Mitch McConnell: ‘Winners make policy and losers go home’

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John Sexton:

Senator Mitch McConnell held a town hall event yesterday in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. He was greeted by several hundred protesters outside the event but inside the scene was mostly respectful and calm. From the Associated Press:

Protesters crowded the American Legion Post 34 Fairgrounds, kept at bay by several police officers and a chain link fence. The crowd chanted “No ban, no wall, Mitch McConnell take our call” — a reference to full voicemail boxes at the senator’s offices — as McConnell drove past in a black SUV. It was the first of several scheduled public appearances for McConnell this week during a congressional recess. Protesters upset with Republican President Donald Trump’s policies have vowed to follow McConnell to every stop.

McConnell praised the protesters outside the event saying, “I’m proud of those folks out there. They don’t much like what I’m doing. They don’t share my agenda but I respect their right to be there and to express themselves.” McConnell went on to say, “Now I’m going to express myself. Why are they protesting? They didn’t like the results of the election.

“They had their shot in the election, certainly had their shot in Kentucky, but in this country when you win the election you get to make the policy. I always remind people, winners make policy and losers go home.”

McConnell promised the new Republican Congress, along with President Trump, were determined to do something about Obamacare and tax reform. On Obamacare, McConnell said the status quo was “simply unsustainable.” He also said he hoped the “fever” among his Democratic colleagues would break soon so the Senate could get back to work and get through some confirmation votes more quickly.

“I think we’re doing the kind of things that most Republicans believe can make the country better,” McConnell said before adding, “Am I fan of all the tweets?” At this he groaned a bit and said, “Use your imagination.”

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No doupt those useful idiots against the border fence were used by George Soros the wealthy leftists socialists who is behind a lot of crinimal plans against america even more reasons him and his paid goon squad need deported from america