Mayor Bloomberg Lies About Gun Deaths of Children

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Steven Ahle

Mayor Bloomberg of New York has made a claim that 7 children are murdered with a gun every day of the year. (2555)  For the purpose of determining children, the numbers are usually ages 1 through 14.  But according to Center For Disease Control and Prevention‘s 2011 National Vital Statistics Report, the number of children murdered between the ages of 1 and 4 are 370 for the country.  Murder of children 5 to 14 is 269.  And that’s all murders, not just gun deaths.Therefore the number of children killed  would be less than 1.7 a day.

FBI Crime stats for 2011 show 12,664 total murders in America for that year, 67 percent of which involved a firearm.  So there were 639 deaths of children and 67% of those were by guns.  That would mean that 428 were killed with guns.  That’s 1.2 deaths a day.  Others could have been starved to death, beaten, shaken, or stabbed.

So, how did Bloomberg come up with 7 murders a day with guns?  Well, you could add in all children up to the age of 17.  But, even when you do that, you come up with 1690 additional deaths, but you must remember, at this age, it would include drug dealers and gang members.  Even then it only adds 4.575 a dad then, remember that only 67% of those murders are with guns, or 1132 gun deaths or 3.1 a day.  That means using the most extreme statistics, a ty.  A total of 1560 children ages 1 through 17 or 4.27 a day.  Far less than Bloomberg’s 7.

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Why let facts get in the way of a good headline. I will be glad when Mikie is out of the limelight.

The link to at the story on this statistic goes to a dead page.
however the demand action . org site does claim this 7 children killed daily all over their site!
At this page, for instance, is this quote:
We are facing a public health crisis: Nearly eight American children are shot and killed every day.
There is, however, no reference to how they got that number.
Using CDC numbers – based on the study cited below – the NYTimes claims 18 deaths per day from guns in persons from ages 1 to 24.

The author of the ”study” is interviewed (see page 2) in the American Academy of Pediatrics as an ADVOCATE for GUN CONTROL, so he and his wife are hardly objective about the subject.

So, that’s about it.
A cheating ”study,” averaging all ”children” up to age 24, including both accidental and deliberate shootings, an advocate ”researcher” who hoped most people wouldn’t dig deep enough to find out, and lying is made easy for Bloomberg.

We are supposed to use the “Critical Thinking” math now. It doesn’t matter if the mayor is wrong, as long as he can show the process of how he came to the wrong answer.