Michael Mann Idiocy: ‘Katrina…was part of a trend towards more destructive storms’

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Anthony Watts @ Watts Up With That?:

Via Tom Nelson: Dr. Michael Mann, author of The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, responds to last week’s attacks from Dr. Richard Muller.

On the Green Front – Dr. Joseph Romm and Dr. Michael Mann – 08/15/12 at On the Green Front

Mann at the 40:40 mark, bold mine:

“One of the more robust predictions is that in the Atlantic, hurricane intensities have increased and they will likely continue to increase, and so,it’s part of a trend, Katrina, the record season of 2005 was part of a trend towards more destructive storms…“

Umm. Mike, seen this?

Since Katrina, accumulated cyclone energy is (a measure of intensity) is  down in the Atlantic and globally. Power dissipation is also down globally. Some trend there, huh Mike?

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So, Katrina forced all those folks to live below sea level.
Katrina forced all those kickbacks that led to sub-par levees.
Katrina forced Mayor Nagin to put out a call for AIR CONDITIONED buses while perfectly useable ones sat.

Yeah, it was all Katrina.

Oh yes, we’ve had sooooo many super or even moderately destructive hurricanes since…..NOT!!!

People have enough problems predicting tomorrow’s weather. Every time Michael Mann opens his mouth, I roll my eyes and laugh. Like the good scientists at NASA used to say, “Man plans, God laughs.”