MIT’s Lindzen: IPCC Report “Hilariously Flawed”

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Indeed. Bear in mind, the IPCC is claiming that they are more sure than ever that warming is driven by carbon… despite the fact that there’s a 17 year pause in warming and yet ever-increasing carbon.

And despite the fact all their models called for continued straight-line (mostly) warming.

So, having failed to predict anything, they claim they’re more confident of their predictions than ever.

MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen told Climate Depot on September 27, 2013:

I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence. They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as the discrepancies between their models and observations increase.

Their excuse for the absence of warming over the past 17 years is that the heat is hiding in the deep ocean. However, this is simply an admission that the models fail to simulate the exchanges of heat between the surface layers and the deeper oceans. However, it is this heat transport that plays a major role in natural internal variability of climate, and the IPCC assertions that observed warming can be attributed to man depend crucially on their assertion that these models accurately simulate natural internal variability. Thus, they now, somewhat obscurely, admit that their crucial assumption was totally unjustified.

Bear in mind this business about the deep oceans sequestering all that Global Warming!!! where we conveniently can’t measure it is what we call a Pure Speculation.

There’s no evidence for this. It’s in the category of “Things Which Possibly Could Be True But We Have No Real Reason to Think Are True.”

Thus, the Science Is Settled this-is-a-fact-not-a-hypothesis theory now relies, crucially, on Something They Just Made Up a Year Ago.

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This is what I don’t understand about the left…….they accuse the right of hating science. They claim the science of climate change is settled, and then they pull this crap. This is not how science works. You don’t form a conclusion and then work backwards to make it work. When your model fails, you work to find out why and build a new model. You don’t hide information or blame something else. It isn’t personal because science isn’t personal.
It’s seriously no different than the way the left practices politics. You either agree with them or you’re a(n)……ignorant, racists, nazi, denying, sexists, homophobic, islamaphobic, Bible thumping, gun toting, troglodyte. And that is their definition of tolerance as well.

Leftists are not interested in actual science, hence the envirowackos resisting nuclear power, fracking, genetic enhancement of foods to increase production – but are insanely devoted to AGW cultism, failed green energy boondoggles, and the stupidity of “gun free zones’ as a means of stopping mass shootings by crazy people.
For leftist leaders, it is about imposing govenrment control over the masses to the benefit of the leftist aristocracy. For the leftist followers, it is about their emotional insecurites of needing to belong to the presumed ‘popular’ group, because they do not have the courage to stand up for what is scientifically accurate and morally true. The reason such leftists need to force the rest of us into believing as they do is because having a different viewpoint makes the leftist anxious and insecure about their security blanket belief system. Hence the vehemence of their pathetic namecalling when you have the audacity to disagree with their philosophical shibboleths. Hence the reason leftist policies have to be forced and mandated via political tricks and activist judges upon a resistant populace.

The arrogant hypocrisy of the left is clear yet again when they spew their nonsense about “obamacare is the law, upheld by the SCOTUS”….as if that means we have no right to try to repeal it. Can you imagine the shrieking from the left if conservatives had used that kind of logic with regard to DOMA?

So, when was this Special Law of Thermodynamics postulated and proved?

Seriously, since we’re talking about the Super-Scientific Collectivists theories, and I’m just a dumb, science-illiterate “Winger,” I’d kinda like to see the math behind this “Man-Made Heat Sinks and Hides” theory.

This AGW has always been about money and control of industry. The Koyoto Protocol was about “spreading the wealth around” by moving industry from industrial nations, mostly in the west to 3rd world countries. Researchers were motivated to develop computer models that showed a direct relationship between human generated CO2 and increase in global temperatures. No one has yet established the ideal global temperature. No one has determined or identified all of the physical cycles that the Earth, solar system and with the recent studies on cosmic rays, the universe works. Warmists are profiting greatly from their propaganda. Al Gore went from a real loser of the Democratic presidential nominee and presidential race to a billionaire based on his sermons taught from the AGW band wagon.

As long as the “low information voter” continue to elect politicians seeking power instead of representation of the people, science will not be a determining factor in climate issues.