Michelle Malkin Deserves To Die!

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…at least according to Alec Baldwin’s deranged followers. A confessed, convicted cop-killer deserves clemency, but a right-wing blogger exercising freedom of speech, and all civility goes out the window.

It all started with Alec Baldwin’s anti-death penalty rants involving cop-killer Troy Davis. Baldwin tweeted, among other things: “Wonder if the McPhail family will seek death penalty for US leaders who killed thousands of US soldiers and countless innocent Iraqis” and “When do Cheney and Rumsfeld go on trial for murder? Will that trial be in Texas? Georgia?”

Michelle Malkin responded to Baldwin’s anti-death penalty, anti-Bush/Cheney ravings with: “Waiting for Hollyweirdo @alecbaldwin ‘s “I am Troy Davis” tweet…”

And then it was on! An enraged Baldwin sicced his minions on Malkin. Within minutes, the death threats started pouring in:

So, let’s get this straight – an admitted, convict murderer = innocent, but one innocuous tweet calling Baldwin a “hollyweirdo” = capital crime deserving of death.

Michelle Malkin started re-tweeting the threats. You can read them all, but you may have to scroll down a bit. Below the fold, I’ve included an image of re-tweets captured by NewsBusters. Many more have been posted since that screen grab.

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Racism is alive and well on the Left!
That’s awful!

All it would have taken is one word from their reason for being there (Alec Baldwin) and they probably would never have done what they did.
He should be ashamed of all of them.

Now, don’t forget about Michelle’s cousin, Marizela Perez, 18 years old, who has been missing in the Seattle area for more than six months now. http://michellemalkin.com/category/marizela/

Forget that one cop shot by Davis stated he ran past the other guy and was shot from the front. That means Davis shot him. The gun davis used was linked to that shooting and another shooting. Yet they want us to believe he was innocent? Riiiight. The left doesn’t handle reality too well when it runs counter to their fantasy.

@Hard Right, #2:

Davis’s last words:

“I’d like to address the MacPhail family. Let you know, despite the situation you are in, I’m not the one who personally killed your son, your father, your brother. I am innocent. The incident that happened that night is not my fault. I did not have a gun. All I can ask … is that you look deeper into this case so that you really can finally see the truth.

“I ask my family and friends to continue to fight this fight.

“For those about to take my life, God have mercy on your souls. And may God bless your souls.”

Who really knows? I certainly don’t.

The witnesses do greg. Apparently the “recantations” do not state that Davis did not murder the officer. Also, two of the witnesses HAVE NOT recanted at all and say it was Davis.

Check this site for the facts

@Greg: Moot point!

“Celebrities” have been protesting the death of people guilty of murder since the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti. Josef Stalin himself claimed that the Communist Party of the USA orchestrated that protest. The leftists have been following suit ever since.

Who would even listen to what Alec Baldwin has to say all that stands out is his tape to his daughter. He is such a jerk talking about leaders going on trial for murders well what about our men and women that have given their lives so that he can say the stupid things he says….Why is it that they knock down the war but I don’t see anyone of them fighting for our freedom they live in a different world than we do………

liberals have a long hollow tradition of championing the death of the innocent and weeping over the death of the evil doer’

We are all people of color. Color varies from one person to the next, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are people.

Alec Baldwin is a waste of space. Worry not what he says and watch not any movie he is in.

@jim: Jim#10 – We have had a celebrity “Do Not Watch/Do Not Support” (by going to see their movies) for years now and sadly the list keeps growing…..

And this is the “Tolerance” Liberals “claim” they have… hypocrites! Did they not get the memo from their divisive one – Obumbles… months ago?

As with all rules, ethics and legislation the elites on the left create, (be they Democrat or Republican,) they are for others to observe, not themselves.

@Nan G:

Racism? How do you know the poster wasn’t asian-american?

The evidence against Troy Davis was extremely weak. One witness after another, after another, recanted their testimony.

Leaving two. And one of those two might have been the actual killer.

This was crying out for a retrial. But no. Why bother? It’s just one American life.

As long as Prosecutors have to run for re-election, we will have problems with people getting railroaded to bump up “strong on crime” stats.

Elect the Governors. Have the Prosecutors appointed, so they don’t have any personal axe to grind in election years.