Susan Duclos @ Wake Up America:
Media hypocrisy and liberal bias is on full display today.
Two men, different party affiliations, both House Representatives, and Google newssearches, show an overwhelming tilted focus on the Republican Rep. with barely a drop in the bucket on the Democratic Rep.
Todd Akins, the Republican, makes a boneheaded comment about “legitimate rape” and the media, liberals and conservatives give him a massive amount of hell for it, rightly so. Google news search using the key words “Todd Akin” produces 3,551 newsarticles, according to the Google search page.
Google News image below:
Kerry Gauthier, the Democrat, has oral sex with a 17 year old boy behind a rest stop pavilion in Duluth after the teen responded to Gauthier’s Craigslist ad looking for a “no strings attached” sex.
Google news search using the key words “Kerry Gauthier” produces 175 news articles, according to the Google searchpage.
Google News image below:
A few more noteworthy points here.
• The incident with Gauthier was reported 5 days ago, August 16, 2012, so by rights should have had more exposure, more news articles, since Akin’s controversial comments swept the media headlines on Sunday and Monday, August 19-20, 2012 and continues to dominate political headlines today.
Among those other headlines were ones that read:
Practically everyone tells Rep. Gauthier: ‘Leave’ –
Kerry Gauthier, Minnesota Rep., Urged To Step Down After …Huffington Post
Duluth Rep. Kerry Gauthier urged to quit by own party amid sex …Pioneer Press
DFL House leader says Gauthier should not run – Jamestown Sun
Thissen calls on Gauthier to not seek second term – Minneapolis Star Tribune
Now this action was beyond the pale.
But, speech is protected.
Even when we mis-state our points.
It is possible Akin meant statutory rape which is only legally non-consensual when he said the female could prevent pregnancy.
Just because a guy is 17 and his girlfriend is 15 doesn’t mean they can’t ”be careful,” after all.
Akin hasn’t tried to explain exactly what he meant to say.
At least he’s apologized for how it came out.
The difference is that Kerry Gauthier is a state lawmaker of little or no national consequence, while Todd Akin is a current member of the U.S. House of Representatives whose bid on a Senate seat could have enormous national consequences.
And the Dems will start demanding that Joe Biden step down for his stupid, racist remarks in 3………..2…………..
The difference is the leftists in the media are protecting one of their own who they see as having done nothing wrong.
Anonymous public sex with a 17 year old? Nothing to see here…
@Hard Right, #4:
Who’s protecting him? His fellow democrats are urging him to resign. Most people will consider him a pervert, whether the other person was technically over the legal age of consent or not. I consider him a pervert. Politically, the guy is done.
The Gauthier story just doesn’t have anywhere near import of the Akin story. It has no national importance. It’s one of those stories that leave you feeling vaguely soiled, just from having heard it.
Akin didn’t do anything even remotely similar. He simply expressed a very controversial opinion.
I’m guessing if the perverted sicko was a U.S. Rep instead of a state rep, there would have been more coverage, probably along the line of the Weiner from NY.
NANG “Akin hasn’t tried to explain what he ACTUALLY MEANT TO SAY” So you’ll do it for him? Give us a break.
@Richard Wheeler:
How many months did the Dems go on TV explaining what Clinton actually meant when he said “I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinski”?
Just another distraction…here in Michigan there are homeless living under highway bridges. The manufacturing base is simply…gone. Local governments are attempting to find ways to coverup the blight of empty storefronts along major streets. Thrift shops are sprouting up…so are homeless shelters. We are in the Second Great Depression…real unemployment nationally is between 11 and 12 percent. Underemployment is at 20 percent…and the national media is talking about this dufus Akin.
Recent college grads can’t get jobs at McDonalds. Wars in the Middle East go unreported. US service personnel are attacked daily by locals they are training…many are killed. While Obama inherited a difficult situation, I don’t deny that, he has completely failed. General Motors is headed for a second bailout…I drove through Detroit recently…you have to see it to believe it…it looks like Berlin circa 1946. Why is nobody, especially in the media, talking about any of this stuff??? People can’t sell their homes. There’s a 16 trillion dollar debt…and we are talking about this fool in Missouri.
Where are Romney’s and Obama’s plans??? Why aren’t the media and the people demanding to know where they want to take the country???
Is everybody out there crazy?
The difference here is the Gauthier was doing something which was legal and affected only himself—regardless of disgusting we might find it. Akin’s words and actions affect every woman in America.
@VoteOutIncumbents: Agreed.
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
Since when is someone saying something dumb illegal?
Please show where Akin’s comments actually affected one single woman out there, other than to disgust them.
Or is it just that Akin’s speech isn’t protected because it’s the wrong kind of “free speech”?
Why do you hate the Constitution?
@Greg: And what would Clinton be compared to Akin?? Would you have Clinton be the key note at the DNC?? Big differrence.
@Liberal1 (objectivity): His words affect every woman, really? How does that work?
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
The problem with hyperbole is that it seems to take on a life of it’s own. Exactly how, pray tell, Liberal1. is my wife, or my daughters in law, my grandaughters or my great grandaughters “affected by Atkins dumb azz statements made in a radio interview in MO? Hmm”
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
Sex in public is not legal. The problem is it happened before the officer saw anything, so no arrest.
What an accurate depiction…..of how it is out here in So Cal!
Our underpasses and cloverleafs by our freeways, as well as our concreted-in ”rivers,” are all home to people in tents.
I see them tank up on water in a 55-gallon drums in the mornings. then they use stolen shopping carts to truck it back to their tents.
They all informally agree on where they’ll ”do their business,” and woe to the poor road worker who has to clean up that find!
They also trash their own areas so badly that a couple three-four times a year the city, county or state (?) bulldozes it all into piles and then scrapes it all (including their ”tents, if they leave them) into trash truck for disposal.
But woe to any homeowner whose trash dumpster get over-filled! The trash collectors will skip it and fine them!
We used to be home to Boeing and McDonnell/Douglas.
Now that part of town is a vast empty lot with antique sales or garage sales or swap meets from time to time.
One thing the city does to make money is inconvenience EVERYONE who lives here so movies/commercials can be filmed using our streets.
I babysat a friend whose apartment front was the backdrop for a Liberty Mutual commercial….a car sat out front with a woman in it and her door open, then a fast car took her door off.
(Maybe some of you saw that. The Deco building behind her was called ”Cedar Gardens.” )
Our town is trying to create a two-tier pension for the firemen, rescue, police and teachers.
It is facing stiff resistance.
Our city’s official budget shortfall is over $17 MILLION.
Our unfunded liabilities are NOT factored into that number.
On Aug.1st it was decided to cut 40 police to try to balance that budget.
Can’t wait to see how that will affect the HUGE criminal element here.
You are correct.
Akin is another distraction from talking about Obama’s failed economic policies.
Anything to avoid talking about 8.3% unemployment, 1.9% growth, $1.2 trillion dollar deficits, high gas and food prices, the F&F cover up, and the intel leaks “investigations”.
It is amazing to me how someone who is a glad-hander, smiles broadly for photo ops, and tell lies effectively with a straight face, can so easily ‘smoke’ half the population of a country so advanced and with a population of 312 million people.
Clearly, the MSM is a big part of the answer for this very skewed perception, but damn, why is it so hard for so many to refuse broadening their sources of knowledge.
@Nan G: #17,
What you and VoteOutIncumbents describe is a too pervasive evidence that true unemployment is so much higher than what is being pretended by official government figures. It is also sad that a large section of the employment levels are part-time service jobs, which require workers to work 2 and often 3 jobs to survive.
Obama apologists consistently squirm behind the defence “he inherited an economic mess,” as if that explains the incompetence of an uninformed, never vetted individual who has proven, without reservation, that you should never hire anyone without knowing who they are and what they are likely to do once hired.
One of the most critical questions before hiring a leader is: How did he/she handle adversity? If you can’t answer that question, you DON’T HIRE that person. Obama? Oooops. Did the MSM do its homework?
So greg and rich, what is the explanation for the media reporting the Akin story over what Biden did? After all, he’s the Vice President. Using your logic that’s a more important position than Akin’s, right?
Just admit it, the leftist media is doing what it can to help obama get a second term and you will claim what Akin did is worse because you mindlessly support the dems.
@Hard Right:
Hard Right, you don’t seem to understand so let me explain it to you: the gaffe made by Todd Akin is much more grevious than Elizabeth Warren’s false claims of being a Native American, using those claims to get tony positions at left wing universities, refusing to meet with actual Native Americans who are in charge of their tribe’s heritage research center, and doubling down on her claim about her heritage because she claims her family has “high cheek bones.”
I don’t see anyone on the Dem side of the aisle demanding that Warren, who actually LIED, discontinue her campaign against Scott Brown. When did the Democrats crucify Nancy Pelosi, John Conyers, et al, for all their stupid, uninformed statements? Seems I missed those events.
H.R. And I had so much hope for you. My mistake.
Retire 05 #22 You say “Akin gaffe much more grevious than Warren’s false claims.” YOUR gaffe?lol
btw grevious is not a word. EGREGIOUS is what you want.
@Richard Wheeler:
Very, very cheap, Rich. I am nearly positive that retire05 meant grievous, which is a word, and simply did as many have done, including you, and misspelled it.
Not to mention that the word itself works very well where retire05 placed it.
Surely you can do better than attack someone for misspelling a word, Rich.
J.G. Bottom line. Defending Akin’s statement is grievous, egregious and damned stupid. Wouldn’t you agree?
Note that you and 05 have developed an alliance of sorts. Scary.
@Richard Wheeler:
Really? You must have missed this;
Read that and the couple of back and forth exchanges retire05 and I had.
Kinda stupid of you to state just now what you did, Rich.
As for defending Akin, I haven’t seen anyone defend his actual statements, Rich. Just that he be allowed to make them if he wants. However, you and your cohorts in dumbness here seem to want to pin Akin’s comments on everyone here, as though we all believe that.
But what I’ve noticed more than anything is your complete silence on Biden’s reprehensible statement, which is nothing more than a continuation of Obama’s, and the rest of the Democratic party’s, attack against anyone who disagrees with them. It seems to me that you give that a pass, because of the originators. Talk about egregious.
@Hard Right, #21:
I actually have difficulty believing that anyone would seriously attempt to make a case that the two comments demonstrate comparable levels of insensitivity–or ignorance.
Yeah, you are right. Biden’s comment is much, much more insensitive. Akin only reveals his own stupidity. Biden, however, is injecting a comment purposely intentioned to heighten racial discord.
I don’t believe that the metaphor of being put into chains is a specifically racial reference. Particularly when you’re talking about the relationship that predatory commercial lenders have sometimes had with the people that they’ve issued loans or credit cards or easy lines of credit to. It’s also an unfortunate truth that the poor and minorities have often been targeted by lending institutions for that sort of debt enslavement. (Hey, I just did it again.)
There was nothing metaphorical about Akin’s comment.
@Richard Wheeler:
Wow! You caught me in a typing error. I meant to say that Akin’s statement is much LESS, not more.
So why didn’t you adress my point; that Elizabeth Warren actually lied. LIED. I didn’t spell that wrong. She claimed to be part Native American, and when members of the Cherokee tribe actually ran her ancestry, and then went to Massachussets to see her, she refused to acknowledge that she lied and refused to meet with the REAL Native Americans she claimed to be part of.
So you tell me; what is worse. Making a stupid gaffe, or actually lying and then snubbing Native Americans?
I don’t hear any Democrat demanding that Warren suspend her campaign, or even that she come clean about her heritage. And that includes you. Democrats = the party of hypocrites.
The “chains” comment was not meant to be a metaphor, not when Biden was addressing a crown that was a majority of African Americans.