Meet the Press hits rock bottom

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Will.I.Am: Meet The Press’ New Political Expert

NBC’s Meet the Press traveled into a new horizon this Sunday when it invited entertainer and rapper to join its political discussion roundtable., sans tie, sat with host David Gregory, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker, NBC News political director Chuck Todd, former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to talk about the issues of the week. shared his insights on everything from the transformation of social media to world travelling. He even “hooked up” his appearance on Meet the Press on Twitter.

“I wanted to get you to tweet that you were going to be on this morning, which you did,” Gregory told

“I hooked it up,” said.

“Yeah, you hooked it up,” Gregory responded.

When you thought you knew just how stupid David Gregory could be, he surprises you. Next week, panelists will include Snoop Dog, Keisha and Miley Cyrus to discuss monetary and foreign policy.

If Russert wasn’t dead, this would kill him.

More at the Daily Caller

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5 plus years with a Dem president who is almost 1/2 black and STILL the education system is rigged against minorities?
When I lived in LB I would see minorities using all sorts of gizmos.
But take a tech job?
Not on your life!
That would be ”acting white!”
So, yes, immigrants are brought in from India to take those jobs.
India’s techies love the paycheck that comes from ”acting white.”

You ain’t seen nothing yet. They will soon have a panel including O.J. Simpson, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton, who will discuss how racist this country is, and how reparations have to be paid to all black people for having been bred as slaves.
Just wait.

After reading this, I can’t help but think of the movie “Idiocracy”.