McCain stuffs Reid on Romney’s taxes

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Arizona Sen. John McCain said today that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is wrong about his assertion that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years, saying his team that vetted the presumptive GOP nominee in 2008 found no such thing. And South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said Reid “is making this up” and said Reid abused the Senate floor to “interject himself into the presidential campaign” and said it is “beneath his job of majority leader.”

“Nothing in his tax returns showed that he did not pay taxes,” McCain said during an interview taped for “Face to Face” that will air Tuesday evening. The two senators and New Hampshire’s Kelly Ayotte all criticized Reid for his claim that someone told him Romney had not paid taxes for 10 years.

Las Vegas Sun

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McCain added that he had only shown two years’ worth of returns, as had all before him.
BUT he pointed out that they could not get Teresa (gin-soaked raisins daily) Kerry to make any of her financials public!
Not one piece of paper!
Yet it was of no account.

And what is ailing this country has nothing to do with EXTRA tax returns beyond what is legally required.
Our economy needs help, Obama and Romney offer opposing views as to what will help it.
Obama is already repudiated by his 3&1/2 years’ worth of failed policies.
Romney’s ideas are working to a small extent now in Republican-led states even with the extra weight of Obama.
Lift that Obama-weight off and the country can thrive once again.

@Nan G: Who believes John McCain. He even turned on his fellow veteran and friend Max Clelland—who left half of his body in Vietnam—to support a Republican candidate who used anti-patriotic ads against him.

Tell us about those states where Romney’s principles are working—I expect documentation. And what’s Teresa Kerry’s tax returns got to do with anything—she wasn’t running for president. I think, judging from this text, you’ve been hitting the “gin- soaked raisins” a little too much.

Ultra-conservatives are quick to blame Obama for everything. But if Romney gets elected, nothing will get any better—but Obama’s policies will be the new scapegoat. Somethings are beyond a presidents control, especially with an unfriendly congress and half the nation against him.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): There goes Lib1 with the hate and excuses. As far as Teresa’s tax returns, did you forget that her husband ran on the Dem ticket?