Mike Flynn is cleared by the FBI

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The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and has found no evidence of wrongdoing, it was revealed Monday.

The calls were made in late December and picked up as part of routine electronic surveillance of Russian officials. They did not reveal any illicit ties between Flynn and Russia, according to the Washington Post.

The review of the calls was part of a wider probe into Russia’s interference in the presidential election and hacking of the Democratic National Committee.

NY Post

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Oh, but that was TRUMP’S FBI. It’s not official unless the same FBI that never interviewed the victims of IRS targeting during their “investigation” or, though stating Hillary was grossly negligent cleared her of gross negligence clears him.


Flynn did nothing wrong, period.

The breach of violations leaked to the media and others has the fingerprints of obama and his minions. All of them should be prosecuted for treason and sedition and jailed for a long as necessary.

Comey should follow Flynn out the door.

Repubs say investigate LEAKERS .of Trumpist Russian phone contacts

Dems/Lindsey/Mac say investigate Trumpists/Russian connections.

I SAY FIND THE TRUTH–I know that’s asking a lot

The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and the Russian ambassador to the US and has found no evidence of wrongdoing, it was revealed Monday.

That’s how the story was first reported nearly 3 weeks ago. As of that date, the FBI was looking into the situation but had found no evidence of wrongdoing.

That’s a report of the existence and status of an investigation, not of any final conclusions. It didn’t mean Flynn had been cleared or was suspected to be guilty of something, either one.

Flynn did nothing wrong, period.

We don’t yet know that to be the case. What we do know is that Trump fired him. Do you think Trump would have fired him if there was nothing the least bit sketchy about the facts of the situation that are not yet public knowledge?

Perhaps it’s only that things look a bit too sketchy for comfort. On the other hand, it appears U.S. sanctions against Russia was one of the topics Flynn and Sergey Kislyak were discussing prior to the election. That doesn’t look so good either, given the Russian election meddling.

Here’s the problem, assuming there were no others: Those two things together—the Russian election meddling, which had become public knowledge, and the secret telephone conversations, which had not—rendered Flynn vulnerable to Russian pressuring. It gave them a wild card in the game. They could subtly pressure Flynn by threatening to reveal the telephone calls. This could have become one of those quicksand-like extortion situations. The longer the secret was kept, the deeper Flynn would sink. That’s how the game of guilty secrets is played.

We knew Flynn dindunuffin its now the FBI that must be cleared of wrong doing, who leaked Top Secret information?

From The Hill, 02/16/17: How the Russia saga may ultimately bring down President Trump

All of the various unanswered questions are slowly coalescing into an enormous trust and credibility problem that will only go away after a full investigation.

Don’t think democrats would be rejoicing over such a prospect. It means there’d be a very scary situation for the entire nation to get through, followed by a President Pence and the same republican-controlled Congress.

Stuck on stupid

The Russians the Russians the Russians

That is all the alt-left has

The investigation that should be conducted is into the state dept and the intelligence community to find the leaks

Those found will be guilty of felonious acts and subsequently imprisoned

And, who signed the orders to intercept the Trump campaign

My guess is it was obama

Yeah, the Russians. Or more specifically, Vladimir Putin. The guy is a totalitarian leader preparing to push his borders westward, allied with both Assad and Iran, supplying military hardware to states openly hostile to the United States, whose intelligence services may have changed the course of a U.S. election. He assassinates his political opponents, has locked down Russian media, and propagandizes through Europe and America using a state-owned and operated cable news service. They’re repeatedly harassing our naval vessels with risky aerial maneuvers, and are now deploying land-based cruise missiles in violation of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. And Trump seems to think he’s a great guy.

Why do you not have a problem with this? Have you not noticed how rapidly the pace has been stepping up since Obama left office?

Melania Trump Shows Off Hair Makeover — See Pics Of New Cut & Color
Hollywood Life

How wonderful it is to have a First Lady that is gracious, elegant, beautiful and intelligent.

A far cry from the last eight years. An angry black woman(who may be a tranny) an unattractive hate filled racialist.

Melania Trump Shows Off Hair Makeover — See Pics Of New Cut & Color
Hollywood Life

How wonderful it is to have a First Lady that is gracious, elegant, beautiful and intelligent.

A far cry from the last eight years. An angry black woman(who may be a tranny) in attractive hate filled racialist.

It clear as President Trump said today, he certainly did inherit a foreign and domestic policy mess from his predecessor.


Do you think Trump would have fired him if there was nothing the least bit sketchy about the facts of the situation that are not yet public knowledge?

Unlike Obama, who rewarded failure with promotions, pensions and praise, Trump demands performance. Flynn did nothing wrong or illegal but he reacted badly to the media assaults and lied to Pence.

and the secret telephone conversations, which had not—rendered Flynn vulnerable to Russian pressuring.

Uh… no. Not unless he did something wrong, which he didn’t. I mean, it’s not like he accepted $500,000 for a “speech” in exchange for uranium or anything. There was no leverage.

Yeah, the Russians. Or more specifically, Vladimir Putin.

You mean the guy Obama promised, on an open mic, he would be “more flexible” with as long as HE didn’t have the leverage of worrying about lying his way through another election? THAT Putin?

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #13:

Flynn did nothing wrong or illegal but he reacted badly to the media assaults and lied to Pence.

Flynn apparently lied to the FBI, as well as to the Vice President. Making such false statements is a federal crime, under Section 1001 of Title 18.


So Obama’s stupid comment to Romney in 2012 about “The 1980s called…they want their foreign policy back” is no longer operative, now that a republican is in the Oval Office.

Got it…


But Hillary and Rice’s lies to the entire nation about Benghazi being a “spontaneous protest”, now that we have the transcripts of Pat Kennedy’s briefing to congressional staffers proving the Obama administration knew it was a planned terrorist attack – not to mention the political theater of jailing a guy who posted a video in an act of egregiously dishonest political opportunism – is perfectly acceptable, right?

State Department official ‘pressured’ FBI to declassify Clinton email: FBI documents

Had they been declassified, they would have become public, and then the public would have understood how bogus much of the retroactive classification actually was.

Clinton, in fact, wanted them all to be made public. That would have destroyed the entire sham of an email scandal, and we wouldn’t now have a totally incompetent nincompoop in the White House. Trump was elected because of lies.

Flynn apparently lied to the FBI

the Washington Post reported Thursday.

There is absolutely no evodence of that, the bezos post is fake news…..

You mean OBAMA was elected because of lies. You can keep your plan. Negotiations will be broadcast on CSPAN. You’ll have 5 days to look at bills online before they are voted on. You should be very familiar with the taste of lies by now.


Clinton, in fact, wanted them all to be made public.

Really? You don’t think she knew damn well those emails could not be declassified and released when she made that statement? I wonder if she wanted the 30,000 she Bleach-bit out of existence released as well?

It is a proven fact Hillary is a despicable liar. Let’s not waste any more time on that corrupt has-been, OK?

@July 4th American:

Flynn apparently lied to the FBI

Wait… I thought Hillary and the left established that was no longer an infraction. Why would liberals worry about it? Ohhhhh… because they are hypocritical cry-babies.

@Mully: Apparently, Obama wants to start transparency NOW with the Trump administration, directing his moles to leak classified information to benefit the liberal agenda.


Flynn apparently lied to the FBI, as well as to the Vice President. Making such false statements is a federal crime, under Section 1001 of Title 18.

Really? Hillary lied to the FBI and you nor any other liberal had any problem with that. Why is it a problem now?

Yes, Flynn lied to Pence. Trump fired him. Obama would have made him an ambassador.

However, to further moot your point, if you would read the very article we are commenting on, the FBI says he did NOT lie to them.

How did you like Trump tearing the ass out of the media yesterday? Trump shows he has NO FEAR of the corrupt liberal media, which is precisely what got him elected. Now, if other Republicans take this hint (it seems Cruz got the idea), your ace-in-the-hole of the liberal media swaying minds by suppressing facts about liberal failure and corruption and lying about conservatives is lost and, along with it, your dreams of your liberal utopia.

Transcripts, phone calls, no warrants, illegal release of classified top secret information, what a cesspool the president has on his hands. Rouge agents involved in an attempted coup of this administration. Sedition, treason, these agents need to be found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Curiosity is not a right to know, should all classified information be out there for the public?
Yes I am curious to see what in heaven could be the cause of chucking this General under the bus, but its none of my business if its classified. Do I believe the General intentionally did something worthy of this treatment? Oh hell no I dont, I think accepting Flynns resignation was a bigly a Yuge misstep.
The real issue the real story here are the leaks.

Just heard that some 7th floor state department persons have been pink slipped. And so it begins. Every obama hire or appointee should be fired asap.

@July 4th American: They really need to go all the way back to the Clinton plants.

Time to get the 25000 volt cattle prod to that stubborn liberal jackass and aim for the backside


Yes, right you are. Get rid of the clinton trash as well. These people, clinton/obama hate America, always have and their only reason fo seeking office was to be in a position to inflict harm upon my beloved Country.

Then there are the dupes out there and here(greg) who believe what we now know to be habitual fake news by the media. The dirty little secret here is not that the media creates fake news to harm their opponents, they also create fake news to keep their followers on their “plantation”.

Tony Shaffer: Obama Holdovers Withholding Intel From Trump Admin

Tony Shaffer, a retired lieutenant colonel and intelligence expert, believes the Obama administration “laid trip wires” within the intelligence community’s structure to sabotage President Donald Trump.

In recent days, the Trump administration has been plagued with leaks, which recently contributed to the resignation of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

“[Senior Adviser] Ben Rhodes laid trip wires for things to go off like booby traps,” Shaffer said on “The First 100 Days” tonight, characterizing Flynn’s ouster as “planned by the Obama administration.”

Employees of the intelligence agencies Shaffer suspected to be involved in the leaks are “mid-level managers” and “former political appointees who burrowed themselves into the infrastructure as career intelligence officers.”

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #20:

Really? You don’t think she knew damn well those emails could not be declassified and released when she made that statement?

I suspect there was nothing in the emails that actually warranted the continuing secrecy that surrounded them. It was revealed that at least one Top Secret email in question was considered so only because it referred to information that had already been published in newspapers and openly discussed in the media.

The entire manufactured email scandal depended on claims that there was damning evidence which no one could be allowed to see. That allowed republicans and the right-wing media to portray the content however they wished, while depriving Clinton of any ability to prove otherwise.

But all of this is history. It’s a distraction. People should be paying attention to what’s happening in the present.

Must be that vast right wing conspiracy that has haunted the clintons since the blow job giving intern.

That did not happen either.

It never should have mattered whether it happened or not. It had no relevance whatsoever, until you forced it into the public’s faces.

If you think it was an issue of truthfulness or presidential decorum, perhaps you should consider what you’ve overlooked in putting Trump in the Oval Office.

I could think of no better Presidential activity than to have your dick sucked by an intern young enough to be your daughter.

It would appear much was overlooked when putting blow job Clinton in the oval office. Much was known about him as a serial sexual predator.

Chelsea Clinton Asks For Another Word For “Horrifying,” Juanita Broaddrick Responds….

Well since you asked, here’s my definition of horrifying, sick, and awful. Answer: Your father, bill clinton.