Mayorkas says Biden administration opposes the wall because people crossing illegally is “one of our proudest traditions”
— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) September 26, 2021
Alejandro Mayorkas: Director of Homeland Invasion
A traitor just like most all Globalists and Biden leads the pack
Except all of the scumbag aliens discarded their identification from such places as Chile, Argentina, Brazil and other South American countries. While balance of them were Haitian, identification from countries other that Haiti would have disqualified them for asylum.
These people offer nothing to the betterment of America.
They claim the Haitians are escaping a dangerous environment but they’ve been living in Brazil for the past 8 years. I wonder how Democrats feel knowing their leadership thinks they are totally stupid and naïve?
wonder what he and the woke administration is going to do when physically confronted by this scum?? oh, he has body guards until the end of his tenure than he has to pay for private security. this piece of shit is a traitor. it was disgusting watching him open his putrefied mouth. his response had been rehearsed many time. notice how he spins the same bullshit line in every interview and pontificate lecture on how well the severely compromised dhs is doing
on this idiots response to the border patrols on horses:
U.S.—The Border Patrol has been stripped of their horses, as they seemed to like riding them around and pretending to be Indiana Jones with their reins according to Jen Psaki and Joe Biden. Now, they are being issued fresh equipment: Segways and pool noodles, which will be used to keep unruly immigrants in line as they flood across the Rio Grande. “This represents a massive step forward for the treatment of people ignoring our laws entirely,” said Psaki at a press conference Friday. When a reporter asked about how this would affect the border crisis, Psaki responded, “Would you like a chocolate chip cookie or a warm raisin cookie?” And everyone clapped. The new order handed down today will force the Border Patrol to wave their pool noodles and playfully slap immigrants as they come into the country, while the Segways will allow them to chase the refugees, so long as they stay on paved roads or travel through any kind of indoor mall. “This is a victory for all countries around the world,” said Psaki. “Well, except one.”
as always the Bee
This guy is profoundly stupid. Of course, who would an idiot have in their cabinet but a stupid person?
Basically he is saying legal immigration is pointless and foolish. Following laws is foolish. This explains why Democrats are so totally corrupt.
the dhs director is a cockwomble. this could also apply to the pedophle, the three stooges and his handlers. Imagine that an 81 y/o bar fly is directing your life and your children’s lives