“There is a lot of emphasis now on how it’s not the President’s fault, there is nothing he can do about it. I mean, the Washington Post went out and did a poll ‘can the President, you know, do anything about this?’ What was funny was then they put the two numbers side by side. So six years ago 73% of the Democrats said the President can do something about gas prices now they say 33% of them say the President can do something about gas prices. That’s a 40 point double standard gap, that’s where the media lives.”
The double standard of our MSM is one of the most dangerous deterrents to a healthy America that we have. From the blame Bush-era now to the give 0-bama a pass on everything era, they have not served our country ethically or as journalists. It is sick and disgusting and no one can deny it has happened. Now our country is facing real issues with our economy, unemployment, our national debt, skyrocketing energy cost, and numerous scandals within 0-bama’s administration. So what do we see, we see fringe issues, racists agitation, and anything and everything but what needs to be talked about. This allows 0-bama to engage in his strategy of Divert, deceive, and Distort with a willing accomplice. America needs to get real about our real problems!!