So why did Michelle Obama choose Tower Hamlets, and the Mulberry School for Girls?
She said she specifically chose the area, and asked the question aloud herself, during her speech: “Why would she choose Tower Hamlets? I’m here because of you,” she told the crowd.
“When I look out at all these young women, I see myself. In so many ways your story is my story,” she told the room full of hijab-wearing girls. “I know I don’t look [older than you all]”, she crowed. And then went on to praise the local area, which is known for being a hot bed of Islamist activity and sympathy.
She described Tower Hamlets as a place where “families are tight knit… with strong values”. Perhaps this is true. There has certainly been evidence of a very “tightly knit” cabal attempting to rule Tower Hamlets. And there are certainly strong values too. Almost half of Britain’s 1300 cases of Female Genital Mutilation last year were from London. No prizes for guess which areas these emanate from.
More at Breitbart
You can easily see how badly Muslims want to integrate into society
Ever wonder about the stupid, Islamic trash that comes out of Michelle’s mouth. Could she possible have had female genital mutilation to make her stupid? Her jihad laden address clearly indicates that she is an isis supporter. What you read on the internet about her tough life in Chicago is pure trash. She did not grow up poor.
Ever wonder about the fact that neither of the fool’s daughters looks like him, but more like one the race baiting lawyers she brought with her to D.C. Hey, the fool
is a gay muslim so that would explain it all
Tower Hamlets has it’s own web page.
One of it’s main issues is that of FORCED MARRIAGE of these same young females Michelle was gushing over.
Part of that page allows females to ID if they are at risk of a forced marriage:
The local police department has a FORCED MARRIAGE UNIT!
It is described as:
And about that Female Genital Mutilation.
That’s a problem for the Tower Hamlet as well.
Yeah, her and Barack ‘identify’ with all the despicable people in the world. There is no way in hell her growing up was similar to these Muslims in the UK.
There is a lot of doubt and/or question about who the father of her children are. I think there may be just as much question about who the mother of her children are. I didn’t know being homosexual amongst Muslims was an ‘ok’ thing.