Mitt Romney: Obama can’t handle the truth

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Former Bay State Gov. Mitt Romney fired back at President Obama for barring the Herald from full access to the presidential visit to Boston yesterday, saying the commander-in-chief’s “retribution” against the media has no place in the White House.

“The media has a responsibility to be truthful and to be interesting, and the Herald is both of those things,” Romney said last night. “The president barring the Herald from attending a presidential event flies in the face of the spirit of the First Amendment.”

The White House blocked the Herald from being part of the press pool at yesterday’s Hub fund-raiser, citing the front-page treatment the paper gave to an opinion piece by Romney criticizing the president’s economic policies the last time Obama was in town.

“I know the president and the White House are very sensitive about anyone who talks about the failures in the economy,” Romney said. “They’re in denial about putting people out of work and the under-employed. When the Herald speaks the truth, they lash out.”

Romney, who is the current GOP front-runner to take on Obama in 2012, also blasted the president for going back on pledges he made during his historic 2008 run.

“I think the president’s campaign promises in too many cases have gone by the boards. The transparency pledge was the first to go,” Romney said. “The inclination toward retribution and lashing out toward people who disagree with his economic posture is only the latest chapter.”

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During the 2010 campaign, Obama promised that “We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends.”

The Press is not the only area filled with Obama Enemies…..

Obama is considering an executive order requiring every business that wants to compete for government contracts to first disclose all their political contributions going back two years.

That includes all political contributions made by the company, its political action committee and its senior executives — even donations to third-party groups which are currently covered by campaign disclosure laws.

In other words, Obama wants to know how much money you’ve given to Republicans and their allies before he’ll decide if you get the contract to build a road, maintain a federal park or put AC in the IRS building.

Boston Herald (the new place to look for the real news!)

But, in the meantime, the entire State of Nevada just got an ObamaCare waiver!

If you see me starting to use the term ”crony” with regards Obama’s White House peeps remember this:
David Axelrod is/was the mouthpiece for Obama.
The Boston Herald’s notice that they were banned from White House coverage was written by Matt Lehrich.
And who is Matt Lehrich?
David Axelrod’s nephew!

Not the only crony set-up in the WH, but just one that cropped up with regards this story.

@Nan G:

Talk about taking a comment out of context.

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”