Obama has yet to explain his sending weapons into Mexico. But here’s a clue:
Mexico wants to sue U.S. gun makers
CBS News has learned that the Mexican Government has retained an American law firm to explore filing civil charges against U.S. gun manufacturers and distributors over the flood of guns crossing the border into Mexico.
Sources say Mexico’s frustration with U.S. efforts to stop the flow of weapons has pushed them into this novel approach. The law firm is looking at charges that may include civil RICO. The contract was signed on November 2, 2010 by a representative of Mexico’s Attorney General, at their Washington embassy.
On November 5, 2010 President Felipe Calderon expressed his frustration to CBS News correspondent Peter Greenberg: “We seized more than 90,000 weapons…I am talking like 50,000 assault weapons, AR-15 machine guns, more than 8,000 grenades and almost 10 million bullets. Amazing figures and according to all those cases, the ones we are able to track, most of these are American weapons.”
If you can’t alter the Second Amendment, then you participate in the plan to destroy gun manufacturers via the Courts. We send guns to Mexico, but we won’t send illegal aliens back to Mexico.
I think they will lose that case because they can not prove that more then a smaller percentage (10-19% tops,) of those guns came from the US. Outside of the ATF scandal where they shipped guns to Mexico (under Obama’s watch), most of the other guns that went there were acquired illegally Either by theft or straw man purchases. a large percentage of the guns recovered in Mexico do not get sent back to the U.S. for tracing, because it is obvious from their markings that they do not come from the U.S. Many more weapons came from Central and South America, or were shipped from China.
Could it be possible that the Obama administration approved of the ATF gun sale for nefarious reasons? Perhaps to give Mexico an excuse to sue, and to prove “technically” correct that US guns were indeed sold to Mexico. Or so that he could turn around and demand that Congress “crack-down” on US gun merchants? If the Obama administration knew about, and signed off on the ATF shipment (to Mexican gangs and drug dealers that are clearly insurrecting and trying to violently take control of areas of the nation by assassinating Mexican authorities,) isn’t that an act of war? Isn’t the President’s allowing the ATF to commit what may be act of war, without even conversing with Congress, a complete violation of the Constitutional separation of powers? And Then there’s the Libyan war where Obama also sent in the troupes without discussing it with Congress.
Let the impeachments begin.
anticsrocks, yes It is possible, because he always does thing underneat cover of executive orders,
Let them sue. The U.S. government cannot enjoin into a civil lawsuit against it’s own citizens. The lawsuits can be held, with a jury of their peers present, also American citizens. Not that it should ever get to trial stage, as there has been a law passed to protect U.S. gun manufacturers against just this kind of lawsuit.
Does anyone doubt now that we need to build that fence on the border, and prosecute illegals making the border crossing to the fullest extent of the law, and allow our states, like Arizona, who are willing to help, help the U.S. to protect our borders?
That means we can sue Mexico for allowing the drugs to pass into our country?
Meanwhile, Jesus Diaz rots in jail, in solitary with only one hour a day in the yard for exercise. Jesus Diaz’s crime? He “pulled” on the handcuffs of a 16 year old Mexican drug runner. You see, Jesus Diaz is just a long list of Border Patrol agents persecuted by their own government for doing their jobs of trying to stop the bad guys who bring their violence to our nation. And what did John E. Murphy, the man who replaced Johnny Sutton at the U.S. Attorney’s office do for the drug runner? Why he gave him immunity for testifying against Diaz, and a visa that allows the Mexican national to enter the U.S. at will. So while Diaz is facing 35 years of prison time, the drug runner is now free to enter the U.S. anytime he wants.
When can Americans start suing the Mexican government for the loss of their loved ones who are murdered by illegal aliens from Mexico? When can we start suing Mexico to reimburse us for the cost of health care, education, incarceration for their citizens?
Do you think Phillipe Calderon is serious about the drug wars in his country? Think again. Calderon, no friend to the U.S., will simply continue to blame the U.S. for the problems in Mexico. And stupid law suits like this will continue, as the administration allows Mexico to blame the U.S. for every problem it has.
Idiot Holter is part of this scam. Neither he nor his office can do anything right..even dropped the black panther election case.. So, set up a scam in which any proceeds go to the DNC or opie for his re election. How mush has his ” b.s” traveling costed the tax payers of the country..Let the DNC pick up his fuel and security costs. Does any one know why Ried and his wife went to China and Hong Kong other thn to spend tax payer’s money and party like the drunk he is..Oh! political business, right, shopping and party time.. Nothing but garbage….the US is burning as did Rome and he is in Chicago helping big butt Oprah on her last show. Time to take the grabage out..IMPEACHMENT.
@Skookum: That is a great point, Skookum.
Maybe we can split the difference with Mexico then in building a fence between the borders, so that our guns cannot move into their country, and their drugs, cannot move into ours. Think they would go for it?
I can almost guarantee that if that proposal was made, the silence from them would be deafening.
All we have to do is have a special on any gun the Mexicans buy: Buy an American gun and get an illegal free.
You can be certain, that had Bush still been President when the ATF arms shipments to Mexican gangs story broke, that the Democrats and MSM would be holding him personally responsible. With Obama, all we get is the sound of crickets.
I don’t undeerstand why Agent Terry’s family has not introduced a lawsuit against DOJ, DHS, ATF, and the White House for the murder of their son/brother/husband; after all while he was forces to defend himself with ‘beanbags’, the illegals were able to use ‘government approved’ and deadly weapons!
Meanwhile they have no problem excepting our guns provided for their military?
The problem is that the companies still have to spend money to defend themselve. The goal is to bankrupt them.