Michael Moore Participated and Heavily Promoted Anti-Trump Rally That Was Organized by Russians

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On Friday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein revealed Russian organizers were instrumental in propping up rallies and protests that were against then-President-elect Donald Trump. Activist and filmmaker Michael Moore heavily promoted and participated in one of the alleged Russian-organized protests.

Fox News reports Rosenstein said the indicted Russian defendants organized the “Trump is NOT my President” rally on Facebook, which took place in New York City on Nov. 12, 2016.

In social media postings, Moore promoted the event and even did an hour-and-a-half-long Facebook Live video on it.

The video of the protest garnered over 2 million views:

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It’s OK because Moore is a big, fat, gravy-sweating, taffy-ass liberal. No doubt he would have been even more enthusiastic had he known he was partnering with the Russians… if he didn’t know.

Whens ‘s this Lardbucket going to move to Canada for its better Hospital system and whens he going to play Bongos on his backside or bend over so someone can kick him to the moon

so how many body guards does moore have that are armed?

If the indictments were specific to say no one knowingly participated with the ruskies were meant as a CYA to anti-trump activists, to cover this lard ass it must have been all in CAPS.

Michael Moore didn’t need any Russian help to hate on Trump.
He could do that all on his own.
But the Russians sweetly gave him and other Trump haters a forum to unite at….a time & date and maybe some pre-printed signage.
Having watched the coverage of many of these things it is worth noting how few of those who showed up were voters.
Most found Hillary too “centrist,” and felt cheated out of Bernie…..who later sold out for a vaca home.

@Nanny G:

$750,000.00 for berie’s new home. taxes were paid in advance.

BOTTOM LINE PLAN A They wanted HRC TO LOSE since she had called Putin win illigitimate and PLAN B They wanted to promote DISCORD among American populace

So A During Campaign they promoted Trump, Bernie and Stein–SUCCESS as HRC LOSES
“B” AFTER DT WIN They promote PRO and ANTI DT rallies to really F— WITH US.

Ruskies laughing and looking forward to 2018

@rich wheeler: Over 50% of ruskie money was spent AFTER the election. Think about that for a minute.
Discord and division was the game. Kinda of like when Ted Kennedy tried to get the Russians to help defeat Reagan.

Clues might be on sale at Walmart this week.

@Mully: EXACTLY Plans A AND B HUGE success

Meanwhile No DT DENUNCIATION of the obvious interference or of Putin
AND no implementation of ALMOST UNANIMOUSLY approved Sanctions—–WHY??

@Rich Wheeler: Go back and ask why OBAMA did NOTHING. But of course you won’t. Don’t you know the 80’s called and it wanted its foreign policy back?
I realize all you have at this point is sanctions so you cling to that.
Like they work so well on Russia. You crack me up. Get a towel go dry behind your ears.

As I said Walmart might have clues on sale for you this week.

Is it odd to find out that liberals and disruptive Russians are on the same page, working towards the same goal? Is it surprising to see liberals and Russians working together to try and destroy the United States? Is it odd to find, even now, liberals defending those who were in league with the Russians, unwitting or not?

No. No it isn’t.

@Mully: Trumpeteers like you and Bill crack me up.
As mentioned, I’ve watched this clown for 40+ years. We laughed at him and sent him home to wife one or wife 2 and numerous mistresses, whether he showed up to run as a Dem an Indie or Reform Party nominee.
Only reason he got in this time was Dem nominee.

@Rich Wheeler: And since you love polls so much, how do you like Trump at 49,, at same time Obozo was 45. And I’m sure you especially like what Obozo did about the Russians interfering in election. What he did is ‘not believe’ it happened. Besides, who cares what Russians do to interfere in US elections? I don’t think they care when the US tries to influence Russian elections. I campaign against Putin everytime he runs and their Russian special prosecutor looking into US interference in Russian Elections sends me an email and asks if ‘I did it again”. I assure him I did and he says “Good Luck’.

@Redteam: Where you been –Poll I saw has Trump at 37% approval which still seems high to me.
Your campaigning against Putin hasn’t done much good—DT would love to have his approval rating.

@Rich Wheeler:

Poll I saw has Trump at 37% approval.

So you quit following the news.

Your campaigning against Putin hasn’t done much good

Oh yes, for the effort I put into it, about what the Russians did to us, I’ve had remarkable success. My polling shows I turned 2 voters against him, but they can’t say it publicly because they would be shot. But you can count on it, it was a solid 2.

It is changing the topic a little, but did you see Pelosi’s alternative to the wall? “Mow the grass!” You can not make something like this up!

@Randy: All those who voted for the woman who said natural gas is a clean cheap alternative to fossil fuels should be so proud, they must re-elect her she is so much funnier than Kimmel.
Don’t we need illegals to mow it?


And since you love polls so much, how do you like Trump at 49,, at same time Obozo was 45.

For blind, mindless Oballery/Hillbama lovers, there is an inverse relationship between Trump’s poll numbers and how valid the poll is. If Trump’s number is low, the poll is highly valid. If Trump’s number is high, the poll is invalid. It’s a dementia brought about by an unhealthy worship of anti-American personalities. The crybaby tears constantly welling up in their eyes makes it difficult to read the polls accurately as well.

@Randy: Sorry, but that is basic liberal mentality. Their answer to gun violence is to disarm the innocent and their solution to “Russian collusion” is to be the first with the most collusion to out-collude the opponent… who is not colluding. Then, investigate the opponent for collusion. But, this is who the liberals of California elect because this is how smart the liberals of California are.

@kitt: It’s pretty safe to say Nancy never went to the border in Arizona to see how much grass actually grows there. Rest assured, she WILL be reelected.