Maureen Dowd: Obama’s Bad Presidency Is … Bush’s Fault

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It was so full of promise, the ideal candidate with grandiose plans to fundamentally transform America had won. The man the New York Times had worked so hard to help elect was about to usher in a period of utopian hope and change: a chicken in every pot and a Chevy Volt in every driveway. Of course, Chevy Volts turned out to beexplosive junk and President Obama’s hope and change has an equally illustrious track record. Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, ever the optimistic Obama cheerleader, realizes that Obama has not succeeded. Nevertheless, she constructs an argument explaining where the disconnect originated.

Following on the heels of Newt Gingrich’s overwhelming victory in the South Carolina primaries, Dowd penned a piece entitled “Showtime at the Apollo”. Her opening graph is a tear-jerker:

FOR eight seconds, we saw the president we had craved for three years: cool, joyous, funny, connected.

“I, I’m so in love with you,” Barack Obama crooned to a thrilled crowd at a fund-raiser at the Apollo in Harlem on Thursday night, doing a seductive imitation as Al Green himself looked on.

That doesn’t sound desperate at all. Imagine the thrill of being at the Apollo (as opposed to the usual $30,000 per-plate cost, the man of the people would allow participation by the peasants for a mere $200 to $5000), the goosebumps resulting from the dream of what might have been … if only Obama’s presidency was not an overwhelming and abject failure. His record is impossible to ignore, and unless Obama wants to guarantee his loss, his campaign will have to utilize other tactics. Dowd posits her winning idea:

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‘His record is impossible to ignore? Really” Which ‘record?’

The one where he did in fact inherit a failing economy from an incompetent administration who didn’t even put the 2 wars on the budget or the tax breakes for the wealthy or Medicaid Part D?

Or the one in which he prevented another depression with the stimulus, or saved the auto industry (and it was just announced that GM is once again the largest auto maker in the world)?

Or the fact that Bush TARP bail out funds required no pay back whereas Obama’s have mostly all been paid back?

Or is it the fact that we’ve had economic growth each month since he’s been in office? Or how unemployment is steadily decreasing? Oh the fact that you won’t have to sell your house to pay for medical expenses. Or you won’t have to die because insurance companies can’t deny you coverage.Or is it the fact that the CBO says Health Care Reform will save billions?

Or the fact that the majority of Keystone jobs were not for Americans and were temporary while they built a pipeline which would carry toxic sludge over the largest aquifer in the county? Or how yes, Solydra was a fialure but for the first time we are actively investing in alternative energy-while we still can- and the dozen or so other energy companies we also invested in are succeeding?

Or is it really the fact that the GOP has tried to block Obama on everything which ultimately hurt the middle class-you and me. That is unless you’re a millionaire. That’s where the GOP excels in trying to give the wealthy even more tax breaks while they lay off more Americans to increase their profits, send more jobs overseas and put their money in off shore accounts to avoid paying taxes, their patriotic duty.

So what is it? I know! How about taking your head out of your butt and stop listen to liars!

Get the facts, goober:

Liberalmann (wacho):  Do you remember what your boy 0-bama said regarding the unemployment rate and what it would be if the stimulus was passed??  He lied.  Do you remember when he said “I own the economy”??  DWSlut even echoed his ownership.   The blame Bush strategy is so lame I can’t believe wacho idiot liberals can think because they say it makes it true.  0-bama IS  President and he has failed and that’s the fact that you just can’t come to grips with.  My advice, lay off the Kool Aid and come to grips with reality.  I bet you still blame your kindergarten teacher, your parents, your friends, or fill in the blanks for your failure to live in the real world.

The fact that a community organizer who is the product of affirmative action is well over his head in all aspects of the job. Brilliant, blinding and smarter than the unwashed masses. A man that uses um and hum in every sentence, a man that thinks there are 57 states, a man that believes in an intercontinental railroad, a man who pronounces Marine Corps and the US Army Corps of Engineering as corpse, A man they believe is the smartest man in the world, except when he’s not.


As I stated in another thread, liberals suffer from cognitive dissonance, but unlike normal people, lack the ability to reconcile their cognitions to acheive cognitive equilibrium. As a result they continue to exhibit severe anger issues and embarrassment, which only angers them further. They really are grounded in a complete fantasy world. No sense arguing with them about any of it. They know what they know and no one will be able to convince them otherwise, even if you pasted the truth right in front of them. They cannot admit to being wrong about anything.