by Jeff Childer
You’ll never believe it. There’s been more bad luck with the Dali and the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. The Maritime Executive ran the story yesterday headlined “NTSB Releases “Black Box” Timeline of Baltimore Bridge Strike.”
The news is, after the Biden Administration and the FBI conclusively ruled out any terrorist involvement, the NTSB received the Dali’s black box, analyzed it, and found that the data from the one key minute never got recorded. It’s kind of like Nixon’s missing cassette tape section, or like how the Jeffrey Epstein suicide video cut off. Here’s the story, note the highlighted sentence:

Oh well. Who needs that missing minute anyway? I suppose it doesn’t matter since they already know it wasn’t a cyberattack. And people, please, stop spreading misinformation that every time something bad happens it must be the result of a cyber attack. I don’t know how you guys could possibly get that idea.
Well, except for this (Wall Street Journal):

Or this (Reuters):

Or this (AP):

Or this (CPO Magazine):

Or this (Guardian):

Or this (right down the road!) (WESH-Orlando):

How could we possibly get the idea that the Dali’s tragic and mysterious loss of electrical power and its computer systems, which also shut down its electronic black box recorder, just at the right time to cause maximum damage, how could that possibly be a cyberattack?
Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, maybe it’s because they’ve been crying about cyberattacks every ten seconds for the last year? Could that have anything to do with it? Hmm?
Yet somehow, in spite of a year’s worth of intel about myriads of potential cyberattacks, within just five or six hours after the collision, before looking at the black box or even knowing who the crew was, nevermind interviewing them, the entire federal government was 100% sure that it was a complete accident.
Here’s the best description I’ve seen describing what might have happened on board. I bet this is what we’ll probably hear whenever they finally release a meaningful report. Note that I can’t confirm that Mr. Buckely is what or who he says he is (nor do I have reason to question it):

Buckley’s explanation, while illuminating, does not shed any light on the crucial question of what caused the ship to lose power at that precise moment? We will probably never know for sure. Cyberattacks don’t leave marks or fingerprints. If it was a cyberattack, it may not be detectable at all. Nor would they tell us anyway, since official lying seems justified because claiming these incidents were accidents allegedly defeats the terrorists’ goals of causing fear and panic.
But still. I am reminded that, “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.” — Ian Fleming, the British author who created James Bond.
One happenstance infrastructure:

Two coincidental infrastructures:

Three infrastructures…:

Just saying.
This was intentional. Pilot said the dropped port anchor and turned the rudder hard to port.
Then way did it go 20 degrees to starboard on a collision course for the bridge pylon?
Black box has 2 minutes missing just before crashing into the bridge support.
How convenient.
I’m sure Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden doesn’t want to make any accusations about the CCP right when they are aiding and abetting his campaign.
She might not be able to parallel park either.
How does the VDR lose power or stop recording? It is battery powered and designed to operate independent of all other systems.
When the FBI came out before 5am to declare nothing to see here, I knew it was not an accident. It was intentional, full stop.
It’s sad to distrust the government so much, but they have destroyed their own credibility and trust.
This where we are.