Milo Officially “Uninvited” as Speaker at CPAC

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CPAC is now in the strange position of having invited someone precisely because he was not permitted to speak on college campuses due to his controversial statements, and yet now having banned him from speaking there due to his controversial statements.

As you probably know, Establishment conservatives hoping to tank him began circulating a tape of an appearance on the Joe Rogan show early last year, in which he talked about having given oral sex to an older priest when he was 14, and making jokes (as he does) about that having improved his skills in that area. Then an appearance on another show was dug up, where he talked about younger “boys” (he says he meant “young men”) have sex with older men a fair amount in gay circles.

It should be noted that as far as his “pro-pedophilia” remarks, he was actually the young person being preyed upon (though he denies he was preyed upon, calling himself, perhaps just sardonically, the “sexual predator” in the encounter), and not the person (the older man) who is actually charged with the moral and legal duty to not have sex with a 14 year old.

Nonetheless, some say that he’s spouting “NAMBLA talking points” and people whose opinions I respect, like Niedermeyer’s Dead Horse, takes a look at this in a fairly objective way and seems to try to give Milo every break she can, but seems to find there’s just too many strikes here, and the batter is fairly called out.

I think that’s a reasonable take — though, in saying so, I don’t think it’s complete.

I would say an important additional dimension here is that if they can do it to him, they can do it to you too.

And they seem to be really doing it:

I saw an unconfirmed claim — and I stress, unconfirmed — that even Breitbart is considering severing times.

I doubt that, but who knows. The way this works is that the Outrage Mob gins up its hatred quickly, giving no one a chance to actually think slowly and carefully about these things — and they should be thought slowly and carefully about, because what’s being engineered here is possibly an irrevocable negative hit on someone — and then people feel pressure to react instantly precisely the way the mob wants because God Forbid we stand up to the mob and say, “Stop your baying, and give adult men and women of rational mind and good spirit a chance to actually think,” then maybe they’ll turn on us next.

Proud anger travels twice around the world before cool reflection has even slipped on its first sock.

FWIW, Milo offers a written statement in defense of himself here, and, it seems, a more chastened, more frightened video response here, perhaps as he realized how serious the mob was about collecting this week’s scalp from his head.

I’m not a fan of Milo’s and have rarely cited him. I won’t get into the “why” of that here, for similar reasons that I didn’t get into why I wasn’t a fan of Pam Gellar’s after the shooting at her Draw Mohammad event, when the Social Justice Warriors of the left and the right saw fit to mob up on her hours after she’d been shot upon by a jihadi.

Yeah I’ve got a few problems with him — but let’s leave that for another day. I haven’t seen it necessary to have one opinion or another about Milo so far, so I don’t know if I have to suddenly burst forth with a lot of Strongly Held Opinions I Just Formed Six Minutes Ago today.

Another day when, you know, he’s not in the eye of the Social Media Scalp-Hunting Hurricane.

I just think that when the whole world sets its sights on one lonely target, it’s not really terribly useful or moral of me to join in the collective attack.

I don’t think the world will end if a couple of voices here or there caution, “Maybe we shouldn’t rush to extirpate him from the face of the earth with just these three seconds of contemplation.”

I have no bias in favor of Milo, and that indeed my bias tends to run the other way. (To the extent I have any bias — I’m not really a follower or fan. I can’t render much of an opinion on Milo because, in all honesty, I am not familiar with his writing, except through the occasional quotation provided by his enemies.)

But I do think Milo has done some good work in exposing the increasing intolerance and hateful mob mentality of our twitterfied, outrage-addicted society.

Whether that outweighs the sins he is said to have committed, I don’t know.

I suspect most people don’t. I suspect his fans know a fair amount about him, and his detractors and scalp-hunters know a bit less, and I think pretty much everyone else is like “Is Milo that lemonheaded gay guy who’s on YouTube a lot?”

But I just have the same sick feeling:

And here we go again.

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I think Ace misses the mark if he really thinks, “the whole world sets its sights on one lonely target,” when Milo was invited, set up then dis-invited from CPAC.
Remember, CPAC is GOPe.
The Reagan Battalion (which edited the video just enough to make Milo sound like he’s into pederasty) is Amanda Carpenter and Even McMullin (GOPe).
But, when Milo was on Twitter, he made multiple comments about hating pedophilia.
He personally did the investigative reporting to take down a few of them.

But back to my 1st point: Milo is NOT a lone target.
He’s a domino.
Get him.
Go after Bannon.
Get him.
Go after Trump.

Salon took down their “I am not a monster” attempt at pedo normalizing articles so they could join the bashing party. Sorry Milo they were looking to take you out, if by creative editing, the end justifies the means. They looked bad rioting because a gay guy wanted to speak on a lib campus. Well maybe Milo will bring this pizzagate stuff to the surface, but he is toast.