By M. Dowling
Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) warned Friday that the city would see what she described as a “new normal” regarding security. This follows Biden’s inaugural.
You don’t need militarized zones for the ‘most popular president ever to be elected.’
“We are going to go back to a new normal,” Bowser said when asked if D.C.’s sweeping security measures will ease up once Biden is in office, per Reuters.“
I think our entire country is going to have to deal with how our intelligence apparatus, security apparatus at every level deal with a very real and present threat to our nation.
Is she talking about the peaceful hundreds of thousands or millions at the January 6 rally? Perhaps she’s referring to the relatively small number who went into the Capitol building?
It’s a form of pre-martial law. That might be why there are 25,000 troops in D.C.
Half the nation will be outraged as the communist policies are enacted. The Biden administration fears a reaction.
“I think our entire country is going to have to deal with how our intelligence apparatus, security apparatus at every level deal with a very real and present threat to our nation,” the mayor added.
All protesters from the right may be painted as the “real and present threat to our nation.” They are painting all of us with the same brush now.
Bowser’s remarks come after the Department of Defense authorized up to 25,000 service members to D.C. Allegedly, it supports federal law enforcement for the inauguration.
There is something else you should keep in mind. Democrats have a bill prepared to aim the DHS, FBI, and DOJ at domestic terrorists who are American citizens.
If this is the new normal, it could well be to constrain all protests against the communist agenda. I just received a report from several cities that this will take place in their cities. Columbus, Ohio, is one expected to get troops.
Democrats said we couldn’t put them on the border—the irony of ironies.
Amazing how quickly the government can build a wall when it's our ruling class being threatened as opposed to small towns on the southern border
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 16, 2021
Amazing how many troops it takes to back up such a popular president* and agenda. I wonder, where are those military leaders that objected so ardently to the use of troops to quell domestic terrorism throughout the summer? What say you now, Gen. Mattis?
@Deplorable Me:
Do you not understand?
25,000+ troops to do what? Fire into crowds that are there to attend Beijing Biden’s inauguration? Or do the powers in control think that Trump supporters are all excited to see Beijing Biden take office?
The question is; has the left, after the Obama purge of military brass, now taken control of our military? Are we in for the treatment received by the Bonus Army on steroids? How long before anyone with a Trump sign in their yard or in their field will get a visit from their local LE to tell us that the sign is a threat to our national security?
25,000+ military to protect those who would sell our nation to the highest bidder, China.
If this photo doesn’t tell you everything you need to know, you are either clueless or supportive of the Communist takeover.
No wonder Comrade Greggie is a fan of Nancy Pelosi. His hypocrisy is only exceeded by hers:
@retire05: They can kiss my non-compliance ass. Oh, Rep. Greene, who will introduce articles of impeachment of Biden on the first day of Congress has had her Twitter account suspended. Seems impeachment for actual crimes is wrong-think.
Military having to vett every soldier in DC. Because Biden is so popular and has such a mandate. Can’t trust the military, can’t trust the police, can’t trust the people. Maybe he thinks he can trust illegal immigrants and that’s why he wants to amnesty them instead of protecting US citizens.
I could have sworn they said it would be Trump that would institute martial law…
@Jay: Yeah, they also said Trump was an authoritarian, dictator, tyrant, suppressed free speech and incited violence. They, the Democrats do nothing but lie. Biden’s election is a lie.
Democrat lying scumbag Coen accuses the National Guard of being disloyal because they didn’t all vote for Biden. Hell, it they had, who would want an army of corpses and duplicated ballots guarding them? How typical of Democrats, always insulting and denigrating the military. If they aren’t trusted, why have them around the idiot Biden?