Migration Horde Advances, Next Stop USA – Mexico Puts Up Token Resistance, Promises To Call on United Nations…

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As expected the government of Mexico put up token resistance at their southern border (video laughable) and allows thousands of economic migrants passage to the U.S. Mexico border.

Rebuking the strongly worded demands of President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo the insufferable Mexican Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray tells media his country will now call on the United Nations to intervene.   Yes, it’s up to the U.N. now….

This is a transparently constructed political operation; with the migrant arrival timed to arrive at the U.S-Mexico border at the same time as the 2018 midterm election.

CTH has followed this for several years and below you will find a comprehensive time-line of the issue along with full historic citations and documents, and all the evidence of the financial motives behind much of the activity.

First, here is today’s “token resistance” from Mexican officials:

Those who have followed the “border crisis” carefully will note current events are the continuance of a strategy that has played out for several years.

To really absorb the issue we must analyze current year events through the reality of prior events; we must look into the way-back machine. To that end we have read the entirety of:

    • A March 2014 Final Report from the National Center For Border Security – HERE
    • A June 2014 (Declassified) Intelligence Report on UAC’s and Central America – HERE
    • A June 2014 Congressional Research Report analyzing the prior four years of Central American UAC’s (Unaccompanied Alien Children) – HERE
    • A July 2014 internal White House and Dept. Of Homeland Security communique outlining the UAC crisis. – HERE
    • A January 2014 DHS and HHS Summary of UAC directives to include Contract Needs – HERE

Because these reports are so critical to the full understanding we have also embedded them in their pdf. entirety near the end of the timeline:

April 2009 – After a Mid-East trip to Egypt to deliver his Cairo speech, President Barack Obama travels to South America for the “Summit of the Americas“. The summit included thirty-four South American countries. Obama wanted to promote his point that relations in North and South America can be heavily improved, especially after age old ideals on immigration and commerce are dropped. Hugo Chavez warmly embraced Obama and provided a gift, a book titled “The Open Veins of Latin America“. (link)

December 2009 – November 2010 – 100% of all political effort was leveraged to create and institute the ACA or ObamaCare. All media oxygen is focused on ObamaCare 24/7.

November 2010 – President Obama is “shellacked” in Mid-Term elections. Loses control of the House of Representatives to Republicans. Biggest electoral defeat since 1918.

January 2011 – Emphasis, and political strategy changes. “Comprehensive Immigration Reform“, ie. “amnesty” becomes the mainstay approach toward retention of political power. Throughout a contentious Republican primary season, to assist their ideological traveler, the U.S. media kept the issue on the front burner.

May 2011 – President Obama travels to the Rio Grande sector of the border to push for his immigration platform (ie. Amnesty). He proclaims the border is safe and secure and famously attacks his opposition for wanting an “alligator moat”.

November 2012 – Election year campaign(s). Using wedge issues like “War on Women”, and “Immigration / Amnesty”, candidate Obama promises to push congress for “amnesty”, under the guise of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, if elected. President Obama wins reelection.

December 2012 – Immediately following reelection President Barack Obama signs an Executive Order creating the “Deferred Action Program“, or DACA. Allowing millions of illegal aliens to avoid deportation. (link)

According to their own documents and research, this Deferred Action Program is what the Central American communities are using as the reason for attempted immigration. In both the border control study and the DHS intelligence report the DACA program is mentioned by the people apprehended at the border in 2013 and 2014.

Obama Jesus Pose


Chart Source: 2013 DHS Yearbook of Immigration Statistics – Enforcement Analysis – Table 39:


May 2013 – President Barack Obama visits South America. Following a speech Mexican entrepreneurs, Obama then travelled to Costa Rica, his first visit as president. In addition to meetings with Costa Rican President Laura Chincilla, Obama attended a gathering of leaders from the Central American Integration System, (CAIS). The regional network includes the leaders of Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. (link) President Obama meets with the leaders of the Central American Countries.

Summer 2013 – Numbers of Illegal Unaccompanied Minors reaching the Southern U.S. border from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua doubles. 20,000+ reach U.S. Southern border by travelling through Mexico. Media primarily ignores. (link)

uac graph 2

October 2013 – At the conclusion of the immigrant travel season. White House receives notification that tens of thousands of illegal Unaccompanied Minors should be anticipated to hit the Southern U.S. border the following Summer [2014]. An estimated 850% increase in the number of UAC’s (from 2012’s less than 10,000) was projected. (link)

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Like every other subversive operation the left undertakes, until this one is defeated it will continue over and over and over. Sadly, it looks now like it will have to be stopped at our border. If that is done successfully and Mexico has to care for this assault, they might think differently about letting the next one across their southern border.

@Deplorable Me: The did not “let them” they tore down the fence. https://www.chron.com/news/world/article/Migrants-police-mass-in-town-on-Guatemala-Mexico-13319584.php#photo-16359965
Which is why we need a big beautiful wall. Even over the mountains China did it long ago and we should not take excuses that its to hard to do. https://www.google.com/search?q=great+wall+built+over+mountains&client=firefox-b-1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi60s3955XeAhUFvFkKHRAUBgkQsAR6BAgAEAE&biw=1313&bih=625
It isnt a migration when they are waving flags of their homeland it is an invasion.

The Useless Nations is behind it all along with the CFR and the Democratic Party its all part of the North American(Soviet)Union why else are they so opposed to Trump

Are they “criminals?”
Well, they did tear down an international border’s fencing.
Now, in Mexico, they are LOOTING markets as they travel north.

But, hey, when they get here, they will be “model citizens,” right?

@Nan G: Perhaps Mexico will be a little more determined to keep them out next time.

@Nan G: Hey did you spot this

STUNNING: Photo Evidence Shows Caravan Migrants Carrying USAID Bags — Paid for by US Taxpayers

Hate to say I told you so. Our Government must stop providing grant money to all outside Orgs, including the UN and put the money into FEMA, the Marines are great at delivering emergency aid..