Media outraged at being kept out of Dem party, Republicans chime in

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Rich Miller @ Capitol Fax:

* A press release from the Illinois Republican Party arrived in my in-box at 4:39 yesterday morning…

Last night, a flurry of reporter tweets alerted the public that Illinois Democrats were banning media coverage of their events in Charlotte:

Mary Ann Ahern ‏@MaryAnnAhernNBC:
First impressions: #ILGOP more accessible than #ILDEMS
We just got kicked out of Omni Hotel interviewing Rev Jackson #DNC #Demsdontlikeus
We made it to Charlotte, but Spkr Madigan says no media allowed at party #DNC #Madiganpartypooper

Charles Thomas ‏@CharlesThomas7
Now IL Dems ban reporters from delegate reception. @ilgop is party of transparency? #Madigan #DNC2012
Interviewed @GovernorQuinn on street ’cause IL Dem hotel bans newsies. #Madigan #DNC2012
TV news media banned from IL delegation hotel. Can’t be serious. #DNC2012 #Madigan

Carol Marin ‏@CarolMarin
Madigan’s party closed to press. Can you imagine?

“It’s sad but not at all surprising that Mike Madigan and his corrupt cronies brought their Chicago tradition of secret backroom meetings all the way to Charlotte,” Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady said. “Voters face a clear choice in the coming election. Republicans want to make sure as many people as possible hear our ideas to lower taxes, cut spending and put our economy back on track. Democrats want to kick out the media, lock the door and make sure voters can’t hear their plans to raise taxes, increase spending and keep our country moving in the wrong direction.”

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One media member noted that he and many others of the media were given rooms in CRACK HOTELS that the DNC had emptied out for the convention so they could use the rooms!
Almost all the media sent to those rooms have left them and gone over state lines to find lodging.
The DNC sucks!

And yet they will still support of vote for the dems.
The DNC knows they can abuse them because they won’t leave them or stop covering for them.

Wait a minute! Is this the ‘same’ media that has been literally ‘covering for’ “TheWon” for 4 years ??

The same “media” -TV – News – Web – Social Media…whatever… that has been fawning over and telling ‘us’ we continually ‘get it wrong’??? When it comes to ‘The Won”

Now, they are not ‘allowed’ into the DNC Convention to “cover it” to ask questions ???

They are now being ‘kicked to the curb’ ????

Hm…I’m wondering if they are starting to get the sense that they truly are “Useful Idiots”…or just idiots.

Michelle is speaking and I can understand why the fact-checkers are being kept out.
She keeps shaking her head NO as she speaks affirmatively about all sorts of stuff.
Would love to see a ”body language expert” take her to task.

Well, I can understand putting the Quisling media in “Crack Hotels”, they couldn’t very well put all the students they bussed in to those rat-holes. Gotta keep up the illusions to hook the next generation of socialist converts.

Well, I wonder what the back story is on this piece—the real story. Surely it couldn’t be that the Democrats at the Convention are trying to hide something the speakers are saying—since they are being televised. Sounds like more ultra-conservative paranoia. John Birch Society, anybody?