)! But apparently now that he’s no longer legally bound to another woman, the Oscar-winner has vowed to make a “decent” woman out of his step-granddaughter and father her children!

Yeah, we’re thinking the same thing: Is that even legal? And what does that make him? Father slash great-grandpa to his own children? Um, gross! Who knew the 73-year-old actor (who recently played Nelson Mandela) was such a dirty old man? 4 Strangest Celebrity Family Relationships Ever

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So, this man, so irresponsible, and so devoid of any morality wants to lecture us on racism? This guy should read ‘when you sit in a glasshouse, don’t throw stones….’.

Disgusting…and typically hypocritical on the part of a liberal.

Do you believe everything written in the Enquirer? Even if it’s true, and he’s a ‘dirty old man’, so what? Does that mean he can’t have views on racism? This article is certainly ‘red meat’ for the puritanical.

I see, so he can’t be criticized on race or his repulsive and sleazy actions? Typical. Free speech is great as long as the people you hate aren’t allowed it, right lib#2?

@Hard Right: If you are referring to me, that’s not what I said at all. Go back a read my comment again with an open mind. If you are not referring to what I said, please accept my apologies.

Nice photo of the pair sporting big grins here.
But according to the site I linked Morgan Freeman didn’t just cause the breakup of his own marriage over his thing with his step-grand-daughter, he ALSO lost his mistress of many years over her!

The alleged affair not only contributed to his split from Myrna, his wife of 25 years, it also led to his breakup with his longtime mistress, former schoolteacher Mary Joyce Hays.

So, at least the new girl knows what she’s getting.
A creep who cheats but has money.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Liberal 1, put your Kool Aid down and recognize that his remarks are racist. Yes my friend, blacks can be racist just like your leader 0-bama!!

And to expand on what Common Sense said, we are free to criticize him for it…or anything else for that matter.
It appears he is a rather despicable person and as a result, he will not see one penny from me.

Yeah, we’re thinking the same thing: Is that even legal?

Some may be thinking, Does our “Celeb Love” columnist have a brain?

Freeman and Hines aren’t blood relatives. Disregarding the age difference, this would be no odder than a person marrying an ex-spouse’s brother or sister. Hines is certainly old enough to know her own mind.

A prog can rationalize anything. The question should be. When did he start boinking her and who knew of the boinking? But of course we should not judge. Not Rob Lowe, Polanski, or Morgan.

I used to have a lot of respect for Morgan Freeman, and I am white. Where are our examples of what we want our kids to be like? Even the Disney movies are lowering their moral standards. When was the last time you saw married parents, or a husband that was a dedicated father in a Disney movie? Freeman fits right in with today’s entertainment industry. How long did the Roman empire last after it turned to self pleasure?

Here’s a letter to Morgan Freeman from TEA Party activist and African-American, Ali Akbar.

Dear Mr. Freeman,

My name is Ali Akbar. I’m a 26 year-old African-American small business owner and a tea party activist. I’m not writing to rake you over the coals in the way that many conservatives have done in the last 48 hours. Heck, I wrote a passionate open-letter refuting many of your claims already, but this is not that. This is an honest and standing invitation. I do believe that you are wrong in what you said about the tea party, but I would rather prove it to you than castigate you for your comments.

I also understand that your reflexive comments came from experience. You grew up in a different America than the one that I was blessed to be born into. We both grew up in the south, but I never saw ‘White Only’ signs. I’ve been called a name or two in my three decades, but racism has always been the exception in my life, not the rule, as it probably was in your youth. I understand your suspicion of conservative political movements. It is rooted in pain and fear and memory, and though I never saw the horrors of segregation that you did, we share that cultural heritage. …

I’ve attended dozens of tea party events. I’ve helped organize them, and I’ve even spoken at a few. The tea party is not what is often depicted in the news. It is people of all colors who are terribly concerned about the direction that America is heading. We don’t trust big government to make decisions for us. And we fear that the present administration’s spending is going to lead our country down a path to insolvency, much like what Greece is currently facing.

Mr. Freeman, I’m not asking you to adopt my political views. You’re in your seventies, and a political shift is not in your future. I’m reaching out to you because I want you to think better of your fellow countrymen. Barack Obama is in the White House, and Herman Cain just won the Florida straw poll. America is the land of opportunity for black Americans like never before.

I’m hoping that you’ll come to a tea party in Tennessee — the place of your birth. Really anywhere in the country that works for you; I’ll set it up with the one of the thousands of activists I know around our great country. I’d be delighted to introduce you to good people who will welcome you with open arms, disagree with you, and then feed you some of the best barbecue you’ve ever tasted. …


Ali Akbar

One spot it is found on the web:

Sweet, is it not?

@Nan G: #12
Whenever I here someone condemn the Tea Party, I POLITELY ask them if they have been to a Tea Party protest and they ALWAYS say, “No.” I also ask them where they disagree with the Tea Party and they can’t give any examples. The propaganda media are doing a good job propagandizing.

I met Morgan Freeman when she was 7 y.o. – he told me that he and his wife, Myrna, were raising the child because the child’s mother had a drug problem. He introduced the child as his granddaughter. We were on a island beach in Maine, where the family was having a picnic. I remember watching this cute little girl jump in the waves. She was HIS GRANDDAUGHTER – his own words!