Mexico Again Demands Illegal Alien Mexicans Be Kept Out of Mexico…

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Oh man, the winning is getting almost too exponential today.  Mexico’s Foreign Minister Videgaray states his government will not allow President Trump to deport illegal Mexican aliens back into Mexico.  He’s setting himself up for a big problem, here’s why.

What no one noticed yet was Trump administration immediately postponed the release of the new immigration policy executive order (until next week).  Remember, part of President Trump’s expressed policy outline was an immigration rule that explicitly invalidates any reciprocity Visa process from any nation that does not accept repatriation of it’s own citizens.

The ‘repatriation-tied-to-visa-program’ principle, was generally directed toward nations like Yemen, Somalia (or any others) etc. who are part of the larger immigration policy, and who have refused to accept the return of their own criminal citizens.

However, if Mexico also takes themselves into this tenuous position then Mexico could also lose non-restrictive travel authority into the United States; and simultaneously blow up the former NAFTA agreement which is their only lifeline toward any semblance of economic leverage.

If Mexico refuses repatriation of illegal Mexican aliens from the U.S., the larger Mexican population could lose their ability to travel legally into the U.S.

Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray needs to be very careful here, they hold no external leverage on this issue.

Remember when candidate Trump was talking about how weak our former U.S. policy negotiators were with regard to trade and imbalance. And how Trump expressly said as a nation America has some of the most skilled private sector negotiators that never get used, “the killers” he called them as a metaphor.

President Trump holds all the leverage.  T-Rex (DoS) and General Kelly (DHS) don’t need to be the wolverines in this equation.  They can/will simply be in charge of the locks on the cages containing the wolverines…

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How about if the mexican dictator agrgees to bend of backwards and kiss his backside then we might consiter letting him have back his nations hardists goons

Tough refried beans, you are going to take you dregs back, They wave mexican flags at protests.
Now they can sing